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Everything posted by slice

  1. Yep did my XJ some few years ago, easy job if your patient BUT be mindful that the connectors are for YAMAHA and you can't nip down the shop for a new one..! So that said what I did was to get a big board and pinned all the old loom to it then next to it I built the new one as I got to the end of the run I cut off the original connectors and re-attached them, took a while but worked a treat. Don't know what you were going to do but as I said it's easy if your careful. Good luck. P.S. I bought a used loom from the USA and used that for spare parts that I couldn't get anywhere else. Just be aware that U.S looms are different in that the headlight fittings are NOT the same as UK ones, apparently folks in the USA can't turn their own lights on so it happens automatically? Plus check the year for any spares you buy as they change without notice if you drift to far from your year of manufacture.
  2. Hi Simon welcome e to the YOC, yep a photo would be nice..!
  3. It might help if you said "Hello" in the new members section. Just sayin..! Oh and filled in your profile while your at it that can help with getting some useful info.
  4. Yep afraid that is your next port of call, you've replaced most everything else that might cause it. That's a bugger.
  5. slice

    Broken foot

    Sorry about that mate, bugger..! Watch Colin Furze, he will teach you how to get some fun out of a mobility scooter..! 6 weeks for full healing I'm afraid even then it will take 6 months to fully regrow. I got loads of broken bones and they still ache when it rains.
  6. Thanks Drewpy youngest son has one (mattress) for his trips to festivals and said I could use it, Just gotta sort out how to put a tent up now, (haven't been camping for more than 40 years,) he's got that too and supposed to be easy so going to have a bit of a moment in the garden and see if it's as easy as he say's it is..! If not then the Hotel beckons with hot showers and cooked food.
  7. There you go Nayruf found one in the UK and about the same price, good one..! Airheads comment is spot on to, rust is tricky stuff, get's into all the little places and fucks all your previous work up.
  8. Just so we're clear here ok, did you measure across the Pos and Neg terminals of the battery to get this number? Just asking cos some folks measure at various places and it really helps if we're running on the same page here. As I said it should read about 13.5 to 14.5ish and rise as you rev it if not then DON'T concentrate on just one thing look for broken or loose wires first, it's usually a stupid fault rather than the most expensive.
  9. Replace the brushes in the starter motor (best guess). Right after you say "Hi" in the new members section. (hint..!)
  10. Found this took me 10 minutes..! http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/73-YAMAHA-AT3-125-NEW-KEYSTER-MIKUNI-VM24SH-CARBURETOR-MASTER-REPAIR-KIT-KY-0151-/400790156786?epid=1691209920&hash=item5d50f475f2:g:Rl8AAOSwr81UQDwh Complete repair kit from the US. Loads of others on the net but the repair kit is a bit more difficult to find. Mikuni Japan will supply you direct as well.
  11. Hi Tom welcome to the YOC. We like photos so fill yer boots mate..!
  12. Just had another thought about your problem have you looked at the clutch at all or the drive/auto clutch? Cos if you can keep it still by just having your feet planted to the floor then it might just be the clutch needs sorting and nothing at all to do with the piston or barrel..! Just sayin..!
  13. Well if you have the manual for the bike piston and rings should be in there along with the info you need as to what to buy. But best really to get the engine out (looks simple enough) and strip the head and barrel off to see what's going on inside the motor, but before you do any of that just check that the chain and sprockets are ok as it might be something simple rather than expensive. a stiff un-lubed chain can really drag your speed down as can underinflated tyres or quite simply bad fuel, wheel bearings can bind as well so don't forget those either, binding brakes can also cause this sort of thing. Just suggestions really as it could just be a fucked piston and your gunna have to bite the bullet and bore it. Found these at CMSL good price to. Where are you in the world? it pays to fill in your profile as no point in saying the parts you want are in Birmingham if your in Timbuctoo..! https://www.cmsnl.com/search.php?model_id=8620&partblk_block=A-06
  14. Ok so I'm going this year, really THINKING about the camping thing to, hotel was ok but meant I was away most of the time. My back say's no but will wait till nearer the time to decide. And "NO" I'm not sharing..! Oh yeah and what do I need to do to book or reserve a place on the camp site if I go down that road?
  15. Sorry to hear that mate, giving you the run around when they knew they didn't have them is not on really, but they all do it, don't make it right tho..! I usually ask them "do you have it in stock?" They can't lie then, they either have it or not. Try that next time.
  16. slice

    First repairs

    Sorry mate but your flat out wrong..! Not saying it can't be done but at a few quid for another one and peace of mind KNOWING it wont break there is no mileage in having a possibly fractured brake lever, be it hand or foot, that might let go at the worst possible moment. You do what you think best but my opinion is for no real money fling it and replace it.
  17. I used Pipewerx, good quality and fair prices, not the very best out there but I like the look of the titanium..! give this a try. http://www.pipewerx.com/ I bought these for about £450ish, FJR ones are over a grand..!
  18. Hi Rich welcome to the YOC.
  19. slice

    First repairs

    HI Sune, ok this is where ebay is your friend, just find the parts you want and fit them yourself, an easy 1/2 hour or so and it should be done. DON'T re-use the brake pedal, if it's bent it's fucked..! simple as that really, any control arm that is damaged must be replaced. as to price, who knows? but if you do it yourself then apart from the buy it price the labour is free and the satisfaction is all yours.
  20. Yes your right Dutch, saw a kid yesterday in his wife beater vest and shorts NO GLOVES OR SHOES..!
  21. Hi and welcome to the YOC.
  22. Ok Ira here's what you do first. Fix the bracket any way you can either replace it or repair it. Then see if that fixes the problem, if not then all the known fault codes should be in the workshop manual if none of them match what your getting go to your local Yam dealer and ask one of the guys or girls there, they really don't mind if you ask nicely and are usually happy to help a fellow rider out. Just wondering tho if you have a non standard bracket what else is different from the norm on your bike?
  23. Ok mate thanks for that, don't fret over it as I'm sure your ok now. Just a pain with all that hurry up and wait nonsense that the forces put you through.
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