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Everything posted by slice

  1. slice

    Mug Shots

    Yes a good idea. But what if you ARE a perv?
  2. Hi welcome to the YOC.
  3. Hi Welcome to the YOC, nice bike ride safe.
  4. The joys of being a DAD!!
  5. Look at mine (in garage) bought from a scrap heap, 7 months in bits and now been running for 3 years, usual problems are electrics, cos the wiring is OLD, but I get 65/70 to the gallon when I'm not being a twat plus they will just about go anywhere in any weather, parts are cheapish but getting more difficult to find as they slowly fail and people dismantle them, wheel bearings can go for no reason (that I can find) gearbox is clunky but never fails to go in with a good kicking, if you want posh then just don't!! if you want tough and indestructible you could do worse. PS the MAXIM is the cruiser version (HA HA HA!!) I have one in my garage at the moment, just sold it to a guy who has paid but not turned up for it??? Nice looking bike comfortable and easy to repair same as SECA version slightly different running gear, smaller wheels and such but otherwise identical.
  6. Hellooooooooooo Grouchooooooooooooo ,there's an echo in here!! Where the hell are you with the bike? have you fixed it yet (don't be daft) how are you getting on with the dismantling of the bike? What news from West Yorkshire? Perhaps your still being probed by Tommy's aliens!!
  7. Hi, Welcome to the YOC, not to put to fine a point on it but this is the "say Hi" section of the forum, where you do an intro and tell us about yourself (you done that!) but it's not the how do I fix my bike section, you go to "WORKSHOP" section for that. It's ok your not alone in getting it out of place just PLEASE put your question in the workshop where folks who are willing to help will look. I'm sure someone will be along to help out if you wait a bit.
  8. I always find that when I run my bike on alcohol I fall OFF!! Or is that just me?
  9. You got it!! That's the THINGY I am talking about. See a sticky out THINGY!!!
  10. No Rob, I mean one of those thingies!! that bolt on the side of the bike bit like a cruiser one or (hate to say it) Harley, the type that usually are round the rear swing arm/suspension, believe that they can be quite small about 6" X 6" as long as the letters are the right size.
  11. Result Plimb, always nice to have a fault almost fall out in front of you, looks like a job well done.
  12. Usually a garage job, not that you can't do it but it can be a right mare, if you have the patience then try it but be prepared to buy a new inner tube.
  13. Ttask is right, you buy a new bike they are an option usually. 2nd hand ones are a bit of a hit or miss as above, who fitted them and was he any good at it?
  14. Thank you!! I now understand, was much easier in my day, you touch my bike your going to hospital!!! We didn't need to wear a patch - badge or name tag you f**k with us your dog meat.
  15. Mallory they are NOT almost human their just the bit left over after all the good bit's have rotted away, you know the bit I mean, ARSEHOLE!!!!
  16. Yeah Ian is right, you have to load throw overs equally or they are useless no good shoving 10 spanners in one side and a packet of mints in the other, I would, next time, go out and look at a set on the bike I was buying cos you can't beat seeing them in place and fitted properly.
  17. Usually there is a rear frame/rack which the top box fits to and then you have the panniers hanging down the side, they fit using hooks(usually built in) at the bottom and a pin or peg that locks the boxes in place, I have them fitted to the XJ and they are ok but if I did it again I would go for throw overs. Cheaper and more use truth be told, as you can just take them off when you don't need them it's a bit more fiddly with rigid panniers and they are expensive if your not going to use them very often. Just my thoughts on it.
  18. slice

    1976 DT175C

    That's a shame Sacha, I really feel for you, all that hard work down the drain, still at least you know what it will look like when it's done AGAIN!! Enjoy your tea and a nights rest will make it all seem better tomorrow (hope)
  19. Hi Steve, welcome to the wonderful world of motorcycling!! Always something that needs fixing, I would return the lever to the original position as the scratches on the engine casing will only get worse and there is also the chance that you will either miss a gear or jam the thing in gear, not to be recommended when your going round corners or pulling away from the lights, it's embarrassing at best dangerous at worst. You could try getting another lever and heat it up and actually bend it to the shape you want but and it's a big BUT most metals will fracture if you use to much heat or over do it, not heard of this problem from other folks on here who have your bike so maybe it's something your doing that is causing the problem? It might just mean you have to get used to the system rather than start adjusting stuff straight off, just my thoughts you understand but I would keep plugging away and see how it goes over the next few weeks. PS It's usual to do and INTRO (new members section-front page of forum) before you launch into asking questions about how to fix your bike, just nice to introduce yourself before asking strangers to help you out and it would also be best if you put this question into the WORKSHOP area as more folks will see it and know what your after, THE BAR is for general chat and making sarcastic comments about each other. Plus most folks like you to say Hi before they will answer strangers questions. Oh and by the way WELCOME to the YOC, always nice to have new folks join in.
  20. Will someone PLEASE talk English to us old farts?
  21. slice

    SMIDSY petition

    Done it just 66 more to go, good girl hope she gets the numbers she needs.
  22. slice

    XJ6N 2010 exhaust

    If it was mine and money no object then number 2 in your vids, now that sounds like a proper bike exhaust.
  23. What about one of those side plate thingys? might look a little odd but that rear you made deserves to be left alone, much to nice to stick a full size plate on, maybe a really small minimum size one might do it?
  24. AHH so NOT a thumb up his arse then?
  25. OK Grouch where are you??? What the !!!! is happening? Have you got the sodding thing apart yet? There is not another post on here so assume you are either under the bike fixing it or standing around with your thumb up your arse. What news do you have on your bike mate?????????????
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