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Everything posted by slice

  1. I had a buzzer on my Honda some years ago this was the diagram it came with, well similar anyway, should give you an idea on how it wires in. looked similar to this one
  2. Yeah if you leave them like that your going to have problems with water and dip shits that fiddle with the wiring, as Nayruf said it's just a case of finding what will fit behind the light and still keep the water out. Someone said about an old inner tube over the wires and a zip tie at each end would do the trick in another answer on here.
  3. Ok I notice on here on occasion that we get folks that want to fit a bigger tyre to their bike, why you ask? and truth be told so do I but I found this to be interesting and informative. Wondered if someone could edit it and pin it to the forum so anyone can look it up and stop asking the same question over and over! See if this is any good and comment if you like. Thanks all.
  4. That's the way mate, find a good bike shop and ride them all. One thing I did was make sure I bought a stock bike rather than something someone had bolted all sorts of shit to, figured I wanted the stuff on it that I wanted not someone else's after thoughts.
  5. Hi Grevin, welcome to the YOC.
  6. NO Sniff you should laugh, we all have those day's but not usually on camera!!!
  7. It's kinda beautiful in some respects but to be honest I think it's a "because we can" bike. Power ranger wet dream, only owned and ridden by dentists who can afford it. Shame really as it would be nice if someone made a bike that had a long haul tank comfortable seat and didn't charge you £9 per bolt!
  8. It sounds like fuel or spark problems, if you have already checked the carb then my next thing would be to check the HT lead and plug cap, it's usually the small things that go first and a new cap will only cost a couple of quid. Also make sure the HT lead is not trapped or rubbed through anywhere that it can spark across on the frame or something, does sound like a misfire to me tho.
  9. Probably just a worn clutch basket, the tabs wear on them all and you should only notice it at low revs, not really a fix for it just learn to live with it or change the clutch basket but that's only if it get's really annoying, bike should run fine to be honest and I have had loads of bikes that rattled to some degree on another. Just put it down to manufacturers spending the bare minimum on any bike and charging as much as they can get away with.
  10. Thank you John, nice to meet you to mate . Yeah a video would be great cos then we can all see what your problem is, we might even have an answer for you, just so you know we are not professional bike mechanics just a bunch of folks who like to help out if we can.
  11. Yeah me to! Just as an aside you do know that (Ticking noise on xj600 when engine hot ) means nothing don't you? All engines tick in one way or another and unless your really good at explaining it a video is much better than any description can ever be. So next time you decide to say something in as few words as possible you might try to at least actually describe what your writing about. Now your thinking that I am a total wanker cos you think we are taking the piss, yes? Well were not, taking the piss that is, we might indeed be wankers, take a look at your post, pretend that it was written by somebody else to you and then decide if it really is the best you could have done. just sayin! Oh and your intro to the site, is a one word intro really the best you could have done? No "Hello" or "my name is and I have this problem with my bike". Think about it if you met someone for the first time and they said "Yamaha" to your face then waited for you to figure out that was an introduction then your going to die of starvation before they offer you a reply don't you think? Again just an observation.
  12. All depends if you want to go big really, a great big lump of a bike might be comfortable but they do take the fun out of corners, trip to Squires showed me that a little 2T (!) bike can show my giant up anytime on the twisty stuff. Jason (CYNIC) whipped round them and I rumbled/wallowed along behind? PS mind you we were doing 80+ at the time !!!
  13. Tommy gotta ask SWMBO about it, I'll get back to you all ASAP.
  14. Easily done, well spotted. It's always the simple things that catch you out. Ride safe.
  15. Neighbour of mine back in the day had one of those Scott Squirrels, leather belt drive train and never ever failed to start. amazing machine. Love the photos NSD.
  16. Agree that it does sound electrical, what does it say in the manual about the flashing ignition light? In your owners manual it say's "Engine trouble warning light" https://www.manualslib.com/manual/597176/Yamaha-Cygnus-X-Xc125.html?page=19#manual see here for further info. So looking at this it does seem to be an electrical/ignition fault you might need to check that all your wiring connectors are clean and dry before you do anything else, get yourself some electrical cleaning spray and have at it.
  17. Ok mate as soon as we get to those Spanish mountains !!!
  18. There you go, now your thinking like a biker, sold one what do I buy now?
  19. Ok you obviously think not, so what is it then?
  20. This is insane, but I really want a go!
  21. Yep to much air in the fuel is what it sounds like.
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