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Everything posted by slice

  1. Try one of these things, http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/311379442933?_trksid=p11400.c100367.m3766&_trkparms=aid%3D333008%26algo%3DRIC.MBE%26ao%3D1%26asc%3D20150120121033%26meid%3D49dfde37ec4448e48f538813eba351ad%26pid%3D100367%26rk%3D2%26rkt%3D8%26mehot%3Dag%26sd%3D301692305290
  2. slice

    Just noticed?

    Yeah I saw that but can't get into it for some reason it keep saying "retry" (or something) in 10 seconds then bounces me around till I come back to where I was, Ho Hum!
  3. Ok I see you have put the video back up, your choice of course BUT your in a 30mph zone and your doing 50MPH FFS! Don't say you weren't warned. Fine will be UP TO £100+ depending on the place and style of riding. Penalty points between 3 to 6 depending on your driving, which means your fucked. Plus of course as your a noob with a new Motorcycle licence you can be told to go on a speed awareness course, this is not a choice this is mandatory and you pass it or resit your bike test. You may not believe in "the law" but the courts do and they will rip you a new arsehole if you fuck with their system!
  4. There you go, https://youtu.be/cOXJNUmbyj4 Took me about 2 minutes and hundreds of sites regarding this bike, GOOGLE is your friend !
  5. Always nice when you get something right on a bike, usually it's lot's of swearing and a BIG hammer, well done you, feels good when you finally crack a problem that seems to have no solution.
  6. Hi Paul, Welcome to the YOC, my advice "go for it" just remember it's NOT a 125
  7. slice

    Old biker chick

    I'm sure your weight won't be a problem Bipps!!! As above Meat a real treat for you and her, well done mate always nice to show we're not all angry shouty arseholes.
  8. slice

    Just noticed?

    Oh well saved me a job, thanks Drew.
  9. It might be nice to say "hello" in The NEW member section before you ask a "how do I fix/mod my bike" question, just sayin.
  10. Yes I have binned my bikes at one time or another, broke my neck both arms left leg and lost the knee cap on my right leg, that was my first real acquaintance with the Ambulance service, which I then worked for for 30 years. Other than that various minor things, broken fingers and the odd wrist plus a few yards of skin that never really grew back properly but I did road race for a while so no surprise that the odd bit of road furniture wanted to get acquainted with bits of my body, best fun I ever had was racing at Brands Hatch back in the late 60s fell off at 120+ hit a straw bale with my arse and was picking bits of straw out of my arsehole for a few hours, well my mate thought it was funny (git) I never did find out how straw can get inside a full leather suit? Had some spectacular bruises tho
  11. Found this one http://www.motorcyclenews.com/bikes-for-sale/yamaha/xv535-virago/7646528/ Cheaper and 28K on the clock. Seems a little high priced when you can get a 99 for the same money.
  12. Good lad, nothing sneeky about being sensible. I have been riding since I was 14 that's 49 years, I have no points on my licence (yet) and my last bike and my present bike are capable of over 150MPH, I always wear a camera nowadays but very rarely do anything with the video, just watch it myself on occasion, usually when it's pissing down with rain or mid-winter, so make sure YOU watch the video first then think "what do others see?" Then post it up if you still want to, I copied a picture of my speedo at rest then stuck it onto the face of the speedo with blue-tac, that way I'm never over the speed limit ! Not suggesting you do this but ---. PS you'll grow out of the other stuff just wait till you get married THEN you'll know what the LAW is.
  13. slice

    Just noticed?

    Can anyone tell me what happened to the "Garage" and "My Bikes" section that used to be on here? Only noticed it as I wanted to delete the FJ as I've sold it! But if it's no longer available then I will not have to bother.
  14. The Greeks have a PLAN! https://youtu.be/Zvl9N9GdraQ
  15. Ok I watched your vid and have to say looked like you were having fun, the only thing is your about to loose your licence and your life if you ride like that all the time, now I know your going to say fuck off I did nothing wrong so let's list them shall we I counted 8 illegal moves on your bike (@ 3 points each) NOT including breaking the speed limit at least twice, if you really want to put your vids up on youtube then cover the bloody speedo up! We have at least one member on here who is a Police officer IF he decides to send your vid to the local Traffic division then they WILL find you and they WILL do you, it's happened before and until folks learn to cover their track will keep on happening. I'm an OLD FART and as such you will not take a blind bit of notice of the things I have to say BUT remember I wasn't always an old fart. Just sayin!
  16. slice

    Am I just unlucky?

    Sorry to hear that John, if you have bought a dog then take it back, don't matter who made it Yam Honda or Suzi if it's wrong then walk away. Don't blame the maker for a bad bike sometimes it just is. Loads of guys on here have had the Thundercat and never had a major problem with them but there's always going to be one bad apple.
  17. I just loved that Drew, only thing is What's the music mate? Don't bother mate "MOBY"
  18. Oh that makes more sense, thought you were just going for "the look" might be an idea to try it without them and see what happens if no one else has done this before then you can write up how it worked out on here.
  19. Fair point John, as I said we all make mistakes, the rider "could" have dived for the right hand side of the road when he saw what was happening but we all have 20-20 vision when looking back at stuff. Still no one hurt and just damage to pay for that in itself is a good result.
  20. I think it was the "dog bones" that snapped on who ever's bike it was and not the shock itself so you will need to grease the bearings on a regular basis but as above supposed to be a cracking bike.
  21. Hi Jeremy, Welcome to the YOC.
  22. When I was a MUCH younger young man I took the baffles out of my Honda, sounded great but forgot to retune it for no back pressure and burnt the pistons out in about 500 miles, so if you do this don't forget to allow for no back pressure in the exhaust and induction stroke of the bike or you to will be looking for a set of pistons and rings.
  23. Bit late to take it back now mate unless you carry it back in a wheel barrow
  24. Have to ask the question, why are you thinking of taking them off? If it's just for the look you want then ok but why did Yamaha add them to the bike in the first place would be my starting point.
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