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Everything posted by slice

  1. Yeah but no one can fill the void you leave Foamy ! Where you bin mate?
  2. Is that Chinese crap? or does someone really shit triangles?
  3. I would go for ebay every time mate, only because that if you price it right it's gone in 7 days and that means you can get your new bike in that much less time than waiting around for a friend to come up with the money, which usually means they want a discount AND time to pay, "I don't get paid till next month" or some such nonsense.
  4. I'm with Bippo on this mate, stick out with the YBR for now and pay the bugger off asap then go get your big boy bike otherwise your juggling with your money and that always ends in tears, plus you know that the YBR will net you £15 or £16 hundred which you can either pay off a lump of the new bike to reduce your finance or those oh so shiny bits we all want but can never justify buying for the new steed.
  5. And still it goes on !!! These people are just insane, in the nicest possible way of course. http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/201293068042
  6. There are some things that just make you laugh and happy to be living in this insane country of ours! http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/FARNSLEY-WAZZOCK-HEAVY-OIL-THUNDERBLAST-MKI-DIESEL-POWERED-VELOCIPEDE-PROJECT-/201285397108?pt=UK_Motorcycles&hash=item2edd8b6a74 PS read the whole add.
  7. Did wonder why they were all wearing crash helmets, now I know, bloody hell, but what's with all the bobbing about?
  8. Here you go Mc, try this http://www.evanscoolants.co.uk/ Cuts out rust and all the other things that make water a pain in the arse, watch the video and that will explain it all. Here's another one with an LC350 http://www.evanscoolants.co.uk/news/evans-coolants-launch-powersports-r/98
  9. Nuclear grade cleaner !!! Hells teeth Drewpy.
  10. slice

    Yamaha 1968(?) YL-1

    Found this if it's of any use? http://www.2strokeworld.com/forum/index.php?topic=12179.0
  11. Don't like the idea of putting sealant on a cylinder head the gasket should do the job on it's own without the extra stuff. if you used it JUST where the water ways pass through then that might work but as I said not to keen on slapping it on all over! Still you have talked to your mate and he says it's fine so go with someone who knows what he's on about. Good luck Mc hope it works out ok.
  12. That's a plan mate, just a bit of a bugger when you have done all that work on it !
  13. In that case you could get it pressure tested, don't ask me how? and see if it does in fact have a crack in it, seems to be your best option mate plus it would save you some money and put your mind at ease as to it being in tip top condition.
  14. Would one of these fit? http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Yamaha-YBR-125-Custom-2008-Pirelli-City-Demon-Front-Tyre-3-00-18-47S-/400781650025?pt=LH_DefaultDomain_3&hash=item5d5072a869
  15. Hi Sutty, Welcome to the YOC, I was in the Ambulance service for 30+ years mate, glad you could join us here. If you have a question feel free to ask. Stay safe.
  16. I suppose you could get it welded but would always be on your mind and it might cost more than a 2nd hand one. To be honest mate I would get another one rather than faff around with one you know is cracked. Just my opinion you understand.
  17. Italy Mc, guy killed 17 people, he was Hotdogging.
  18. Foamy is probably off in THE bush IN a bush or sniffing around someone's BUSH
  19. Yeah if you would Hebob, a photo would clear it all up mate.
  20. If Kev is right then follow his advice, I have only had experience with the usual wedge shaped cush drive rubbers, best if you check the manual on "how to" remove the beggers.
  21. Don't see why not it's not going to effect the metal and it might get the crud off, I would try paint thinners first tho.
  22. Welcome to the YOC, nice to get new folks joining in.
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