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Everything posted by slice

  1. slice

    Big boy test

    If you can then do the test and see what happens, I like Dt did the round the block one many years ago and nothing else since, if you can get out of forking over £600 to some grabbing sod who will tell you what you already know then do so.
  2. Going backwards it would be. FJ1200 XJ750 Midnight Maxim 750 SUZI CSF 400 X2 Honda dream 400T Suzi 250 barn find that was a piece of crap Triumph bonnerville 650 Hagan frame dragster 0 to 100 in about 3 seconds but refused to go round corners without lot's of swearing Honda 150, rode this one home from the hospital when the AJS tried to kill me AJS 250 CSR14 Francis barnett Villiers 200 First ever bike, I was 14 at the time. Plus I have had various other bikes over the years that were really forgetable, Oh yes I had for a day a NORTON Dominator that spat me off when the gearbox imploded, sold it for spares. Forgot the JAWA sidecar outfit - well you would wouldn't you !!!
  3. HI Tango, first not telling you off mate just a quick heads up on how the site works and it's always nice to have new folks join in, as above the SUPER UNLEADED is supposed to be Ethanol free and that will probably be your best fuel but if someone else has been running your bike on the cheap old crappy fuel they might have damaged the internals of your fuel system, might be an idea to whip it off and give it a good clean and refurb to see if you can spot any damage to the seals or internals, then you might get the bike you want, hope some of that helps.
  4. So you have the manual for the bike? If you do it will show you how to remove the seals and even has pictures to make various point you should be aware of, most forks are the same in construction and so I would suggest that you have either missed a step or something might be missing if you cant use the inner fork leg as a slide hammer, DO NOT jam stuff down the fork leg as you will wreck the seal housing and make the leg useless better by far to go back and try again, please DON'T heat the legs again as they are the only thing that stops you head butting the ground and heat will weaken them. Try putting up a couple of pictures of your problem area and we will all have a look and see if there is an obvious solution.
  5. Ask Yamaha UK then, how should we know? I mean there's not a lot of info in your question/statement is there? No year, is it an import. We are just a bunch of bikers who ride and like Yams and anything with 2 wheels really not a site to help out with stuff you should be able to find out yourself with a bit of effort on the net, your best bet is to buy the manual for your bike either Clymer or Haynes depending on whether it's a UK bike or not. Sorry mate but we are not here to do the work for you. Ask your local bike workshop if they can help out perhaps, or as above go direct to the horses mouth and see if Yam UK can help. PS you will need - V5 details like engine number - frame number - year of manufacture and anything else you might have to help with identification of your bike and what's in it. PPS just had a look at my reply and think I might have been a bit short with you, sorry about that, just looked on ebay and there is a manual for your bike for about 99p running at the moment so that's one source of info for you there does seem to be a shortage of info out there for your particular bike but if you search hard enough and know what your looking for then it's there it just needs time and patience, you really need to have the bike in front of you to know what bit's are relevant or not, there are several variant of your bike so only you will know what is right or wrong. The manual will have all the specs that you should need to get the bike running and serviced.
  6. Otherwise a Scotchbrite pad (fine) is supposed to work quite well and you can attach it to your drill!!!
  7. Ok then that's where you should start, don't do stuff that's not going to fix the problem your just wasting time doing that, try taking the CAT off and see if there is anything inside that might be causing the problem, perhaps one of the baffles or whatever has come adrift inside and you can bash it into silence or even bung something inside to stop the rattle.
  8. Don't think Iridium plugs draw more power than normal plugs they are just more conductive than ordinary metals so giving you a better cleaner spark, as to your original problem sounds like you have a dead coil pack if your getting no spark at all, tho it might be a fuse or earth problem, try taking the coils off and checking the wiring and the earth points.
  9. Welcome to the YOC mate, your in DT heaven on here it seems that most folks really like these old smokers.
  10. Love to Mike, I am a foreigner here but both my boy's are Gloucestershire lads so at least the locals will talk to them, only been here about 35 years so still a newcomer as far as the locals are concerned.
  11. Mike just had my Insurance quote back for the FJ, £62 fully comp and inc leathers helmet and legal. As I'm a tiny bit younger than you it might mean that they will pay you to ride it anyway just thought you might like to know.
  12. Welcome to the YOC Colin, you sound like a chap who likes to keep busy !!! May I suggest that you put your question about the JOG in the WORKSHOP area where more people will see it? This area is just your usual Hi I'm ??? and we say Hi back.
  13. slice

    Dont Text

    dt5, Just LOVE IT the thought of your ball hitch going through their front plastics and firing off the air bag, now that would be a video I would watch and wet my self laughing over. :biglaugha:
  14. Try running the bike in neutral and just pull the clutch in and see if that makes it a little less noisy if it does then it's just your standard Yamaha clutch slap that really it should not do but they all do anyway. If it's not that then try listening at the top of the engine and see if is rattling around the cam area, if that's where it's coming from then you need to adjust the cams or replace/adjust the cam chain. PS can't remember if you have an auto cam adjust or manual on your bike so look in the book to see what it has.
  15. Your NOT REALLY asking if it's ok to do WHEELIES are you? Plus you have piston slap FFS!!!! If you really must then ok but first I would ask a mate to be nearby to call the RAC/AA and then the Ambulance. :biglaugha: PS RAC/AA for when it blows/seizes up and the ambulance for when it spits you into the path of the oncoming lorry.
  16. Ok mate hope you get your bike up and running soon. Ride safe.
  17. Is this what you looking for ? Or this
  18. They usually have a number stamped or painted on them if it's the same numbers then yes if not probably no.
  19. Ok Mate this is how it works on here, first you INTRODUCE yourself in the "new members" section, just say Hi and a bit about yourself and what not, then you put this type of query in the "workshop" section and hope that someone will be able to help out, you DO NOT just rock up and ask a question, we don't know you and you don't know us so say hello like you would if you just met someone for the first time in the pub. Plus one other thing just saying "DIRT BIKE" as a question or statement is not very helpful is it? Anyway Welcome to the YOC and I hope someone out there can help you out with what you need. PS we are just a bunch of guy's and girl's who like bikes not a profesional outfit that does this for a living, so it might be a while before anyone gets back to you cos they are not on here all the time, so be patient and hopefully an answer will arrive, please DON'T just shove questions all over every area of the forum as this pisses people off.
  20. Unfortunately rattling and banging noises are what you can hear all we get is your version of them, so unless you can either describe EXACTLY where they are coming from or get a video of the noise on here there's not much we can do really, having said that your best bet for a "how to" on the cam chain adjuster is to get hold of the proper manual and see what it says in there, I have a rattle on my bike it's coming from the front and only happens at 35MPH, I know exactly what it is and how to fix it but it can wait till the winter cos it's not really anything major, this might be the case with yours but equally it might not be, if your really worried about it just pop down to your local dealer/workshop and ask if they will have a look at it for you to reasure yourself that it's nothing horrible or likely to blow up. Someone on here MIGHT be able to say what it might be but until you have something to show it can only be a best guess.
  21. Oh God where's the MIND BLEACH !!!!!
  22. Seems a tidy little bike and it's probably right what Foamy says but if I were you I would check out what your type of bike is selling for on ebay before listing it, check a couple out and save them to your listings and just see what others get first.
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