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Everything posted by slice

  1. I get it Sniff made me chuckle they should show it every night on the BBC..!
  2. Saw this and thought "NO" this is just wrong unless you have 2 broken arms and can't reach your face.. And at $149 it's just to stupid.
  3. Well done lads, pissing down here and very windy hope your getting nice dry runs.
  4. Hi, Rather than change the tyre, assuming it's still legal, why not just get it repaired? if it's in the centre to outside edge of the tread you can get it plugged for much less than a new tyre. As to a chain splitter read your Haynes manual and it tells you how to remove the side cover of the engine to get at the front sprocket, an easy job to do as long as you take your time and follow the instructions, remember it's NOT a car you can't just do the bolts up till they squeak you need to do them up to the correct torque..! Usually the rear and front sprocket are changed at the same time as if one is buggered then the other one is probably shot as well so buy a set. Wemoto has a good rep for parts and they are usually pretty good on price to. Good luck. One other thing it's usual to say "Hi" in the new members section just so folks know your serious about the site and not just looking for free info. Just sayin..!
  5. Hi Joe, welcome to the YOC. What bike are you working on? People are always happy to help out on here. Good luck with your project.
  6. Good luck lad's take plenty of photos and stay safe..!
  7. slice

    YZF R1 modes

    This is the sort of thing it would be best to ask Yamaha UK about, tech specs like this are rarely easy to find without extensive research and comparisons to different models which could take hours of searching. Good luck in your hunt for info tho.
  8. Morseman, this post is 7 YEARS OLD MATE..! Your not likely to get an answer, try a new post and see if that get's you an answer.
  9. Usually the dealer contacts the previous owner, either original or second user, and tells them that there has been a recall, if they are complete bastards (owner) and have sold it on and can't be arsed to let you know then this is the result..! I bet if you go back far enough there will have been a recall notice sent to one of them in the post. So I just bought a new car (to me) and because of this post I thought I would check to see if there was any outstanding info on it..! Well bugger me if it has 2 outstanding recalls on it 1 "Steering bolt can come loose and can result in loss of steering" WTF! 2 "Fuel tank seal needs to be replaced due to possibility of fuel contacting exhaust system" WHAT..! So my car now can't steer and will then explode, phoned the dealer "yeah bring it back" Thanks Jan I owe you a beer mate.
  10. Hi and welcome to the YOC. Have you seen this? Read this for more info on the recall http://www.dft.gov.uk/vosa/apps/recalls/searches/expand.asp?uniqueID=C88B08D3A7EEC5F68025733100271805&freeText=Blank&tx=VOSA Not saying yours will need it but best to be aware that there might be a problem that needs sorting if it hasn't been done.
  11. This was posted on here in 2007..! Your bike should have been done then. If not then contact your local Yam dealer and see if it can be fixed by them under the RECALL notification. Read this for more info on the recall http://www.dft.gov.uk/vosa/apps/recalls/searches/expand.asp?uniqueID=C88B08D3A7EEC5F68025733100271805&freeText=Blank&tx=VOSA
  12. Hi Charley welcome to the YOC.
  13. Oh my this kid obviously thinks that ALL bikes have to meet the criteria for new bikes, a few years more experience will see him ok but frustrating for you. I would suggest that you go back tho and explain why you now have a shiny M O T from someone else, it might just be a learning experience for him. Had a similar experience once long ago about new bikes having disc brakes and older bikes having drum and cable brakes..!
  14. Hi Adam welcome to the YOC.
  15. Hi Gary welcome to the YOC.
  16. Ok so from what I gather from your message is that you "Like to do wheelies" and you have just had it "rebored" Yes? And it now only does 50KPH..! If you keep going it will soon be doing 0 KPH. Also you want to know what the original speed was when it was new Yes? About 60 MPH or there abouts I should think. Do 200 Kilometers to run it in and then you can thrash the shit out of it till you break it again. As to how far it will go on a tank of fuel, there are so many variables that it's pointless even guessing.! Oh and how fast can it get to 60 or 100 KPH? This will make you laugh, how steep a hill are you on? And are you going up or down it?
  17. HI Rusty, welcome to the YOC.
  18. Vanfred mate, this post is 7 years old..! Your not likely to get a reply any time soon, best thing to do is say Hello in the new members section and then ask for help in the General area of the site, someone might remember this thread and point you to the right place. Just sayin..!
  19. Hi Kev, wondered where you had got to mate, thought that the sun had come out in Ireland and you were making the most of it..!
  20. Hi Sue welcome to the YOC, lot's of folk from Scotland on here you never know they might even say Hi..!
  21. Learn to ride before you fork out on a bike, if this is your first one, go on a training course first. As above really for the rest of it don't matter if it's big or small they will all, if not properly ridden, kill you in a second. But this will be the most fun thing you ever do with your clothes on in your life.
  22. Yes I'm afraid your are, most bikes have a socket of some sort that allows you to read the fault codes, (Yes I know not all..! for the 2T crowd) But to tell the truth I have never had a bike with a gear indicator in almost 50 years of riding, when you think about it how often do you go stabbing around for a gear that's not there? Learn your bike, what rev range are you in at 50 MPH in top gear, that way you'll know when your in the right gear.
  23. Oh man that truly is some bad luck..! At least the dealer and the idiot will pay for the damage. Try not to worry about it mate it will all be sorted in no time and you'll be back out there dodging BMW's and Audi's with the rest of us.
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