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Everything posted by slice

  1. Of course you can get a cover! You just have to find who supplies it. Not being funny about it but there are loads of after market seat cover suppliers out there on the net.
  2. Hi welcome to the YOC, Workshop questions in the workshop please.
  3. S'all right got onto HAGON they told me how to do it. No prob.
  4. slice


    Really sorry to hear that mate, hope she mends ok, have you asked the police if maybe there is any CC TV of the incident? After all central London is awash with the bloody things and it might just be possible to get after the bastard and make him pay. I have several methods of payment in mind starting with thumb screws and working out from that !!!
  5. Hi All, well I am wondering if anyone knows how to adjust a Hagon mono shock? It has the usual threaded nut jobbie on the top with a thread that goes down to about half way and that's it really but the one that the bike came with was quite complicated and this looks much simpler but I have no idea how to adjust the rebound on the thing. I suspect that you just have to wind the big nut on the top down till it meets the spring but how do I know when it's in the right place? Any advice or even a pointer towards someone who might know would be appreciated, Thanks boys and girls.
  6. Are they the ones you nicked for Hadrians wall?
  7. Try cutting a groove in the centre of the face of the pad top to bottom about half way through the pad material, this used to work on pads that juddered when I worked on cars, seems that it eases the pad and stops it grabbing to hard, does not affect the braking just allows the pads to seat better and quicker, use a standard hack saw blade not anything bigger tho.
  8. HI Dave glad you could join us welcome to the YOC
  9. slice


    Girls got guts !!! Good for her lets all do it.
  10. Ok mate no probs I will bung them on EBAY. The bulbs are 10 x T10 168 194 501 W5W High Power Car White 20 SMD LED Wedge Light Bulb Lamp. Hope that helps?
  11. You need to check your float height and see if it is to low, the problem seems to be that the float is not pressing the needle valve up to the top of the seat and that will allow it to spill out, it should not do this on a new bike really and if your bike is new then take it back to he retailer and get them to fix it! In fact tell them you want it fixed DON'T ask. Usually only happens to old bikes when they have been used for a good few years or miles.
  12. Drain covers are right bastards to run over when your cornering in fact anything made of metal that sits in the road is to be avoided if you can, wash your bike with soap and water if you want to keep it tidy and re-sellable especially if they grit, not that you will do much riding in the ice and snow I should think. unless you are particularly brave! I used to ride through the winter but I'm to bloody old now to even think about getting on a bike in mid winter. Your best to buy the very best jacket and trousers you can afford plus a snood for your neck and a nice toasty helmet and a descent pair of gloves. Others on here are riding through the year so they will have more advice I'm sure that will keep you safe out there.
  13. As long as they stop you then you don't need much more, there are some who say sintered brake pads are better but never really felt that different to me other than they work even when you give them a bit of a caning. Buy what you can afford is the best motto for me DON'T buy cheap ones that are made out of bedroom fluff from china tho.
  14. These are the bulbs I replaced on mine Foams Speedo face is held on by 2 large screws at the bottom and 4 small screws at the top, be careful when you tighten them up as it's only plastic and you WILL snap the tails off if your not careful, try to look at the seating of the plastic cover to make sure it's seated properly before you tighten them up, as for getting the thing out you do this, undo the 2 lower inner fairing black panels 2 screws each undo the outer fairing air scoop and the inner 2 screws that are under that, then pull the fairing away from the bike and remove the inner panels DON'T try to remove the inners without easing the fairing or you will crack the panels, next you undo the 2 screws that hold the top part of the inner fairing in place then you have to remove the screen to get at the 2 screws under there that hold the front of the speedo surround, it's a reverse of this to put it all back together, Oh and one other thing spray a lube or penetrating oil on ALL of the threads before you even think about undoing the screws as they will strip if you don't! Hope that helps? Oh and it should take most of the morning to get it off, did for me anyway. The other way is to remove the complete front fairing thats just 6 main bolts but they will be rusty as well so your best bet is to look in the manual and decide what's best for you. Are you still interested in those 2 engine bars that I have?
  15. Hope you find what your looking for.
  16. I think the USA call it a wiring harness and the UK call it a loom, but there are some sub harnesses on most bikes, these are small groups of wires that connect to the main loom from various parts of the bike, for instance the rear lights and indicators could be called a sub loon in that they connect to the loom also the reg/rectifier have a small plug that connects to the loom so that could also be called a sub loom I suppose. Hope that makes it a bit clearer?
  17. Looks to me like something has either come loose or been picked up inside the casing, that casting is mangled mate, the fins should NOT look like that have you tried rocking the finned disk thingy from side to side? if you have play then it might be a bearing, when you took it apart did anything drop out? someone has hammered the shit out of that poor little bike haven't they. Must be really out of balance with the fins broken and mangles like that, probably why the bearing are squeaking if that's what's wrong with it. Find a new or 2nd user fin thingy on the net and chuck that piece away.
  18. Got the same problem on the FJ1200, it's the side stand switch sticking, as above give it a wiggle and see if that makes it cut out, probably just needs a good clean and sealing away from the weather.
  19. You can buy anything if you have enough money I suppose but why would you want to? If there are spare looms off of breaker bikes out there for £30 odd then why pay £150 for a new one? Your choice of course but your throwing money away if you go down that route. One thing to remember is to check EVERY wire from end to end with a multimeter before you fit it as finding a broken wire once it's all wired up is a pain in the arse to find and repair, much easier if you can do it on a worktop or bench.
  20. Most after market gaiters are made to fit one of several bikes not your specific one, however your stancions are the same size as most bikes for instance Honda Suzuki and Yamaha are very similar in construction and so the makers of these after market item try to save costs by making them fit the whole range. All you need to do is buy the ones that fit your bike dimensions, as for the fit of the ties at the top and bottom the manufacturers do use zip ties and jubilee clips the same as supplied by most after market items. Plus if you want GENUINE Yamaha parts then good luck cos any you find that have been sitting on a shelf since 1969 are not going to be in the best of condition.
  21. Just had a look on Google for your bike and as far as I can see there should be a kickstart on the right hand side of the engine and your electric start is on the left upper portion of the engine, so if you don't have one someone has nicked it !
  22. SO let me see if I have this right. I cancel the tax say on the 15th of the month, I lose that month or 15 days tax, YES? The new keeper has to buy tax from the 1st of the month which is 15 days earlier so he also loses 15 days tax BUT the GOVT gets 2 months tax payment for a vehicle that was already taxed in the first place by me, is that right? Why am I not surprised that the Scots want to get rid of these robbing sod's !! Oh and they say it will also save them money on not issuing tax discs as well so that's ok then, I and every other seller or buyer are the only ones who lose out that's ok as well I suppose !!!!! BASTARDS !!!
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