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Everything posted by slice

  1. As above bought this the other day and tried it out on a journey to Portsmouth, really good piece of kit if you have a Sat Nav on your bike, you can even use it with gloves on through the plastic facia which is a bonus when you f**k it up and get lost (see trip to London) SWMBO thinks I'm raving to buy one but finally decided that I'm fed up with having to ask the bloody directions from the local numpty !! It's only £12 from Amazon Plus P+P so a no brainer really, just thought you might be interested. Made my own mount for it using one of the unused mirror mounts on the FJR.
  2. It's unlikely that any full face helmet will fit then to be honest, if you think about it the helmet that fits your head regardless of make will almost certainly be the same outside diameter. an open face might fit in the space supplied but full face are much bigger than them, if you also think about the kinds of folk who own a Neos they usually only ride to work and back on them and rarely if ever need a full face helmet to commute. Best advice, either change you lid for one that is designed to fit or carry your lid with you. Sorry I can't think of a way round this, someone else might have a better idea tho.
  3. Why not take the indicators off and fit panniers with built in indicators? Then when you have done your trip or whatever put them back on again. Just throwing it out there !
  4. slice

    Jog help needed!

    Get the service center to check the battery before you replace it, unless you have a mate with a multimeter then just check to see what the battery state is with that. At rest it should read between 12.5 and 13 volts if it's ok then run the engine and see if it goes up to about 14.5 volts when under load. If it does then the battery is ok, also check the battery liquid level if it's not a sealed unit that is.
  5. slice

    Latest trick

    What a fantastic little bike, well done you, as above original is the thing as far as I'm concerned as well, some like to chop lumps off of their bikes but old bikes should be treated different. Look forward to the next instalment.
  6. slice

    Jog help needed!

    First your NOT an idiot for not knowing the answer, we all learn and with help from friends you can get to understand your bike, your fault sounds like a loose connection but as your unskilled in these things I would advise you go back to your mechanic and ask him/her to look at it, then ask if you can watch what he/she does, that way you get it fixed and learn how to repair it yourself if it happens again. Plus if it's puffing smoke then get that looked at as well, better to cure a small problem than wait for it to become a large one. Good luck.
  7. Ah that explains why I want to rip the heads off of BMW and Audi drivers that think I'm a target?
  8. slice

    new bike

    What a pretty bike Lassy, well done mate.
  9. Hi Freddie, welcome to the YOC, well done you passing the CBT, ride safe, watch out for BMWs and Audis don't matter where or when they have to pass you!
  10. Cynic Thank you mate, I should of bloody listened, Dutch I really have nothing to say to that other than I must have passed a gallon !!! Just cleaned the bike this morning, oh well it needed a polish anyway. I did meet some really nice people on the road, 2 guys at the first stop who both filtered with me and a guy at the services who had just rode up from Southampton, bikers are a friendly bunch aren't they.
  11. Well that was an unmitigated disaster ! Took off from home at 10-30 and found my way to the M4 after about 20 miles it's stopped WTF? filtered to the front like you do and some lorry had shredded his tyres all over the road, so I'm stuck for half an hour while they clear the debris, down to the M25 hang a left and guess what, stuck again, I have no idea why just stopped traffic as far as the eye can see, I do mean as far as you can see, filtered again but only doing about 10MPH for the next 20 odd miles, these people are crazy! how the hell can people sit in this shit all day every day? Eventually reach my turn onto the M11 great almost there, another 40 minutes to the turn off but no missed it f**k !!! Go on to the next turn off and find my way back onto the M 11 and try again, turn off and what's at the bottom of the bloody hill? Police ambulance fire and about 2 million gawkers, bollocks!! now it's 2-15 and the funeral is at 2O/C so not going to make it am I, eventually get through the traffic that's found how to park upside down and spread countless gallons of diesel on the road and then "sorry sir, you can't turn off here till trumpton have washed the road off" ARRGGH ! By now I have been on the bike for nearly 4 hours and I am DYING for a piss I mean hopping from one side of the seat to the other type piss, I am consumed with the need to find a bog, do you know how many service stations are on the M11? 1 frigging station which is half way back the way I came, so I'm now in a dilemma do I take the next turn off and try to just arrive so I can wave the flag at the funeral or do I head for the services at a considerable rate of speed, right services it is then, eventually reach them and find the place is packed with day trippers or some such, probably refugees from the M25 camp site/car park, do the business and I can tell you that was the only moment of ecstasy in the whole trip so far. Decide to run for home now as it's well past any hope of meeting anyone at the cemetery, back up the M25 which is moving freely, I'm doing 80+ and so is EVERYONE ELSE! This is insane, I kid you not there are lorries and vans and all sorts of vehicles nose to tail and they are all determined to be in this mad dash for the horizon, I'm almost wiped out by a white van man from my left as he changes lanes as I pull alongside him, didn't need a shit but do now! I'm so mad I pull up to his door and give him the finger and he waves and SMILES and shouts SORRY MATE out the window and gives me a wave FFS!!! So down the M25 to the M4 and eventually make it to the turn for Swindon whereupon it decides to rain, not your ordinary rain but big fat lumps of rain and sleet mixed together, I am not a happy bunny at this time. Eventually made it home at 6-30, I'm cold wet and the bike looks like it's been through the last stage of the Dakar rally. So not my best day on the bike but 400+ miles on the clock and to be honest other than missing the funeral and the strange way I walked to the toilets looking back on it I had a great ride out.
  12. If that's a hint then HAPPY BIRTHDAY MEAT !!! Never stop singing mate anything that brings back memories is welcome. She will be around later
  13. Don't know this particular bike but in my experience you can fit anything you like after you have chopped it enough to fit. As long as it doesn't foul anywhere or leave the bike any way compromised you can adapt it to fit using the existing mounts and make a plate to take up any slack. Best thing is to get an old one from somewhere and offer it up and see if it will go in the hole you have, if not chop the fuck out of it till it goes in and see if your happy with the results, if you are then make what ever mods you need to mount it and Bobs you aunties brother. Hopefully Kevtherev will be along soon as he can fit the oddest things together, some of his adaptions leave you just breathless with admiration or fear
  14. Well if it was me I'd start at the battery and work my way back to the ignition, checking connectors as I went, BUT you seem to have already found the fault when you wiggled the wires so stick to the wires close to the battery and check all of them for failed connectors or fraying, bet it's something simple like that. It says, above, you have carbs on your bike so throttle problems are not anything due to electrics as carbs are mechanical unlike injectors, the only thing that could affect the throttle response is the ECU so that would be a good idea to check out as well, on my FJ when I first got it the connector block to the ECU was really corroded, all the connectors looked like they had been left out in the rain for 6 months, all sorts of crud gets thrown up when it's wet so get some switch cleaner and give it a real good clean out with an old tooth brush and make sure you get deep inside. The other thing I did notice was that the wires from the ECU usually have a real tight turn to them just after they exit the block and go out into the loom, you might have a frayed area there that might need a look at. Hope at least some of that helps?
  15. Just a quick question, are they the original size wheels and tyres? If someone has updated/uprated the wheels/tyres to larger ones that would give you a false MPH and MPG.
  16. Sorry to hear that, but did you buy it from a dealer? they always make a profit on the bikes they sell and it's usually well over the odds from a private sale. I would suggest that you try to trade the bike in as that way you will get the best price. I always compare the price of a bike when I'm going to buy, the difference between a trade deal and a private deal can be enormous, if your bike goes wrong then a trade deal is best as you have a guarantee but the money you save on a private deal usually outweighs the cost of fixing a rough bike. Still when you think about it your XJ6 is still a nice bike it's not like you have been left with a rubbish machine is it!
  17. Yeah I enjoyed that as well, liked the 6 cylinder Honda, what a lump that was.
  18. Beautiful bike mate, well done you. It's 8 degrees here at the moment and pissing down with rain and snow plus the odd burst of hail stones just to make it interesting. Ride safe.
  19. Well done you, just goes to show that other people see a nice bike when you see the things that need doing.
  20. That brought back memories, when I was living in Toronto a friend loaned me their sled, damned thing launched itself at the horizon like a mad stallion and tried to fly at every bump in the snow. Have to admit I don't miss 10 foot of snow in the morning but do miss the skiing and stuff.
  21. Sometime we have to admit that we can't do it all, if your worried that it's going to cost more than you expected then get one you can work on and pass this one off to someone else, better to be safe than sorry mate, these things can eat through money like you won't believe.
  22. If you genuinely can't fix it then sell it sand buy a runner, don't throw money at it, there's plenty of bikes out there that need a new owner and loads of guys who would love the challenge of your old bike.
  23. Thanks for the story Cynic, made me smile. My wife and sons think I'm insane at 63 to be riding a bike, their loss!
  24. Hi Justin, welcome in. just loved my XJ sad it's gone but they are real nice bikes to ride. If you want to see one in pieces check out my XJ photos. https://yamahaclub.com/forums/garage/vehicle/533-yamaha-xj750uk/
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