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Everything posted by slice

  1. Nice to big up someone who does the job they are asked to do and also doesn't charge the earth for it. We should have a list of these people so others can use them.
  2. Oh God Lassy, these people vote and have children !!! WTF.
  3. slice

    Project Clocker

    Make her a V8 hairdrier !!
  4. My Suzuki had a similar problem, started to make a ticking noise then a tapping noise then no noise !! Valve stem through the piston, unfortunately sounds like you have a similar problem. Mine was a broken valve spring X2.
  5. slice

    Old bikes.

    To be honest Jimmy I have been more than busy with the FJ, got the rear end apart at the moment and just not had time to give the guy a call.
  6. Enjoyed that Finnerz mind you had to go for a piss after the second song !!! Enjoyed Tom Petty tho, haven't heard that in years.
  7. Check your compression, sounds like you holed a piston. Hope not but someone will be along with more ideas in a bit.
  8. Mc, Think it was 2 farm bikes on Gumtree you were looking at, a while ago now but thought you had sent of message about them. never heard you mention them again so I suppose they had gone?
  9. Hi and welcome to the YOC.
  10. Remember that the steel plates wear as well Mc, the info on the thickness should be in the manual, it gives you a min/max thickness so make sure yours are still within tolerance. I have a micrometer that I use for this, only takes a few minutes when you have it apart and saves you a lot of swearing if you rebuild it and it still slips. PS the 2 Suzuki's I had, both of those had minimum thickness on the steel plates so they rattled like a bastard once I got them unstuck. PPS looking really nice Mc, what happened to the other 2 you were thinking of?
  11. Same here mate, but I do have an XJ 750 tank in the garage if your interested? It is in need of paint (I stripped it and undercoated it) but no rust. Circa 1983 I think original tank off of my old XJ.
  12. In that case I'm having the R2D2 helmet next time !!! Actually Lassy the write up was really good mate.
  13. Christ Tasky talk about starting off the new year on a happy note !!!! Not that I disagree about how old he is.
  14. Ok you lot, what are your new year resolutions for 2015? Mine is to get the FJ running and looking like it should, it runs ok-ish but looks tired after being neglected for a few years, today I have the rear end off and the rust is about to be a thing of the past plus I have bought a few bit's and bob's for it so that it will at least have a bit of a sparkle. My neighbour told me that she was doing well with her new year resolution till I reminded her that it was only 4 days into the new year, have you ever seen someone's face droop after you have popped their balloon? Had to slink back into the garage to get away from the look she gave me! So what have you decided to do this year that you just know your not going to do but feel good about anyway?
  15. Hi Twiz, Welcome to the YOC.
  16. All bikes vibrate, some all the time others in very specific spots, my fairing rattles at about 32mph cos the plastic is worn from it being 20 odd years old, you have just found the sweet spot on yours so see if you can work out where it's rattling then tape it or use rubber bungs to damp it down, trouble is tho that if you cure one rattle it rattles some where else usually.
  17. A picture says a thousand words Adam, it's not on upside down is it?
  18. Well done OJ, one step forward mate.
  19. Hi Ash, Welcome to the YOC.
  20. Happy new year to all of you out there in motorbike world, hope you have a good night and stay safe next year.
  21. slice

    My new Xt350

    Yep as above worth keeping both of them, get your wife to call my wife I want an FJR1300 !!!
  22. I'm sure someone on here will have an answer for you but really all this info should be in the owners/workshop manual, if you don't have one then I suggest you search the net till you find one cos it will answer most of this type of question.
  23. slice

    Old bikes.

    Thanks Jimmy, it's not just the one you understand he wants me to take all 3 !
  24. slice

    Old bikes.

    Hi Folks, well just got off the phone with a mate, he has a friend that wants to sell his 3 bikes, A Honda 750/4 1982 model a Kawasaki 750/4 Zephyr1992 model and a Kawasaki 750/4 1980 model. Anyone on here ever had one of these? Any thoughts on what they are like and a general "Are they worth bothering with" type thing, if you've owned one I would like to hear from you cos I have never had any of them and was just wondering if they are right dog's or worth having a fiddle with. Looks like my new year will start with 3 new bikes in the shed if the price is right and I can get SWMBO to agree to actually let go of the notes !!!
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