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Everything posted by slice

  1. slice

    Got a rattle..!

    Thanks lads. hadn't thought of the clutch to be honest, I will check that out. Don't think anything is loose but will get the spanners out and see if anything falls off, just can't understand why it comes on at 4.5K and not at the lower revs, tick over is quiet and revs are spot on. I think I'm going to bung it into the FJ club and get them to give it the once over if it's not a loose bolt or nut. Love the "RATTLE" Meat your skills seem to have no end mate..! Just had a thought tho it might be the clutch shaft bearing on the fritz, it's the sort of heavy clatter that you get with a worn bearing. I will let you know how it goes.
  2. slice

    Got a rattle..!

    Ok folks just a quick question, just been out on the bike running well no major problems when suddenly I get this rattle, not there all the time and coming from the right side of the engine down low, only comes on at 4.5K revs and above and as soon as you throttle off it goes away. Oh it's in all gears not just top so I'm thinking it's a component and not an end type knock or clatter. I'm thinking cam chain tensioner has let go or on the way out but any other ideas ? Thanks lads.
  3. Just a thought mate, does anything else fit? Yams used to be known for their "bin bikes" ie what have we got left in the bins, ok, let's build a bike..! is anything compatible with your bike, I mean they had the XS series of bikes from the XS 650 / 750 / 500 / 400 and the 1100 series, is there nothing on those that will do for yours? You might even get lucky if you used just the part number as your guide. Gotta be worth a try! Just putting it out there.
  4. No prob Oliver welcome to the YOC mate,
  5. Hi Oliver, you will get more answers if you say "hello" in the new members section before you ask a " how do I fix my bike" question. Just pop over there and say Hi so folks know your probably not a one hit wonder, not saying you are just we get loads of folk that rock up ask for help then vanish without so much as a "thank you". Just sayin..!
  6. Me to, can you do one for me on the importance of "SAYING HELLO" to strangers before you try and sell a service to them? I bid £2 for a B+..!
  7. HI Gollum, welcome to the YOC. Can't help with the parts but wish you luck in your hunt mate.
  8. Hi and welcome to the YOC, best intro for a good while. Put your feet up and stick around for a while..!
  9. slice

    MCN reference

    As many as they like can turn up but they better say "hello"..!
  10. Hello anyone there? Nice if you say thanks..! Or anything really. Ok next time MAYBE?
  11. slice

    Suzuki GS550

    Yep there's only experience that can tell you when to walk away.
  12. Ok there's your problem. It was stored for 2 years, if you don't use the clutch for long periods then it will stick, one way of getting it to free up is to rev it up and drop it in gear with the brakes on, that can break the "stiction" that has occurred or you can take the side panel off the engine and remove the clutch and take the clutch plates out oil them and re-build it. That's the best option as revving it's nuts off and banging it in gear can damage the box if it's really stuck. All bikes need to be used on a regular basis or this sort of thing can happen, also rubbers and gaskets can get crusty if not used. as the bike only has a few thousand miles on it you will not have to replace anything just re-build it. Do you have the manual? cos without that your in for a long frustrating couple of days doing the wrong stuff, most bikes can have the clutch side panel off without draining the oil if it's on the side stand but you need the manual to tell you what not to take off. Where are you in the world? as someone may be nearby and willing to help..! That's why you should fill in your profile. Also please say Hello in the new members section it helps with folks knowing your not just here for advice then bugger off till you need advice again. Next time they might just ignore you..!
  13. Well done mate, nice one.
  14. This might be of some help. But as the guy says not easy. But on reading further it might not be worth the effort as it involves changing the ECU and exhaust plus other sundry expensive parts just to comply with French motor vehicle law and codes. As they say if it ain't bought in France then we don't want it here and we're going to make it as hard as possible for you to do it..! Good luck. http://www.google.co.uk/url?sa=t&rct=j&q=&esrc=s&source=web&cd=2&cad=rja&uact=8&ved=0ahUKEwikicTFpZXUAhXGBcAKHe0LBnwQFggpMAE&url=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.lifford-cooke.com%2Fmotorbiking%2Fdocuments%2FFrench%20Motorbike%20registration%20rules.pdf&usg=AFQjCNHyoOhhq6PQnyuESZMy2BE8UIYl1Q&sig2=m1laW4vijmheOBCCe9SOfQ
  15. Thanks mate, surprised it don't happen more often.
  16. I think it's just that on most bike forks they stick out above the oil, I might not be right about that but your right in saying that some oil will come out with the spring but it's a tiny amount.
  18. As above, will make a smart little bike for knocking about on. Just as an aside what have you done with all the other toys? You had a boat and that thing from the U.S that you bought.
  19. Just asked someone I trust about this, they say, take the fork nuts off the top, remove the springs then measure the gap in both. But he also said that there's almost a pint of oil in there so a slight leak even over a few weeks will mean practically very little oil will have come out. Have to agree, if you really think about it there's going to be plenty left in the leg so don't bother unless the steering or suspension is a bit wayward.
  20. Dutch, now that's a good question mate, how do you check the level when it's on the bike? Easy when it's off but never thought about when it's on the bike..! Just wandered through pages of stuff on Google and it seems that you just guess..! or take the fork leg off and do it properly. Thinking about it tho, you could measure the level in the one fork that don't leak then top up the one with the leak till it's the same I suppose?
  21. What they were thinking Andrew was, by the time you need to do this it won't be our problem. Anyway mate you've done a good job so far, just keep plugging away and it will all be over before you know it.
  22. Hi Stuart welcome to the YOC.
  23. If your getting no charge to the battery then it's dead mate, the bike should start if the battery is charged but it will affect the electronics as your running on A/C voltage but your battery needs D/C voltage to charge, try sounding the horn when it's running, it takes a lot of power from the battery if it's feeble then your not charging properly or at all. Does it start ok? and does it need to run at higher than normal revs? But to answer the first part of your question NO not all the power goes to the battery your ignition and coils run on DC direct from the generator.
  24. Just to point out riyaz, this is a post from 2012/13 your about as likely to get an answer as win the lottery cos it's AN OLD POST, if you really want info then say hello in the new members section and ask a question like this in the general area of the site, we get loads of one hit wonders who just want their question answered then bugger off never to be heard from again not that we are unfriendly but it's nice to say Hi before asking for help..!
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