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Everything posted by slice

  1. Nice one Robbo, great when folks help out.
  2. You can resleeve 4 strokes, done that, but not sure about smokers tho!
  3. Yep that's the way, multimeter across the pos/neg then run the bike at about 2K and it should read 14.5 volts, if it's more then the thing is buggered. Far as I know it's not possible to repair them. Heat is the enemy of these things, check to see if you get a reasonable airflow when riding, if not then reposition it so it get's lots of cool air.
  4. Have to agree with Cynic that looks cracked and too far out to be any use.
  5. Buy the one Finnerz said, that way it's right in the middle and easy to see. Anything bolted to plastic will be wobbly, look at the "fork stem base".
  6. slice

    R6 exhaust help

    Just as an aside YouTube can help with ideas as to what the best way to repack pipes, this is a good example but plenty of others out there.
  7. I use these to get that extra safety factor, just thread the end through your waterproof cover zip end and even if it comes unstuck it will hang onto these things like shit to a blanket !!! http://www.lightinthebox.com/5-pcs-black-gopro-camera-tether-accessory-kit_p1175824.html?currency=GBP&litb_from=paid_adwords_shopping&utm_source=google_shopping&utm_medium=cpc&adword_mt=&adword_ct=84187195634&adword_kw=&adword_pos=1o3&adword_pl=&adword_net=g&adword_tar=&adw_src_id=1810908567_301579154_21687113474_pla-78632235196&gclid=CICTn4e7-s0CFecK0wod2j8B5A
  8. Hi Billy welcome to the YOC.
  9. slice

    R6 exhaust help

    Why not just rewrap the baffles? Most bike exhausts (custom) are able to be dismantled and rebuilt. Drill out the rivets, remove the old packing rewrap then rebuild, it's simple. or fit bigger removable baffles at the end! Talk to MICRON USA they will help out with a rebuild kit.
  10. Hi Robin welcome to the YOC, yep as Meat say's your NOT old enough yet !!! Now if we're talking "Screaming Lord Sutch"
  11. This is just a guess mind but I mostly believe that if it's below 100 psi then it's in need of work 150 to 175 psi is usually about what you should expect from most 4 stroke engines. It will run with less than 100psi but will run poorly.
  12. I saw this a while back and thought "that looks good", so I made my own, took an hour with a hack saw and grinder but you could just buy one of these if you would rather save the time, just bolts onto the wing mirror mount on the bars, easy and really works, mine holds the SAT NAV. Also means you don't have to try and squeeze it between the grips and the mounts. http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/301739810480?_trksid=p2060353.m1438.l2649&ssPageName=STRK%3AMEBIDX%3AIT
  13. Take the heads off then fill them (turn the head upside down with valves facing up) with petrol and if it leaks through you have your problem sorted, if they leak then you can lap the valves in and remove some of the coke build up to get a better seat. YouTube is full of vids that tell you how to regrind your valves and it should only take a few hours. From what I've heard yours is not an interference engine ie the valves and piston never fill the same space so you should not have a bent valve stem to worry about.
  14. If you go down your local high street in second gear with the throttle pinned to the stop they will be "having words". BUT if your sensible and just use the bike carefully ie third or fourth gear and low revs it should be no problem. My FJ has straight through pipes and it's loud but I just bimble through the town in a higher gear than usual. If all else fails buy a silencer kit for your pipes, the folks who make them usually make an inner baffle that you can use to bring the noise down to a bearable level. Something like this perhaps?
  15. Yep as above, £40 to £50 an hour plus tax and the parts plus anything else they can hang off of the bill. D.I.Y are the watch words for smoker owners.
  16. There you go already off to a running start mate, stick with it.
  17. +2 Cynic, no probs with a 125 great little machines, welcome to the YOC.
  18. I don't know but others on here might, what you could do is nip down to your local Yam shop and ask around in the workshop if they can help out, what's the worst they can say after all? If not your local one then try further out till someone is willing to talk to you. Have what info you can find from the net with you, that way you can explain what your talking about rather than looking demented waving your arms about trying to describe what your on about, these guys are practical and like to see the info in front of them and it gives them something to point at !!!
  19. Hi Steve, welcome to the YOC.
  20. Well first don't borrow trouble, it might not be anything major, you could keep a lookout for a 2nd user motor on evilbay or some such. But if it is what you think it might be then only buy what you need not what you would like, sounds trite I know but sometimes folks think they have to buy new or a complete set of something when really all they need is a single part, if your bike was for racing for instance you might need matched pistons but as it's not, a single piston from any source will do for now till your a bit more flush, say 30 years from now when your kids have left home. my youngest is still here and he's 23 FFS! Build it on the cheap, get parts when you see them hunt round local boot sales if you have to. Where are you in the world? someone might be nearby and willing to help out with some advice or even wield some spanners. Best of luck mate.
  21. OK mind bleach time I think !!!!! That's a picture I want scrubbed from my brain.
  22. Yeah and all bikers are bastards !!!!!
  23. Sorry to hear about your problems Ove, but there's only one way to find out what's happening and that's to take it apart, pain in the arse I know but sometimes it's just best to bite the bullet. Do your compression test first to see if that's what's wrong and if it is then out with the spanners mate. As for the rust behind the flywheel? it has to have come from somewhere so your going to have to have a look inside to see where it's come from. Good luck and hope it turn out to be something small !
  24. Just as an aside, there are dozens of "how to" videos on youtube on how to check a voltage regulator. Any generic V/R will do.
  25. Nice little bike Ian, welcome to the YOC.
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