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Everything posted by slice

  1. On some of the bikes I've had there has been a stud with a top hat sort of thing (bush and large washer) that went over it, if you look close it does look like the thread goes under the bush? But more than willing to say I'm wrong!
  2. No his fault Dutch but that doesn't help really, my Dad killed a woman in another car over 40 years ago when she pulled out in front of him, still haunts him to this day.
  3. Yeah thinking about it Cynic is probably right the gas is AWOL so it must have a leak, probably does mean that the shock is toast.
  4. Sorry folks thought it was ok I will remove it!!!
  5. It's very rare to find an exact copy of the bike electric connectors, in fact as "rare as rocking horse shit" is the phrase I would use, I would use the stuff in the kit you bought after all they went to the trouble of supplying them so they must work!
  6. Ah Cynic mate we all want to go back and slap some sense into the little shithouse we were.
  7. slice

    Cleaning my mt125

    Think about it! It's a motorbike it's supposed to get wet ! So just wash it with car shampoo and clean water, then DRY IT don't let it sit with puddles of water all over it. That's about it really. Just as an aside why are you worried about washing it?
  8. The gas is for the rebound I think and if it's leaked then It will bounce around all over the place, can't see why you should not be able to fit another reservoir and re-gas it, unless of course Triumph are the only people in the world who make these shocks and therefore can charge what they like for them! If it was me I'd do what your saying and buy something that fit's and go from there.
  9. Hi Tobi, ok why do you "think" it's 10nm? It's in the manual at the front of the engine section under torque settings, every nut and bolt has a setting and you have to ,on some nut's and bolts, make sure you do it right, what seems to be the problem? Do you have the manual?
  10. No you shouldn't ride with a broken jaw, the reason, every time you pull your helmet strap up it presses on the jaw this in turn put's pressure on the fracture if you continue to do this the fracture will either not heal or worse still it will become infected, believe me you DO NOT want that to happen. If you allow 4 to 6 weeks for the fracture to heal (and it will take that long) then you should be ok to ride but even then you must not tighten the strap fully as it will only heal fully in about 3 months, the area around the fracture will increase in size due to any irritation due to movement, it's how the body protects itself. Don't believe me? I worked for the Ambulance service for 30+ years and I've seen every sort of injury there is. Talk to your GP or surgeon before you do anything.
  11. Sorry to hear that Clarke, tho to be honest any cloth material jacket will leak, it's just the nature of the things, leather is about the only thing that keeps the water out. Even leather jackets leak in very heavy rain through the zips and air holes, if you ride in the rain your gunna get wet. I bought a cheap over suit thing some years ago, big zip from ankle to arm pit and it made you look like a Michelin man but it was the only thing I have ever found in 40 plus years of riding that even came close to keeping me dry. Just as an aside that is an awful lot of money for a suit that leaks and if it was me I would be looking at a replacement rather than a fix, just sayin. I have been known on long trips to put a large black dust bin bag with holes for my head and arms under my jacket, it keeps your core dry and warm but you look a tit when you get off your bike and tear your kit off!!!
  12. slice

    Finally Happened

    Just saw the pictures Grouch, you have to get that looked at mate, as NSD said it need treating before it becomes infected, DON'T just leave it and play the hard man get it treated and then if they do catch the fucker you have the proof to make the bastard pay! Another good idea to put it out there on social media someone might just have seen it happen or even seen you on the floor (and driven by WANKER) but their conscience might prick them in to coming forward. Make your social media as graphic as you can, lot's of blood and close ups might get it circulated a bit more, you know how gory some folks are.
  13. Well the top vid looks like the shock spacer is too small and the 2nd vid looks like you have a spacer already on the mounting bolt, I think the problem is that you haven't taken the old shock spacer off, might be completely wrong but it's my best guess anyway from what I can see!
  14. slice

    Finally Happened

    Hell's teeth Grouch if you didn't have bad luck you'd have no luck at all mate. Do you even know what sort of car it was? have you called the police and reported it? Did you get the name of the guy who helped you out? If you haven't called the police they can't help you, someone might be a good guy and report the accident to the police but you'll never know if you don't call them, DO IT TODAY ! Just explain what happened and you never know they might be able to help, it's what they are there for after all. Get well soon mate but take this as a lesson on what to wear even when it's hot and uncomfortable.
  15. Yep BMW and AUDI drivers are ripe for a kicking in my opinion they think their the dog's bollocks till an old bike turns up and leaves them for dead. Don't try it on Ferrari or Lambos tho they will leave you in their dust (been there, done that!)
  16. It does sound like a fuel blockage or something to do with fuel, that sudden surge might suggest that the fuel filter is blocked or the tank filter is bunged up, might be worth cleaning all the pipes and filters out just to be sure. Just remembered something that happened on the XJ, it would run fine till it got hot then spit and fart till it stopped then when it cooled down it was fine, it was the rubber fuel pipe collapsing with the pressure from the heat and draw from the carb. Just a thought?
  17. Well done on your CBT, now you have to learn to really ride your bike, always a surprise round the corner when you ride a bike.
  18. Was a laugh to wander up the Fosse way with Jason (cynic) even tho I can't go round corners as fast as he can, good to meet some of you from the forum. Got home wet and cold but m/way was heaving with traffic so just happy to survive to be honest. I will come to this again, just watching all the bikes made me smile. Thanks lads for making me welcome.
  19. OK made me laugh out loud !!!
  20. First thing "check your fuse" right after you look in the manual for where it should be in the loom or fuse box.
  21. Hi, there was another guy on here a while ago who asked the same or similar question, the upshot seemed to be that all custom pipes make the drag pop and fart even with the carbs being tuned! It might be that your bike has just had the new pipes fitted and the carbs have not been touched therefore if you bung a standard set back on it should be fine, only way to tell is to try it and see. If your going to be a regular visitor to the site it helps if you bung up an intro in the new members section as folks are wary of one hit wonders who get their answer then bugger off without so much as a "Thank you". Not saying that's you just it's nice if folks join in and make a contribution and add to the sites worth. Just sayin.
  22. Well your going to have to look at your Haynes to get that answer but if one has blown then it's a fair bet the others will need looking at as well, your best bet, buy a shit load and fit them all new. They should only cost about £4 each I would think.
  23. Not sure about the size of this spring (I'm used to imperial numbers!) but if it's what I think it is then yes your going to have to replace the seal, most seals have an internal spring that helps them keep their shape and strengthen the seal they make, so it looks like your seal has shed it's spring retainer and dumped it into the oil at the bottom of the engine, you have no choice other than to replace it I'm afraid and if that means a strip down then your going to have to do it. This is what I'm talking about or this
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