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Everything posted by slice

  1. Hi Harry, I have a Viper helmet, flip front and Bluetooth, works really well for me and quite cheap if you think £150 is cheap of course, on my second one now, wife bought me a new one at Christmas, other one is sitting in the cupboard upstairs. If you want my old one your more than welcome, nothing wrong with it no scratches and never been dropped, had it for 2 years but only wore it in the summer (yeah I know !!) In silver and has 2 very small holes drilled into the outer cover NOT the helmet to mount my camera. Oh yeah the size XL or 62cm if that helps, got a big head (urk!) been told that before not funny anymore ok? Otherwise I would suggest that you go try one, I find it really fits well. This one RSV131 I think, my new one is the RSV151.RSV151
  2. Glad you finally joined the club mate, been retired since 2000 and really can't remember what work was, your going to get bored at first at least I did, still get up at 7 O/Clock everyday but now I do what I want and a sunny day with the road calling makes it worth while. See you out there.
  3. Nice one Grouch, now fit the frigging alarm!!!!
  4. Easy job Dutch, should only take a couple of hours and then your a speck in the distance!
  5. Funnily enough Kev, re the 490 this morning I looked up the price on ebay and that does seem to be about what they are fetching nowadays.
  6. Yeah welcome to the YOC, very pretty bikes, if the 490 suddenly get's rusty it's cos Kev is dribbling over it
  7. Str, can I suggest that you start a "new" thread in the workshop section with this problem, you will get more views if it's a new item rather than tacked to the back of an old thread. Just sayin.
  8. Hi Cynic, My favourite uncle, he and his family run a brush company in Green Street right opposite West Ham Football ground. Started by my Great grandfather and grandfather back in the early 1800's. My Mum and Dad are to frail to go so I am nominated. Thanks for asking mate.
  9. Yes I will do, but first have to get through the funeral.
  10. Hi lads. Yes it's The City of London Cemetery , so I will look at your route and give that a go instead, M25 is not a place to go if your sane! I was born in Bow believe it or not and lived in East Ham. I'm like Cynic now live in view of the Cotswold hills and at 63 my idea of night life is staying up to watch the new year in then off to bed.
  11. Thanks Cynic, place IS a shithole and I was born there! Think I will go round tho, I am soooo not wanting to sight see, been there done that, never want to go there again.
  12. Thanks for that, I'm going to Wansted Flats so right the far side of London. Think M25 will be best then, oh well more motorway, joy! Plus I'm probably going to be the only person at the funeral with full bike gear on, way to get noticed!
  13. Hi Folks, just asking if any of you drive/ride through London on a regular basis? I have to go to a funeral in South London later in the week and was debating going straight through the centre or would it be best to go around on the M25? I love filtering but not sure if the centre is a wise idea or not, any advice as to the best way would be welcome. Also can I use Bus lanes in London? Make my life a lot easier if I can but don't want to just chance it. Thanks all. Sorry should have said I'm coming from the M4 Heathrow direction.
  14. That's a result Harry, nice one.
  15. Yeah no prob I will leave them in the garage till you need them, again Yamalube is a stupid price and no better than a good quality oil. As for Diesel oil I'll try it right after you mate
  16. Hi Dutch, glad someone got to use the info, seems the original guy is a OHW, oh well ! Perhaps he will come back you never know. Just as an aside, I have a full set of fibre plates for the FJ, they are the original ones from my bike, all are the full thickness and can be used again, if your interested in them PM me and I will gladly let you have them.
  17. slice

    New bars

    They look nice, a good wide grip and plenty of leverage when you need it, use S/S brake lines if you really want it to stop well.
  18. Welcome to the YOC, Christ C15, I had the C12 at one time, traded it for an AJS250 CSR I think, both leaked oil and sounded like a bag of spanners but started every day.
  19. Small end? It's there alright but difficult to pick out from the rest of the engine noise, try a long handled screwdriver up against the top and bottom of the engine and put your ear to it and see if you can narrow it down a bit, like a stethoscope your doctor uses. Should tell you at least where to start looking anyway. Had another listen might be a bit to deep a noise for a small end, sorry need to see it and listen up close to be sure.
  20. Jimmy, as I have said before if I want my bike to whine I can take the wife !
  21. Christ Dutch that's a lot of money, I did the FJR set for £30 a corner, just replaced the seals, are you talking about removing and replacing the pistons as well mate? Mine polished up a treat with a trick that I got from somewhere, take a cloth, spread on some Autosol and rub till the shit vanishes off of them, easy and cheap to do, plus you can't damage the pistons with Autosol cos it's so fine. Just a thought.
  22. Thanks Drewpy, think this is the future, but I'm old and I like the noise mine makes!
  23. Just to chuck my thoughts in there as well, I'm with Cynic, 1 and 2 are ok but 3 would be my choice as well, just from the list you've created. Also as they are going to charge you $150 (bike 1) just to look it over, walk away from the bent one.
  24. Got a drain pipe leaking if your interested?
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