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Everything posted by slice

  1. Sorry but here's what you do, look in the manual, kneel down by the bike and fix it yourself. We all like the idea of someone else getting their hands dirty and doing things for us but really it is much more satisfying to have fixed something yourself. After all it's a nut and bolt how difficult can it be?
  2. To clean the crap out, wheel off the ground, then back on the ground to pump it and seal it.
  3. Good luck Andy, just have loads of rag handy, also watch out for over stressing the plastic, it will tear, fold it round the fork tube as you go round to help prevent this, I warmed mine in a cup of warm water (not hot) just before I used it.
  4. slice

    new member

    And as usual not a "thanks for the help" either..!
  5. Well to be honest have no idea on thickness but I did make one out of a plastic milk carton, sort of worked but the real thing is quite impressive. What's the worst that could happen? Your out £6 for a bit of plastic and it works your fine it don't work your no worse off..!
  6. On the FJ Tommy all you did was lean the bike over onto the side stand and take the cover off, there was no need to drain the oil, get a low range torque wrench tho mate those clutch plate bolts snap like carrots if your over enthusiastic. If I remember they were something like 7 foot pounds. Check the clutch bolts for cracks before you put them back in as well they are right bastards to get out if they snap off inside the thread, loose tho.
  7. Andy, Try this first it's something called "seal mate" long bit of plastic that goes down inside the fork seal and cleans the crap out without having to replace the seals. it's usually dirt in the seal face that causes this and means you can stop small leaks easy. You need the bike on the centre stand and the front wheel off the ground, if you leave any weight on the front wheel the oil will spurt out, try it mate it really is a godsend when it comes to saving hours of time and loads of money..! Remember to take the seal cover off first tho. Andy I have one in my tool kit if you have any probs buying one your more than welcome to borrow it, just let me know.
  8. It's an easy job mate should not take more than an hour. Don't forget to soak the plates overnight tho, they will thank you for it, I went for EBC and they were great had a good bite and not soft after a hammering in the traffic.
  9. Get a car jack and a block of wood to go under the sump of the bike, have your rear axle/paddock stand in place and gently wind it up till the front tyre clears the floor. That should do enough to get at the front forks and see if you have a problem. Might be best as well to get a mate to hang onto the bike while you rock it about just in case.
  10. Yep as above, they broke it they can fix it..! Call and say you want them to collect it and don't take no for an answer.
  11. Hi and welcome to the YOC, hope your not driving in Paris mate that's a hell of a place to learn how to ride they are all insane..! Don't get me started on the Arc de Triomphe, that's a "where the fuck did you came from"? and do I have any spare underwear.
  12. Ok you have the manual, that's great. Get the front off the ground as NSD said and poke around to see if there's anything obvious. this is how you check them This is how you grease them Just a generic bike video, nearly all are the same or very similar.
  13. Much as I agree with the above comments I was more concerned with our folks that live nearby. As long as they are ok then fine, Glad that your all ok and none of yours were injured, if we can help just say. Ride safe.
  14. Do you have the manual? If not then buy that before you do anything to the steering, it might be ok and if you don't know whether it should be like this or not then leave it alone till you do know.
  15. I know this is not something we normally do on here (Politics) and I'm NOT having a shout about what happened but quite a lot of our folks on here come from Manchester and the surrounding area, are you all ok? and is there anything we can do to help? Stay safe out there.
  16. This is where Google is your friend, hunt round for what you need, it's almost certainly out there. But as Finnerz said you really need the manual to be certain.
  17. No prob mate just curious as to why you should need one. Ok it might help then if you get in touch with Yamaha UK, they are on the net, they should be able to give you a year of manufacture if you supply an engine and frame number for them to work off of. Not sure if there is a charge or not but a few quid won't hurt to much, they are a bit slow sometimes and it can take multiple calls to get through to someone but persevere and you should be ok. Best of luck.
  18. Go to the DVLA, pay £25 and that should get you a V5 using the frame and engine number. As to a dating certificate who said you need one? and why. Same answer as your other post, just cos you plaster it all over the forum don't mean that you will get the answer you want..!
  19. It might just be a small electrical fault but check to see if anything has been added to the bike, for instance does it have an alarm have they fitted extra lights. Some folks bung all sorts of extras on their bike and some of these things affect the electrics by being "ON" all the time when most extras should be added through the ignition so they don't drain the battery when it's turned off. Just a thought.
  20. Donation made, good luck with your ride, hope you make your intended total.
  21. Hi Chris, welcome to the YOC.
  22. Go to the DVLA, pay £25 and that should get you a V5 using the frame and engine number. As to a dating certificate who said you need one? and why.
  23. You need a new ignition coil and cable, they are moulded together in one unit. Χρειάζεστε ένα νέο πηνίο ανάφλεξης και ένα καλώδιο, χυτεύονται μαζί σε μία μονάδα. Chreiázeste éna néo pinío anáflexis kai éna kalódio, chytévontai mazí se mía monáda. Sorry best that Google translate will do.
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