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Everything posted by slice

  1. He Means a BAGGER ie bags on the back, it's an English word, not American!!!!!!!
  2. Thanks Bevo, really nice vid, looks like you had a fun day.
  3. The petrol at the moment have about 10% ETHANOL in it, once that vapours out it can leave water at the bottom of the tank so you need to drain whatever is in it out before you run any fuel through the motor, best just to recycle it at your local tip, then flush the tank out with fresh fuel before you fill it with new fuel, that should do it really, check the old fuel for crap and particles that might be in it cos that will bung up your tank inner filter.
  4. Hi Andy, would be nice if you did an INTRO first mate, new members section, it's better than being ignored. Most folks will not answer you till you have done an intro, we get loads of one hit wonders who want questions answered without so much as a Hi or thank you, in the end most folks just ignore people who don't bother with an INTRO. Not saying your the first to forget or not know but now you do. By the way WELCOME to the YOC.
  5. Check the exhaust for rust or holes, they cost a bloody fortune to replace, anything that moves really, wheel bearings should be ok but check them anyway. If you like it buy it other than that, they are a nice bike BUT they are expensive to repair and like anything Italian they DO NOT like the rain or damp, they will rot right out from under you if you don't take care of them. Your going from a 125 to a 696??? your braver than me !!!! These things are FAST with a capital F A S T, be prepared to wave goodbye to your licence.
  6. Not a problem really, if you scour the net and ask for "YICS tool" you should come up with a load of diagrams and other stuff that should help you out, there are a lot of American guy who have made these things and they have posted pictures and dimensions on various websites, all you need to do is find a picture and parts list your happy with and go from there. The only problem some might have is that the Americans use Imperial (inches) rather than Metric so as long as your old like me it's not a problem, sure you can cope with that. Anything else you need then give me a shout, good luck. PS one thing I almost forgot, CLEAN OUT the YICS pathways BEFORE you insert the tool, undo both bolts either side of the head and run a cloth through to take out the accumulated crap that will be in there, it will rip the rubber washers if you don't do this, I know this from experience!!! DO NOT turn on your fuel until you have replaced both bolts, YICS tool stops cross flow of fuel but NOT from running out the sides if you leave the bolts off.
  7. I have a SUZUKI GSF 400 (I think it's that?) if your interested!!!!! Just got it going today believe it or not and will get it MOTd sometime this week. Just a thought!!
  8. No Problem just not sure if your year had it or not? If you do then it's easy to get over it just expensive to buy the tool, and it's only a few bits of tube and some rubber grommets, real easy to make but a pain in the arse if you find yourself without it.
  9. Check the plastic stand offs that the carbs sit/bolt to they can crack and let air in so spoiling the fuel air mixture, try spraying with water or wd40 to get it to seal and see if that makes any difference. DON'T forget to check that the pipe from the carb to the tank is not leaking as well as that can cause it to sod about. Usually on carb number 3 to the 2nd connector on the fuel tap. If you have them a set of vacuum gauges will come in handy as well as mine would not run till I balanced the carbs, do you have the YICS system on this bike? cos if you do then you will need a YICS tool to shut it off before you can balance them. If you need one (VERY expensive) then give me a PM and I will let you borrow mine, although you can make your own from odds and sods, check the net for descriptions on how to do it, I have some copies some where so if you can't find them I will send them over to you.
  10. What he said and welcome anyway, someone will have a fix for you.
  11. Only real way to tell is take it off and have a look inside!! Otherwise your just guessing.
  12. Don't think the 750 or 900 pipes will fit tho as the 600 has a tighter radius on the bends in the pipes, as drewpy says the FZ is a good bet as it has the same engine but you would be wise to check before you buy.
  13. Sorry to hear that mate, hope your not to banged up and the driver gets a rocket up her arse, trouble is probably has no insurance so would not stop even if you were dead (which your not more by luck than judgement) can't help you out with a bike for your DAS but hope you get something sorted by Monday.
  14. Hi Welcome to the YOC, no free downloads I'm afraid it's illegal?? but I'm sure that someone will have advice on what you need to do, the best bet really is to buy the manual or get a digital download from one of the sites on the net, not ideal but copyright law takes no prisoners I'm afraid and they will close us down if we start giving out copyrighted stuff.
  15. Yeah that mike!! Forgot that bit but as the question was asked by one of our colonists (Oh that is soooo NOT PC ) I thought it was ok but your still right nonetheless.
  16. Mike I wasn't having a go at Lallasro just pointing out that there was more to the story than the article, never meant any harm in this sorry if you thought I was having a pop at him. As up.yours says the dipshits deserve what they get can't feel sorry for anyone who rides a bike and has no helmet.
  17. Filtering is LEGAL in the UK, simple as that really but it's frowned on if you do it at speed, should really only be used if the traffic is moving slowly or at a standstill but some arseholes try it at 90 MPH and get snotted so then we are all guilty by association.
  18. Tommy you are bad!! and yes PROBABLY a MAXIM I have one in the garage at the moment so go there and have a look AFTER the INTRO of course.
  19. Oh Dear!!! Must be youngsters I'm afraid and probably not legal which is why they ran away, give's us all a bad name, just hope that at least one of them has a conscience, not holding my breath tho!!! Lallasro, she was IN HER MUM'S ARM'S at the time who had just got off the bus, it said so in the interview on the website, you obviously missed it mate.
  20. Sorry Matthew have to agree with the above, it's about risk and nothing else they don't care what you want it's what they can get that matters, comparison websites are the way to go and then phone and ask as well makes a lot of difference believe it or not also phone those companies that AREN'T on comparison websites as well and check them out, best advice I'm afraid!!!
  21. I'll be honest with you I don't see an awful lot of difference, I know that the new light is whiter and looks less washed out than the old light but to be honest I didn't see an awful lot more in the demonstration, the objects in the distance could still be seen even if they were not as brightly lit, sorry if I'm in the minority here, on a bike it might make things CLEARER as you only have one light I suppose?
  22. Hi Juan, pretty bike, welcome to the YOC.
  23. Hi Dirk welcome to the YOC, your welcome here and hope someone has a helping hand for your problem with the shaft.
  24. Hi and welcome to the YOC, it's usual to do an INTRO before you start asking questions just as if you were meeting new people anywhere else, so if you would go to "new members" section and tell a bit about yourself then someone might be able to help you out, most folks WON'T talk to you till you introduce yourself so it makes sense to get it over with. Just a gentle prod in the right direction as having new folks join in is always a good thing but there are some loose rules that you need to follow, hope you find what your looking for.
  25. slice


    Just to clarify, what do you mean by "4 stroke in the head"? It's a 2 stroke and unless someone has fitted valves to it it always will be!! Others may know what you mean but this has confused me (doesn't take much)
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