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Everything posted by slice

  1. Grouch, go to DVLA on the net then go to vehicle tax and then click on the SORN button, follow the on screen prompts and your done, should take 2/3 minutes and that's it, you DO NOT have to send your tax disk back, never heard of that before, if it has time to run on it go to your local Post office and cash it in.
  2. DT that's quite a fun little "THING" sort of retro and modern or it might just be the front of a Vespa after a really bad rear ender? I like it to by the way.
  3. slice


    Ahhh yes I see what you mean, no the thing I found was nothing like they showed on the web site. This was a sort of square block obviously nothing to do with it at all, I have contacted datatag tho and they are going to change the keeper details and re register it in my name so that's a winner by any standards.
  4. slice


    Thank you both, that's great, I might keep it then as I would like it back if some git nicks it. Found some of those stickers to and the ID chip thingy so all's good with that, not worried about the insurance premium as it's only £50 fully comp anyway so if they bring it any lower they will owe me money, wouldn't that be nice !! Thanks again.
  5. slice

    My Bobber project

    Campaman that looks really good, are those models? Not really a problem just wondering, the finish is really bright and has that wet/oil look to it, make a great finish to mudguards and ali forks, might give that a try myself when the FJ is done.
  6. slice


    Hi All, If some one could help me out I would be grateful, just taking the new bike apart, front fairing and mounts, and found a black box that has DATATAG written on it about 4 inches long 2 inches wide and an inch thick with a grill on the front plus a long antenna attached to the inner frame with zip ties. Does anyone know what this thing is and can I chop it off or should I try to use it? I think it is some sort of security system but the bike already has an alarm fitted which again I am going to get rid of, I will fit my own alarm to it and was just trying to figure out what was best to do. I have looked on the net for the name datatag and found several items but none are the same as the one I have fitted, any help or info would be great, Thanks all.
  7. slice

    Adventure time...!

    Always a warm welcome Bipps if your heading West.
  8. Roast, Sounds like a bearing in the gearbox, probably the out put side, final bearing where the drive shaft exits the gearbox, might be a selector fork rubbing but that would be a bit of a scraping noise. Just my take on it , someone else might have a bit more of an idea.
  9. Well done Joe, don't matter even if it's pissing down you passed and you want to go out we all did so go get wet and cold then sit by the fire with a large scotch !!!!! PS you can then tell the wife I said you could and you wouldn't want to let a mate down would you?
  10. slice

    New bike at last

    Pretty bike Grouch, glad your back on the road mate and ACF50 would be a good next purchase, Take care bud.
  11. slice

    My Bobber project

    If you polish it the paint won't stick!! I think he must mean just buff it with a cloth till it's sort of shiny as it can be?
  12. Thanks Sniff was wondering how it was going to work, that made it really clear.
  13. Mine has one of those attachments that lets you soap the bike and then rinse with clean water, really handy, it's ok as long as you stay away from the wheel bearings and anything electrical cos it will flush the grease right out of the bearings if you get to carried away with it. You can pick them up really cheap off of ebay Grouch or even your local car boot will have some working ones.
  14. They sold loads of these in the US so that's the best place to look I would think, US ebay might be a starting point.
  15. Check your voltage output to see if your regulator is working, it should output about 14.5 to 16 volts, any more and it's cooking the wiring.
  16. slice

    Binned it.

    Many Many years ago I was outside PRIDE & CLARKES in London watching an American guy who had just bought a new BSA gold star, his first ever bike, the salesman gave him the keys and just walked off, the guy then jumped on the bike and then used the kick start to get it going forgetting that it was in first gear, he must have had it in first gear at the time cos it took off like a scalded cat down the road with the poor sod hanging on like grim death. It was funny at the time and even now it brings a smile to my face but what you describe sounds just like that, if it will start in gear and you have a handful of throttle then there's your problem, it happens really quickly and you have no time to react as the wheels start turning and your off on a ride to the hospital.
  17. slice

    Binned it.

    As Above BIN the cruise thing learn how to ride first then use gadgets, if you must, later on, glad you are OK and that the bike only has cosmetic damage just remember that you got lucky and never hit anyone and no one hit you.
  18. DT that's a really good idea !!!! Your on the forces use their resources???
  19. Good idea Drewpy, that makes a lot of sense, you can get a quote online and they collect and deliver door to door should cost about the same as a hire van.
  20. I know it's a bit girly (colour) but for one I like it Laura, should look mint when you get it all sorted, well done.
  21. Foamy go see a priest NOW!!! you need to get rid of the XT CURSE, sorry to hear about the Paj being a rust bucket at least you should get some money back if you part it out, if your stuck to get the XT why not hire a van? they don't cost a lot and you could probably get it into the back of a small van, not a tranny but something smaller, should cost no more than about £40 for the day rate hire.
  22. Don't know about the rest of you but my jacket has about 8 pockets in it, up the sleeves in the front and one huge one in the middle at the back, I use the Bering ODDYSEE jacket costs about £300 and needs none of the things your talking about. And that leg thing is well to be honest a bit g__ !! like something out of the VILLAGE PEOPLE !!!
  23. You wouldn't know Bippo you were just looking at his helmet !!!!!
  24. The girls might like it but the rest of us are not so fortunate, we have to go out side and spit each time that horrible picture is shown so DON'T YOU DARE Foamy.
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