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Everything posted by slice

  1. DT, Some people you need to teach with a 2X4!!
  2. Thank you Grouch, just pissed my self form laughing!!! As to the actual question I have no idea why I ride I just do, it's odd now I think about it that I don't need a bike but would rip your face off if you tried to take it away.
  3. Broken spring or selector lever, that's why it won't go into gear and there is a rattle? PS it could be a dead fox as well I suppose
  4. Hi, As you can see you DO NOT just jump in here with a question, it's for new member to introduce themselves and say Hi. Just like if you were down the pub, you don't walk up to strangers and start asking questions you say Hi first and tell them who you are and something about yourself, we are NOT a bunch of mechanics or gurus who you can shout questions at and demand answers, we are just like you bike owners who like to help each other out if we can or take the piss if the question is stupid. So PLEASE start again and do a proper intro and we will treat you the way you would like to be treated. We do not wish to offend but some things (like manners) need to be learned. Don't go away mad just redo it.
  5. Hi Vijay, take it back and tell him it's wrong, not much else to say really as you have a problem that was not there when you took it in and now it is there so it has to be something they have done to it. Don't take no for an answer and if all else fails talk to the manager and get him to sort it out. Not sure what the situation is in India with customer relations but most people want to keep their customers happy if for nothing else so they come back again. Best I can do for you really, good luck. Ride safe.
  6. Same here, mine allows 6 or 12 months, must be as Grouch says it's such a small amount it's not worth their while otherwise. and of course it's not their money.
  7. Hi, Welcome to the YOC, might be an idea to do an INTRO (new members section) before you launch into a question, it's just nice if you say Hi before asking strangers how to fix your bike, we get A LOT of one hit wonders on here who ask for advice and never even so much as say thanks never to be heard from again unless they have another problem. Not saying your one of them but it's nice to introduce yourself to strangers before picking their brains. No offence intended or taken I hope, ride safe.
  8. Our taxes at work?
  9. DON'T EVER APOLOGISE to the fu**ers, they put your life at risk cos they can't be arsed to look in their mirror except when they want to check their makeup (sorry girls but it's true) better than punching them on the nose!!
  10. Not a lot of information in your post, but what's the worst that could happen? just bung some fuel in the plug hole and see what happens, you should get a moment of running which will tell you that it does actually go and then you can fix it knowing that the engine is sound, could be anything really from what the previous owner said. Others on here will come up with about 400 reasons for loss of compression most of which are nothing to worry about. Good luck with your test run.
  11. Nayruf is right, but you can do it yourself with just a small screwdriver and patience, just clamp the ring (broken bit) in a vice and knock the pins through then do the same to the one you have bought and swap them around, just be careful not to squash the new part in the vice to tight otherwise you will end up with both of them damaged. Use some cloth or wooden batten to keep the vice from marking the new part. as I said it's fiddly but doable in even the most basic workshop.
  12. If he needs it for fishing trips is he going to use it as an anchor??
  13. Glad I could help, Ride safe.
  14. Go Grouch Go, about bloody time!! If we can help ASK. I have a feeling that there is not much wrong with it just something slipped or broke in the selector area, all you need to do is look and I bet it will be obvious. Your not whining or moaning your pissed off with it so show it who's boss by fixing it. Waiting with baited breath for the next instalment.
  15. Popped your cherry then, well done. Plenty more where she came from, keep up the good work!!!
  16. Hi Stu, Welcome to the YOC, might be an ides to do an INTRO (new members section) before you start off with a question, just like anywhere else really you don't start off by asking strangers for advice before you say Hi. Most will not talk to you before you say Hi. Check your voltage output to see that is ok before you buy a battery might be a fault with the bike and not the battery, just connect up a meter and see what the output is first.
  17. Just tell them you didn't know! and thank you for pointing it out officer. I will get it fixed as soon as I get home, job done, don't panic.
  18. See result!! You might get some of your money back, always worth a try and the worst that can happen is your still in the shit but feel better about slagging them off.
  19. Well done BIPPO, sensible and to the point, Grouch you could do worse that listen to this young lady!!
  20. slice

    Zipper repairs

    Seriously dt, if you come across that guy in the advert PUNCH HIM!!!!
  21. Hi, I have the 750 and the 2 lines are connected to 1, the lower fuel rail, right at the base of the carb bodies (between carb 1&2), you can route it anyway you like really just make sure it is on tight, that's the pipe from the petcock/tap FRONT/NEAREST YOU when looking at it, 2, the rear pipe goes to the vacuum pipe on carb number 3, if you look at the other 3 carbs they have a rubber cap thingy on them, that's 12&4. Hope that is what you were looking for, if not I will try to send you a copy of my manual which shows where the lines go.
  22. I Have to ask WHY NAKED??? & is that the bike or you? cos if it's you I am really not liking the picture in my head right now!!!
  23. Glad to hear that your going to delve into your engine and find out what's wrong with it, just take your time and it should be easy, getting the covers off is the easy bit knowing what's wrong is the hard part, look in your manual to see what should be there and then compare the two to see what actually is there, it should be obvious when you have it in bits. It's possible that it's just something that has jumped out of place so DON'T take anything off until you know it's where it should be. I bet it's something easy like a broken spring or a selector that has got stuck. Be nice to hear how you got on, if your not sure take a photo and put it up on here so those that know your bike can see what might be the problem. We are all holding our breath here waiting to see what happens.
  24. Never used these Mike but I suppose it tells you how to use it on the tin! I think you must be right about pouring it in and swirling it about as unless you have a very strange paint brush there is no other way I can think of it working, I wonder if it should just coat the bottom half of the tank as that is usually where the holes appear? Someone will know on here, be nice to find out myself what you have to do.
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