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Everything posted by slice

  1. Did I see this right? looked like he had his legs OVER the bars. Looking again drewpy might be right and its some sort of mini bke/scooter thing.
  2. Hi Scott, nice to have some help when repairing your bike means you can blame someone else when some thing falls off. I see your lid only seems to have the odd scratch or 2 on the visor & chin guard, might be worth while keeping it if it's not had a bang on the main part of the helmet as the chin guard is not structural to the helmet but if your determined to change it then the ARAI are good helmets althought they are expensive, I have never really uinderstood the need for really expensive helmets as most times when you fall off it's at a fairly slow speed, if you fall off at a hundred plus a top of the range helmet is just going to be good for identification of the body :biglaugha: . Go down to your local bike shop and try on all their helmets until you find one that is comfortable and you can live with, believe me an ugly comfortable helmet is far better than a racy painted uncomfoirtable lid on a long journey, I use a flip front job as I'm an old fart who remembers when you didn't have to wear a helmet at all, which made falling off much more scary than it is now. Once again good luck with your repairs and only do what you understand and ask advice BEFORE you take on some thing that might be beyond your skill level we all have to learn as we go on so do one job at a time and you should be fine.
  3. Try cutting a potato in half and rubbing the cut end on to the inside of the visor, sounds odd but it really works, it's the starch in the spud that does it, as drewpy says todays W/up liquid is not the same as it used to be and doesn't seem to work as well as it used to.
  4. Hi Scott, Don't think your warranty will be void if you put 2nd hand parts on as long as they are the same or better quality, so just make sure you use the best you can afford and that they are as near as dammit identical to the original then there should be no worries, also have a word with the warranty company (not the seller) and ask them what is acceptable in the way of repacement, they might ask for a mechanical report to verify that the parts are fitted correctly and of correct standard and as long as you have ticked all the right boxes you should be fine, fitted a larger engine some years ago and was asked to supply a report that the work was done in the correct way and was of "SOUND WORKMANSHIP" whatever the fuck that means? as I did it myself, but they said it was ok so no worries. Good luck with your repairs and take your time and DON'T rush at it and you should be fine and have a few more skill's in repairing your bike.
  5. NIce one Scott, good to hear that your going to do it your self, thought that the estimate was a bit OTT as soon as I saw your photo, suggest that the machanic was looking to make a bit of cash from the insurance company. Good luck with your repairs.
  6. Hi XS, Would be nice if you did an INTRO before asking questions old mate, but the PRIME setting is as it says to prime the carbs (if it's been stood for a while or you've taken the carbs off) next one down should be OPEN (normal running) and finally RESERVE. Now PLEASE go and do an INTRO in the "NEW MEMBERS" section as most will not answer questions from strangers, then post your questions regarding broken or malfunctioning bits of kit in the "WORKSHOP" section. P.S would you go up to a bunch of strangers and say "my bike don't work how do I fix it" without first saying Hi my name is - - - ? Nice people on here but they do like to know who their talking to.
  7. Hi Sam, We all have to start some where it's just nice to hear some one say they don't have a clue rather than mangle the bike cos they won't ask for advice. If you need to ask about a problem then ask away and some one will ride to your rescue, we all know that feeling of hopelessness when you look at the bike and think where the fuck do I start. Some advice BEFORE you post questions, BUY A BOOK on your bike so you can at least understand what your being advised to do and if you think it's complete bollocks then ask again as even the best can get it wrong and sometimes do. NEVER EVER just do what your told to do find out why your being told to do it. Good luck mate now get your spanners dirty.
  8. I want one to but would have to sell and arm and a leg to pay for it.
  9. My wife said DON'T phone me if you fall of the BLOODY THING just make sure your wallet makes it back, think she was joking, sorry, hope she was joking. As in previous posts she HATES my bike as she can't tell me what to do when I'm on it.
  10. Hi Thomas check that the front wheel bearing is ok as well, it might not just be the brakes binding that's making it hard to turn the wheel.
  11. Hi jdalian, it would be nice if you did an INTRO before asking questions but anywho, if your plugs are getting black rapidly then it can be a couple of things, first is to much fuel to air mix, that is running to rich, try reducing the amount of fuel going into the cylinder, adjust the carbs. Or an oil leak into the cylinder head either from above through the valve seats or below from the crank case which could be worn piston rings or barrels. You will need to give MUCH more info before any kind of definate answer to your problem, so go to "NEW MEMBERS" section and do an intro and THEN got to "WORKSHOP" and post your problem there, Give all the info you can, what bike is it, what year, (just cos you have put 1980 XS 400) as your bike does not mean that this is the one you are talking about, plus anything you might have done that would point to an obvious cause to your problem, i,e, have you just serviced it and put to much oil in the crank case? Other than that Welcome to the YOC it's always nice to have new people to talk to.
  12. Thanks cynic, going out to look NOW!
  13. Hi dd, In these days of LED lights on bikes you have to have a reflector or your bike will fail it's MOT, so I should think that any reflector would be legal, in fact the bigger the better so the numpties can at least see what their hitting.
  14. Hi again Scott, Most of that stuff you can do your self, ball races and such are usually knock out knock in, new wheel, well they are out there in the net at a lot cheaper price and some even come with a good tyre on them, oil seals seem a bit strange, did you damage the engine or are they the ones on the bearings? Christ mate you really did a number on your poor little bike didn't you, as DT says sounds like a complete front end, might be possible to pick one up from a breaker at a lot less money and fit it yourself. Try to find out if a front end off another bike a year or two older will fit on your bike, they are usually the same just updates on the shiny bits mostly, ask your local dealer what the difference between your bike and a slightly older one is and see if you can save yourself some money. good luck mate. P S I think the one in bold MIGHT be RETAINER for the ball race in the head stock, not sure about that tho.
  15. Hi Tom, Wecome to the YOC, lots of guys and girls on here with 125s so they might be able to help out, Welcome to the wonderful world of motorcycling the guy who showed you it running might give you a few tips on why it won't start so first give him a call and ask what you might be doing wrong, sometimes bikes will only start if you do things in a certain order, make sure it's not in gear when you turn it over and make sure there is FRESH petrol in it. Other than that do your next post in the "WORKSHOP" section, look to the left side of the front page on the site and about 3/4 of the way down, as this section is really only for new members to say Hi and you might not get anyone else to give advice if your not in the right place with your query. Good luck mate hope you get it sorted always a bugger when you have not owned a bike before and it plays up as you only know how to fix it after you've floundered around for a while finding out a hundred different things you never knew existed before. People on here are always willing to help out a new guy just let everyone know your a complete novice and don't have a clue where to start. Oh and DO NOT charge your bike battery with a CAR charger it will cook it, you need a bike battery charger, ebay does them for about 8 quid.
  16. Hi Mattew, Got exactly the same problem on my project bike, I used a drill to remove most of the thread and then heated it until it was really hot then plenty of penatrating fluid left over night and then a small drift to knock the thread out ( make a small flat spot on the stud you can see and just keep tapping at it until it moves) the next day with LOADS more WD40 and oil mix plus more heat. The only other way is to take the head off and take it to your local friendly engineering shop but they will remove the stud AND the thread and recut it all for you, not a cheap option. Tried stud removers in the past but they tend to spread the stud that your trying to remove and jam in the hole plus you have to use the smallest one in the set which has less grip on the metal and can just make things harder after you've finally given up and started swearing at it. The only real advice is to be really patient and just keep heating it and knocking away until you can grip the bugger and turn it. Wish you luck mate.
  17. HI Scott, just saw a set of bars on fleabay number is "Item number: 400288112414" supposed to be BNIB at the moment only 15 quid! Plus loads of other bit's and bob's for your year always worth a look.
  18. Hi Danny, Welcome to the YOC, nice bike the fazer, if it's your first sports bike take it easy as they will spit you off if your to heavy on the throttle.
  19. Hi Barry. Welcome to the YOC, It's best if you want parts to go to the "WANTED" section on the front page and leave your requirments there as no one will sell you bits in the "NEW MEMBER" sections it's only for your intro, Some one might have your parts but you will have to wait a while for them to get back to you. As an aside try fleabay and see if they might have your parts or WEMOTO are quite good at Yam parts. P.S forgot to mention the "WANTED" section and some others are only open for paid up members so if you want to post there you will have to pay your dues, easy really just go to link (SUBSCRIPTIONS) on the top of the front page and follow the prompts.
  20. Hi Drew. Welcome to the YOC. Always nice to have new people in the mix.
  21. Hi Tom, always nice to meet new people, welcome to the YOC.
  22. HI Paul, bit late in seeing this if there still available I will have one please, medium & Blue if you can. Martin.
  23. Welcome to the YOC rampler, always nice to meet new people.
  24. Welcome to the YOC Kris always nice to have new members. Few guys from the highlands and islands on here they WILL be in touch I'm sure.
  25. Hi Drew, You need to INTRO yourself before asking for advice mate, otherwise no one will answer your questions, there are a LOT of one hit wonders that show up here and ask for advice on their problems and then vanish, not saying your one of them but it's only polite to intro your self before asking, imagine your in a pub and you start asking strangers for advice about your bike in all likelyhood your will be invited outside for a discussion in manners or the lack of. So play nice and say Hi in the "NEW MEMBERS" section then ask again someone will have a fix or workround for you before the ink dries.
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