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Everything posted by slice

  1. WHAT YOU WANT A "THANK YOU?" Oh never mind !
  2. I'm with Airhead, vacuum tap with no off position, if you have 2 pipes going to the tap from the tank then it's a vac if you have one pipe going to the tap from the tank then it's gravity fed.
  3. They say education is wonderful but it helps if your not as thick as shit !!!
  4. You could try this !!! or this
  5. Hi Paul, well most of your questions I have no answer for but APE HANGERS I do know about, if you want rain to run down to your armpits then fit them by all means but they look cool for about 5 minutes then you think "WTF was I thinking?" make the bike hard to handle and your fingers and wrists lose the circulation after about half an hour. If you live in California then by all means go for it if you live in the UK your going to feel a right twerp on a wet Monday in a queue of traffic. Just sayin!
  6. AW KEV I was looking forward to seeing the frankenbike!!!
  7. Airhead and NSD have good points but I would find out why the choke has no effect on idle speed? it should at least up the revs a bit, might be a blocked slow running jet. I know you had the garage clean the carbs but if they didn't take the jets out then they didn't really clean them. If it runs fine and starts fine when it's warm it has to be a slow/cold running problem in my opinion but either of the above could be a good starting point.
  8. Well I entered and let's see how soon Tommy can win the prize?
  9. Hi George, Welcome to the YOC, BMW AUDI drives are the ones to watch for mate, they paid huge amounts for their cars and the likes of you don't understand that they have the right of way ALWAYS !! Stay safe.
  10. Hi Ray, Welcome to the YOC.
  11. Thanks Captf, I did wonder if this idiot was going to be charged or perhaps praised by the Americans, seems If you ride and have fun it's self appointed arseholes like this that decide if you are due a kicking !!! MR Crum your a DOUCH BAG.
  12. Noise your a man after my own heart.
  13. slice

    One for tommyxs

    Yeah I agree Tommy, a smaller or cut down tank would make it look better, something like a TRITON ally tank would look cool.
  14. slice

    One for tommyxs

    FJ with all the expensive stuff removed, now I think that is a nice looking bike. It could do with all the tabs removing and a rear hugger tho.
  15. As airhead said look here https://youtu.be/54mNJaAleCo Sounds just like what your bikes doing.
  16. Hi Costas, welcome to the YOC. Do you mean this one? Here's the write up http://www.visordown.com/motorcycle-news-new-bikes/yamaha-xsr700-revealed/27967.html
  17. slice

    One for tommyxs

    That's a beautiful thing, real cut down to the bare essentials, still a frigging lump to fight round corners tho.
  18. Lassy, just a thought but had a similar thing on my FJ, changed both coils and never had it again. Think your best bet is to do the same. Is it on all 4 or just a pair of cylinders?
  19. Welcome to the YOC Alistair.
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