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Everything posted by slice

  1. slice

    Sr125 1997

    No you won't be done for "clocking" it's only if you try to sell it with GENUINE mileage, which it's not, that you can be done for that, the MOT is about safety not legality so they don't care what it says on the clock just that it all works. By the way Thanks for the heads up on the MOT . GOV thing just done my bike and printed out the genuine list of past MOT's for the next owner as like you it's nice to have the genuine details when you buy or sell a machine.
  2. slice

    Sr125 1997

    No problem with the mileage being changed as long as you don't guarantee that the mileage is genuine when you sell it, I just had the FJ done a couple days ago and it has a new clock set due to a broken spring in the speedo, gone from 65K to 22K but I will tell the next owner that the thing has been changed, I don't like being ripped off so why would I do it to others? As to legality regarding the Previous owner you have to PROVE that he/she knew the mileage was wrong and they told you it was the correct mileage, did you get all that in writing cos if not your dead in the water as far as the law is concerned CAVEAT EMPTOR is the name of the game I'm afraid (let the buyer beware).
  3. Hi Mikey, Welcome to the YOC.
  4. slice

    Betty is gone

    At least you know Betty will be looked after by her new owner mate, nothing worse than selling your bike to a scrote who rags the shit out of your hard work. Plus the Divvy is a nice bike for the summer.
  5. Have you checked the inline filter to the carb from the tank, that can give you jerky throttle if it's blocked, some you can blow clear others you have to change. Sounds like a throttle come fuel problem to me, might also be a blockage in the carb body itself, when was it last cleaned?
  6. Don't know about grass stains on his suit I would have brown stains inside the leathers.
  7. Just to say that I took the FJ in for it's MOT today and it sailed through (sorry Foams) so I'm now ready to take to the roads again, really looking forward to this year as it's the first time the bike will be without any faults that need fettling. Got the new Oil filter conversion on it which is great as I now don't have to take half the bike apart to get a new filter on and the carbs are properly balanced new tyres make a real difference even tho SWMBO had a fit when I told her what they cost. Happy days.
  8. Just been looking on EBAY (yes I know I shouldn't) and it surprises me how the price of bikes fluctuates re: the time of year, just seen what I can only describe as a bag of bolts held together by cobwebs and snot and the asking price was well over a grand, now not more than 4 or 5 weeks ago the same type of thing was only about £300, has it always been like this? I mean I don't buy many bikes but does it always jump up at this time of year? I seem to remember when bikes were a cheap means of transport and only for the broke or insane back in the day now it seems that these pocket rockets are going up and down in price almost on a weekly basis, am I missing something? You have to understand that when I look at a bike and they say it is a 1985 model to me that's new, my first bike was a 1960's Fanny "B" when I was 14. I was just wondering if you all knew about this and why you hadn't told me! Or am I just to old . (Yes Tommy you can say it!)
  9. Oh bad luck mate, still your going to get a nice bouncy shocker out of it so not all bad. Just looked up the Hagon website, never knew you could send them back for repair, thanks Foams nice info there.
  10. slice

    Another EBAY gem.

    Yeah Tasky, I was told they are great if you have a back ache, I already have the touring screen so this should just about make it sweet to ride. And yes Tommy I have been married for 40 years so my days of handcuffs are well and truly over
  11. Yep prybar, should you hit them with it or ram it up their arse? you can't talk on your mobile with a prybarectomy.
  12. Foamy I have a spare head in the garage, if you want to change it out give me a shout. It needs some studs drilling but other than that it's all there. Good luck with the MOT mate.
  13. slice

    I'm an idiot!

    Hadn't thought of that Jimmy, well spotted, it's the dealers warranty that should cover this as it is after all a "MAJOR ITEM" cos it won't start without it.
  14. Just bought these from ebay usual price is £85 to £99 for the grand price of £25, bar risers for the FJ.
  15. I have the Oxford oximiser and it's on the bike all through the winter, never gets below 12V and discharges and recharges the battery every couple of weeks, been on the bike now since September and the battery is 4 years old now and no problems with starting or crumbling plates, if you buy one it's easy to set up and really easy to use. Got it from Amazon for £40.
  16. Signed it Drewpy but not sure what will come of it, live in hope I suppose!
  17. slice

    I'm an idiot!

    Now that's a commentary I don't want to hear , live and learn mate.
  18. Hi Nick, Welcome to the YOC. lot's of info on here just ask in the workshop and someone will laugh at help you out. Just kidding.
  19. Got mine in for MOT next week fancy meeting for a cuppa?
  20. Foamy, where you bin mate? Playing in the sand?
  21. Check your wheel balance and the state of your bearings, head stock and wheel bearings, to make sure they are not worn then see if you have lost a weigh from the wheel from the last time the wheel was balanced, they are only stick on things and can fall of if you power wash your bike. Nothing worse than a tank slapper especially if you doing any real speeds.
  22. Nice one Tommy, a real bargain.
  23. I only put a LIKE on that Andrew so you will have it forever in your profile, that will teach you to make fun of Paul.
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