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Everything posted by slice

  1. Ah your missing the obvious Tommy. One is a "TIRE" gauge and the other one is a "TYRE" gauge, must be the first time ever that something in AMERICAN is more expensive than in ENGLISH !!!
  2. slice

    Engine cleaner ?

    Ok folks just a quick question and an answer, how do you clean really greasy engines? well I have always used stuff like GUNK or something similar but at nearly £8 a tin it's expensive so was talking to the wife (well you have to sometimes don't you) while out shopping yesterday and she suggested that if it was greasy then she would use an OVEN cleaner cos it shifts real hard to move stuff, happened to be walking past the local pound shop, for those that don't know a shop that sells everything for a pound or less, went in and bought their cheapest oven cleaner and used it today and it really does shift the greasy shit off like nothing I have ever seen and at 99p a tin, the bike I bought (FJ1200) had never been cleaned I think in the last 20 years and the stuff was thick, at least 1/2 an inch in places from a scottoiler, road grime and oil but the frame is mostly aluminium at the rear and this stuff does not mark or even effect the Ali or the engine block which is also Ali, so if your willing to suspend your disbelief for a while and spend a pound it might save you lots of money to. Also they do a pack of kitchen pot brushes that are ideal for getting in those awkward to get at places. Just thought you might like to save a few quid like I did. Happy day's.
  3. This is what a forum is all about. Imagine poor old Mc drilling and filling that carb cos he thought he had buggered it !!! Well spotted Tony, that's your "GOLD STAR" earned this week mate.
  4. Have to say Mc that if it bubbles when in contact with the metal that usually means the metal is melting !!! I would use something a little less destructive.
  5. Hi, I would say you have answered your own question really, if your getting power into the coil but nothing out then it should be the coil that is at fault, just my ten pence worth you understand. See if you can beg or borrow one from a mate and see if that cures the problem.
  6. And me, will give them a call. Thanks.
  7. Hi Tomy, Welcome to the YOC mate.
  8. I think it's safe to say that his electrics are well insulated!!
  9. No have to be a MELON Drewpy, those old Brit bike bit's are heavy !!!!
  10. slice

    Where is GROUCH?

    Anyone heard from him lately? Not been here for a while and he must have broken something by now on his new bike surely.
  11. Hi Jeff and Welcome to the YOC , sorry to hear about your problem with the bike and I'm sure someone will be along to help out if they can but I wonder if you might be so kind as to do an INTRO in the new members section as most folks will not answer a post if the poster has not done an intro, we get a LOT of one hit wonders on here who want advice and then dissapear never to be heard from again and never so much as say "thanks" for the advice. Not saying your one of them and hope you will stick around as you sound like our kind of guy but you Will get more interest if you post an intro. PS this is an "OPEN" forum so NO addresses or phone numbers mate. Unless you want the internet trolls to visit?
  12. Like Drewpy I have the vacuum gauges rather than the thing you have, must say that yours is supposed to be the better of the dials/gauges out there.
  13. Thanks for the review NSD, really interesting might try that myself if I can pry the money out of the wife's purse? Do they have any problems with OLD guys and I have a back injury so what if anything will that do to the likelyhood of my getting involved? I know your not associated with them just wondering if there are people they WONT take.
  14. Yes please send me a bucket load,
  15. Hi Dave, Welcome to the YOC mate, glad your ok now and back in the saddle so to speak, hope you enjoy you stay with us as it's always nice to meet new folks, lot's of good guys and girls on here and a few owners of the XVS I think.
  16. YOC Gropeon did you say? Tommy will try it out first then!!
  17. Me to John, a "lying evil witch" 2 faced back stabbing hell spawn , or in other words a "POLITICIAN"
  18. Welcome to the YOC always nice to have the ladies join in, a few of you on here (not enough) but active members none the less, hope you enjoy your stay with us, OH and foamy will be along soon, just pretend he's about 8 and you'll be ok !!! :biglaugha:
  19. Hi Stefano glad you could join us, welcome to the YOC mate.
  20. To bloody right mate !!!!
  21. Yeah those little bastards pack a real wallop when they go off, seen some thrown in a fire in the past and they will take your head off if you get in the way. Still you will be looking for a new set of panniers and an exhaust !!
  22. Good news mate glad you got it sorted.
  23. HI Graham welcome to the YOC, someone will have some thought's on your metal shaving problem I'm sure.
  24. Hi Alan, it will run on two cylinders tho it wont be happy about it, just a quick question I have the XJ750 and that has 1 3 4 2 firing order so the cylinders are split between the coils and as the coils can't fail on one half of the firing order I was wondering if you had it right, I have just rebuilt a Suzuki and that had the same fault as your describing and it was the plug caps that were screwed not the coils, just my thoughts on it you understand as your stood by the bike and I'm not but I would suggest that you check the spark plug caps just to make sure.
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