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Everything posted by slice

  1. If you bend Aluminium it will weaken and break, that simple, as Welshwan says an adjustable heel is the way to go, preloads idea will work but the problem is that you will have to adjust the cable right out to it's full extent and then when it stretches (they all do) will have no way of adjusting it.
  2. slice

    6 June 1944

    My Father in law was with the BEF and did the Dunkirk thing stukas and all got back to blighty with his underpants and tin hat, THEN he was up the beaches again on the 6th June with all the other poor sods and WALKED to Germany, took him 3 years to get there and never a scratch, he thought he was lucky FFS! Heroes come In all shapes and sizes. May your God grant you peace.
  3. I suppose that a newer engine might have some mods on it that your ones does not, that might explain the pipe thingy's, as Cynic says carb and electrics should be the same, I rewired my XJ a few years ago and could only find a US loom, I had to cut off loads of 2 way connectors and solder on 3 ways to the lights and such but the engine connectors were the same, it appears that American riders are incapable of turning their own lights on as theirs come on when you turn the ign key, perhaps they can't reach the key past their belly? (WAIT FOR IT-- loads of abuse now arriving from over the pond)
  4. I know the rain is wet the wind blows and it hurts when you hit your thumb with a hammer so I know a thing or three.
  5. slice


    I am trying to resist saying it---- !!!
  6. Hi Muff or is that Mr diver we don't mind when you say hello just as long as you do! I'm indoors cos just been to dentist and my damn face aches.
  7. slice

    Hydraulic clutch..

    I know BANSHEE do a clutch conversion kit but that is on the engine side not the handlebar type, not sure about it otherwise, if you find out anything please let me know as it would make any bike easier to handle if you don't have to manhandle a lever and cable.
  8. Welcome to the YOC Mark, you have the bike I want next ( this is not envy by the way well yes it is actually) always nice to have new folks join in, perhaps you will let me know what it's like to ride your bike, I can at least pretend that I know about it then!!
  9. I almost hate to say this but "THE FRENCH" have the right idea, on m/way or dual c/way they pull out move to pass and PULL BACK IN every time and they don't then slow down so your right up their arse we could do this if we wanted to but every one of us is guilty of it at some time. Agree that on the spot fine will make some get the idea that 3 lanes of tarmac do not belong to them just cos they paid their car tax. By the way UNDERTAKING is "NOT ILLEGAL" in the UK look it up if you want can't say it's safe but you can do it if there's room to pass.
  10. Ok see where your coming from with that last bit of info, you will have problems getting it to go or run properly until you get the exhaust sorted but you could try a shot of EASY START or as you said starter fluid, make sure you have fresh fuel in it and turn the tap/petcock on and start the bike with the fluid stuff just keep doing it till the fuel runs through and that should get the thing running at least so you can hear it and annoy the neighbours!! the more you run it the better it will be and the easier it will be to start, sounds like you need to fiddle with the carbs as if it's been jetted and the needles have been changed for altitude then you will have to fix that as soon as possible, all that info should be in your manual as to what to set the carbs to for sea level running. best of luck with your project, let us know how your getting on.
  11. Hi and Welcome to the YOC, it's customary to do an "INTRO" before you fire of questions to strangers, we don't know you and you don't know us, so go to "new members section" and do an intro FIRST please. If your stuck for what to say read other peoples first time intros to give you some ideas as to what might be best. It's like this, if you go into a pub and start asking a bunch of strangers how to fix your bike they will 1 ignore you or 2 show you the door, neither of these things are likely to happen here if you do an intro, if you don't see above.
  12. Jorme, if you read the header this is a "ARE YOU WILLING TO HELP THREAD" not a how do I fix my bike thread, if you want advice GO TO WORKSHOP and ask in there, (fer f++K sake)
  13. Only way to find out is take it apart, no one else can tell you what's wrong with it without looking at it! Best I can offer really, once you have it stripped down and know what is wrong or broke then we can help as to a fix but not till then I'm afraid.
  14. slice

    bad back

    Or maybe your just "GETTING OLD"
  15. Welcome to the YOC Mick, jump in with both feet we don't bite but we do take the piss A LOT so don't be offended when you ask a daft question and you get a daft answer.
  16. If they find something else AFTER the original MOT then nothing you can do, just how it is, they also are not there to fix your car just MOT it, if a light fails to light they CANNOT fix it and it fails, if your there and they tell you about it then you can whip round and fix it yourself but they can only look on cos it's in for an MOT not fixing!!! If they do work on your car and it still fails THEN you can refuse to pay for work done as it was obviously not done properly but the chance of that happening are next to zero. Sorry mate they have you by the short and curlies I'm afraid pay up smile and never go back there.
  17. Just "SPLENDID" Ian, I think that must be Grouch on the bike!!!
  18. I think it means that NO OIL = NO ENGINE. You will have to look round for a new lump, just sheepishly went and checked my own oil (oop's) thanks Noise!!
  19. What does it say in the manual? Check there first.
  20. slice

    S H E D S

    My vote goes to GROUCH can you imagine the fun we could have with that!!!! my first thought would be just a head poking out of a pile of bit's with the caption "WTF happened I did all the bolts up!!) Sorry Grouch.
  21. I have one of these BLUETOOTH thingy's in my lid, can listen to music or answer the phone, for all I know it makes tea and looks out for speed traps but and it's a big BUT can be distracting especially when riding close up with traffic, so find a way that you can turn the volume down when you need to, my lid has a button thing that turns up or down but you have to take your hands off the bars to use it. as Noise says not illegal and can help if you get bored but to be honest if your bored when your riding your bike your doing something wrong!!!
  22. Depends on which system you have really original ones have 4 headers 1 central block and 2 silencers 1 out each side or pattern ones have 4 headers 4 way multi connector and 1 silencer usually out the right hand side. So if you have the original one you only need to replace the central section if you have the pattern type then you have to replace the silencer with the 4 way adapter on the end. Best way I can describe it really otherwise look it up on the net. DON'T replace the whole thing unless you need to as it will cost a bloody fortune in the UK it's about £350 that's about $470. I could of course be completely wrong and yours is nothing like this but hope some of it helps.
  23. You'll soon get used to it just like anything new take your time finding out what it will do and then wring it's neck and watch the world blur past, amazing machines according to some, you won't know till you try it.
  24. Nicsy, your best bet is EBAY then if price is a problem, or look around your local breakers to see if they might have one off of something else that might fit. PS, don't forget the INTRO in NEW MEMBERS section top of front page.
  25. BUY IT BUY IT BUY IT!!!!!!!!!!!! Like any bike they have their problems but most seem to think of them as indestructable know a couple of guys (vaguely) who have one and never heard a word against them, long plodding engine that will take you to the moon and back. You can strap practically anything to them and they still go like shit off a shovel. Would I buy one YES in a heart beat if her indoors found out tho I would be buried with it!!
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