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Everything posted by slice

  1. slice

    exhaust help

    You won't know till you try! and it's free so what's to lose?
  2. Pay what it's worth to you! It's old it's in need of fixing and it will probably need more work than you realise, mine is a 1983 from a scrap yard and needed 10 months work and I paid £250 for it cos it's what I wanted so decide what you think it's worth WITHOUT getting loads of non informed advice (we haven't seen it) and stick to your price, if he wants more then find another one, there's loads out there and like buses 3 will come along at once when you start looking. P.S just a quick reminder if you want to stick around it might be an idea to do an intro, not a question straight off (new members section) you will get more feedback that way, we like to have new folks onboard but it's nice if they say Hi first.
  3. slice

    REALRIDER app...

    Oh dear DkD looks like you hit a nerve? and to be honest I really don't want something else following me either, I have the plod cameras and god knows what else looking to find me and make my life awkward and now there is someting that wants to shout out where I am and how fast I'm going, I think not. Sorry mate but this is not for the likes of those who ride cos it gets us OFF the grid.
  4. Try a new thermostat first, might just be the problem?
  5. slice

    MOT for the MAXIM

    Thank you all but finally got the new owner to insure it and now I can ride it on his policy, best yet it cost me nothing YIPPEE!!
  6. Crouch, back in the day the pumps were not very good, they tended to over supply oil so they used to smoke (A LOT) but I believe that now it's quite the opposite and you should stick to the pump, if you pre-mix then you get to much oil when slow running and not enough when using high revs plugs oil up and it just becomes a pain in the arse cleaning your plugs off every few miles so do as the others have said and trust your pump.
  7. slice

    MOT for the MAXIM

    Thank you both, seem's that I will have to get them to come and get it (BUGGER!!) Oh well. P.S welshwan, the thing weighs in at about 600+ pounds and I would have a heart attack if I pushed it 20 yards let alone 2 miles.
  8. Just a quick query, would any of you happen to know if it's possible to get an insurance for one day so I can get the Maxim to the test centre and back? It's just that I don't have a trailer and the thought of paying £60 + the price of the MOT so they can collect and return is a bit steep as it's only 2 miles away, if you also happen to know who might do this or have done it yourself please point me towards the insurance company that you used, thanks all, any advise would be appreciated.
  9. I have used VHT paint seems ok but does peel or chip easy, no real paint is going to last long but it can keep the rust bug off for a while. P.S I do however use a heat gun on it to cure it off, really hot setting and that seems to make it last a bit longer, Do not breath in the vapour tho as it has lots of really nasty chems in it.
  10. Thanks for that, you learn something new every day!
  11. Well done Alex, only problem is I HAVE JUST PAID MY INS for next year Oh bugger!! Still after then I will be onboard, just a question when they ask if someone is a member what will you say when UP-YOURS appears or better yet MUFFDIVER, I really want to hear THAT conversation!!
  12. FJR would be nice Alex (HINT HINT)
  13. Hi Roadrunner, Welcome to the YOC , might be an idea to do an INTRO (new members section) before launching into a question, only a suggestion but most folks like to have a get to know you BEFORE they will answer questions, just a quirk of this site really but we do get a LOT of one hit wonders (my bike's broke how do I fix it? never to be heard from again) until the next time when they get stroppy cos no one will help out . As to your actual question why do you want to do a top end and piston / ring replacement? is there an actual problem or has someone told you to do this? 100 hours do'es not seem excessive for your bike to require this much work. Or are you burnihng oil and that's a different matter, a bit more info would help as to your reason for the repairs.
  14. See previous post! SELL THE SODDING THING grouch, get another one or do your test and go bigger. if some folks didn't have bad luck they would have no luck at all!
  15. Time to trade it in Grouch, this thing is becoming a money pit ! Run away from it as fast as you can and buy something bigger.
  16. Lots of HEAT is the only way if you have tried everything else, or saw/drill the end off, take the side cover off, remove the remains of the thread/bolt/screw and then buy a new one. Better yet have you checked to see if it might be a left hand thread? Just a thought!
  17. Noise loosen off the drain nipple on the slave cylinder and pump the clutch pedal to see if you get any fluid out under pressure, if not then new seals, easy. Probably easier to replace the master and slave cylinders than piss about with seals and fluid and they are cheap.
  18. WELL! It say's on ebay that it is unique and there isn't another one like it, THAT'S BECAUSE NO ONE WANT'S ONE, nice idea, should have stayed that way.
  19. I'm with you kirriepete, nothing wrong with a "MAP" it's a piece of paper with the place you are and the place you want to go to, SIMPLE'S
  20. Jonny, I have the same thing (except the alarm swears at you if you move the bike) and found out the hard way that if you remote start the bike and try to ride it WITHOUT the key in your going to end up in a ditch, I forgot that it has a fork lock DOH! So don't forget to put the key in and TURN it so the ignition is "ON" before you go anywhere, you have been warned!!
  21. Is that 58 on the clock cos if it is then knock off at least 10% for drift in the clock mechanism, the only way your going to go faster without spending shed loads of money is to buy a bigger one (CC) there are some that say there are restictors in the throttle body exhaust and carb but you will have to ask your local yammie dealer how to take them off, I would think with it all derestricted you can count the hours before it blows up on the fingers of one hand.
  22. Oi! What's with the bloody ELDERLY geting into this thread, I might be old but ELDERLY is taking the piss.
  23. We all know your lying, you ain't got no friends.
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