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Everything posted by slice

  1. Ah the "her indoors" syndrome mate, yep no matter how much you want to "tinker" she will have other ideas about the useful use of your time! To be honest if you don't have a bike then building one from scrap parts is fun and you get to know your bike but just for the sake of it, buy a runner and spend your cash on petrol instead.
  2. Dutch, just bought myself a throttle lock one of these just brilliant mate, £17.99 (FJ club) and worth every penny, came back home down the m/way and no wrist pain. Perfic!!
  3. Glad you got it sorted mate, but never bend any of your levers back to shape, they are as you say usually heavy metal but you will weaken it and a broken gear shifter is a pain in the arse 30 miles from home!! Just sayin.
  4. Take the exhaust off and replace any "gasket" that might have been there, then find out why there is oil coming out of the thing, usually cos the rings or barrel are worn BUT it might also be that you have a bunged up exhaust, carbon build up in the rear of the exhaust can restrict the air/gas flow you need to clean it out, folks on here will know what to use to get it out, can't remember what it was we used to use, seem to remember it was washing soda back in the day but not sure now tho. Someone help out here please!!! This works but a bit extreme.
  5. Hi and welcome to the YOC.
  6. Sorry mate but it is what it is! If it's a little hill (more a rise than a hill) then you might have a problem, but if your talking real proper type hill then the only way to go up faster is to tow it or buy a bigger bike. Sounds like I'm being sarky but honestly some things just reach their limit and then it's stick up with what you have or move on to something else.
  7. Well done Derek, always best to sort this sort of thing out yourself, as above youtube is ok but not the be all and end all.
  8. slice

    Cheers Drewpy!

    Oh f**k you've done it now, there will be no living with him !!!!
  9. slice


    Yeah been there done that !! What a waste of time it is, on my way to a funeral (previous post) spent about 2 hours weaving my way past doughnuts who thought it was a good idea to sit on their arse waiting for the tiniest gap so they could race forward 3 feet!
  10. Talk to your local police traffic officers, they will help if they can, all you need is for someone in authority to verify that the bike exists and it has the correct ID numbers.
  11. Very sweet ride mate, lot's and lot's of hard work there, well done you
  12. slice

    TDM 850 /900

    Room for more mate? or just you and Tommy?
  13. You can as far as I know use coloured lights that "reflect" from below your vehicle, as long as they are not visible from the side ie tucked up inside the frame or faring.
  14. slice

    TDM 850 /900

    Nice bike Drewpy, big seat and good engine, don't know what your using for panniers and such tho. Big tall bike as I remember it so anything you bolt on to it will make it top heavy. Where are you and tommy hoping to go in Spain?
  15. Just got back from Portsmouth, about 300 miles round trip, and it's insane the amount of traffic, but it's wonderful to drift past all the Ferraris and such stuck in the queues, am I smug? you bet I am
  16. Hi and welcome to the YOC, one of my first bikes was a Hagen framed pre-unit triumph bonny, nasty beast that tried to kill me at every opportunity, well I was only 16 or so at the time, look forward to the pictures of the Triton tho, featherbed frame and a good Triumph engine was the mark of the true biker back in the day.
  17. That lot looks ok mate. but also remember to buy waterproofing spray for your gear, when you wash your kit it removes the factory waterproofing so you have to re-do it, something like this. All sorts out there but very much the same stuff so don't be fooled by higher price is better product!
  18. slice

    ybr 125

    Owen, talk to Lee at Bikesure, he's a member on here, see above, PM him and he will help out. Very helpful folks.
  19. Should just be a standard fairing bolt I think, on the FJR they are chrome or S/S allen key type, if it don't line up then there is something wrong, you need to remove it and find what's happening. These are the ones I have on mine.
  20. Yeah, Jimmy and I both know what a bunch of fools other drivers can be when you turn on the blue lights and the siren their brains turn to mush.
  21. Hi again Owen, a warn welcome to the YOC mate
  22. slice

    Making Lists

    Seems a bit high money wise, you could pick up an FJ1200 for less (hint). Sold mine for £850 I think. http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Yamaha-fj1200-fj-1200-tourer-motorcycle-/322209417491?hash=item4b052d8913:g:2pMAAOSwbsBXoy9U
  23. slice

    Making Lists

    XJ900 is a nice bike, very similar to my XJ760 tho mine was the pre-divvy. Cheap to run and similar to the FJ has loads of parts out there that are cheap and easy to find and fit, in most respects it's just a smaller version of the 1200. I like big bikes cos they can get you out of interesting situations with just a twist of the throttle the 900 is getting on towards big bike territory. Would I have one over the 1200? NO, not after riding one, plus I like fuel injection now, carb adjustment on these things can be a PITA.
  24. slice

    Making Lists

    Not really it's about the same weight and similar tho different engine. If I'm being careful and not being a hoon then 50+ MPG, if I cane it then I can with effort get it down to 30+.
  25. slice

    Making Lists

    Have to agree with Tasky about the FJ, brilliant bike will run forever if you keep it serviced, but my FJR is (I think) better, has all the FJ grunt and power but fuel injection and more modern electronics make it a smoother ride. Your right Ian it's 70MPH speed limit but really, do you only travel at 70? If the opportunity arises I have been known to go a little faster!
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