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Everything posted by slice

  1. slice

    Best tyres?

    Yeah that was the original idea Tommy but I have just found a pair of Pirelli Angel ST 120/70 ZR17 (58W) / 180/55 ZR17 (73W) for £145 which is about a £100 less than one rear on most other sites, it's a complete change as I really don't like mixing bike tyres.
  2. As above, change the fluid and the thermostat, why? cos it's a cheap fix.
  3. slice

    Best tyres?

    Thanks lads that's brilliant. So your all sure that the " UNOBTANIUM" coated tyres are a waste of time then..!
  4. slice

    Best tyres?

    Just a quick question, I have to replace the tyres on the FJR this year, does anyone have an idea on the best or even the worst tyres out there at the moment? The rear is toast but the front is ok'ish so would prefer to replace both rather than faff around with changing one then the other. The FJ owners club has some that they like but their choices range between ok prices and WTF are they made of gold..! Is it worth the extra? I have used all sorts over the years even those Chinese tyres made out of Bakelite that had no grip but lasted forever. Just wondering if there is a tyre that corners and likes the rain that won't cost both my bollocks when I tell the wife how much I have spent..! Thanks folks.
  5. Hi Kenny, welcome to the YOC. Just keeping with the theme
  6. HI Nick, welcome to the YOC. Pretty bike mate..!
  7. HI Flipster welcome to the YOC.
  8. Welcome to the YOC Bob.
  9. The chain is probably just hanging down in the sump at the moment, I wouldn't worry about that till you get the replacement cam shaft cog. But if you shine a torch down through the head and into the sump there is a chance you can see the chain and sprocket. You could, if your brave, is hold the chain over a screwdriver shaft and tension it and hit the starter button, won't do any harm and will put your mind at ease about it being attached and working..
  10. Just thinking out loud here but you haven't got the connector the wrong way round have you? Cos that will stress the line closed when you tighten it up. The middle one of these is the usual connector on most bikes and they can be fitted the wrong way round i.e. connector pipe inwards not outwards.
  11. As Cynic said got to be something sticking or jammed when you offer it up, best bet, take it apart again and re-do it grease and clean everything and check for trapped connectors or anything out of line.
  12. Oh wow that looked like fun, nice swoopy roads and lots to look at, next time..!
  13. Where is the knock? You might just need a top or bottom end of the engine rather than the whole thing. and why can't you do it yourself? Where are you in the world cos some of the guys on here are more than willing to help out if they can. Helps if you fill in your profile with a few more details. Plus saying hello in the new members section helps as well. just sayin..!
  14. slice


    HI Barry, Cynic is right, that's what it does, there's not much else to say unless you want the technical specs as to how it does this and then your going to need a degree in electronics. Your manual will tell you it's there and how it works (briefly) but if you want an in depth discussion on the electro mechanical adjustments it makes then Yamaha UK is your best port of call. Checked on the net for similar enquiries and could find nothing other than loads for sale..! There are loads of videos on YOUTUBE about TPS adjustment that might be a good place to start?
  15. Ah Dutch I'm so sorry mate. My condolences to you and your family, may he rest easy.
  16. OH my, this brings back memories..! Yep as above "Who knew?" Just remember not to do it when the bobbies are about tho..!
  17. Never owned a Goldwing but my FJR is brilliant..! I don't really like the "New" FJR as it seems to be run more by electronics than the rider but each to their own I suppose, Mine is the Gen 1 so has very little in the way of gizmos other than the ECU, the one your talking about has EVERYTHING monitored by some chip or other telling you when to brake and how much throttle to use and I wish you the very best of luck with it, if you decide to go down the FJR route then join the FJ/FJR owners club, they are really very helpful and know everything about them. Go here www.fjclub.co.uk for £12 a year it's worth every penny and they will do it right and cheaper than a main dealer. If in doubt then call Ernie at the club and he will be more than pleased to offer advice on what bike suits you to how to save you marriage, he has an opinion on everything..!
  18. Can't count the times that I have dropped or forgotten the ball bearing on the end of the shaft. It does sound like you have forgotten something.
  19. When you think about it how often are you going to be on tick over? Most of the time your pottering down the road with the throttle open so the light will be bright enough to see by, it's only when your stopped in traffic that it might be a problem and as already has been said it's a 6 volt system and as such has the same properties a glow worm seen from the wrong end of a telescope..!
  20. Ok Don pretty good ideas there, reasonably sure tho that you bike does NOT have a hydraulic clutch, is there a cable from the lever on the left of the bars to the engine? if so then it's a cable clutch. As I'm in the UK what do you mean by "Trans" fluid? Here that would mean transmission and that on your bike is engine oil..! not clutch/brake fluid. You do however have hydraulic brakes so that fluid you can change if you want to. As to filling the tank, you can do that but make sure you use the highest octane fuel you can get ie less ethanol is a good thing. otherwise just drain it and leave it empty, then run the engine till it uses whatever fuel is in the lines and splutters to a stop. Just wondering tho do you actually have a radiator? ie water cooling on the XS1100 just to be sure is this the same as your bike? this one does NOT have a radiator.
  21. You mean the bit where he lands on the ground and breaks all the bones in his body Tommy ?
  22. Yep as Finnerz said a fuel overflow pipe, should be shoved back up a bit so it don't drag on the floor otherwise nothing to worry about.
  23. Figure if you can put a 180- head kit on it you can take it apart no..! I mean it's only a few bolts that hold most bike engines in, would have been nice to know what bike it was on tho. Wigan Yamaha Centre Add a nicknameAdd a descriptionDelete nicknameDelete description Add a nickname Add Add a description Add Wigan Yamaha Centre Address: 1 Wilcock St, Wigan WN3 4AR Phone: 01942 491491 Website: wiganyamaha.co.uk These guys are nearby why not go and see them?
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