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Everything posted by slice

  1. As above, you do not want these people after you they WILL take you car/bike/house away to get their money, these are the legal mafia and they will break you.
  2. That's not right is it, should be more than that something like 14.8 volts showing unless it's a 6 volt bike, you should check your regulator to see if that is the cause of the problem either you get to much voltage or to little ie none at all. If your not sure what to do then might I suggest that you take it to your local bike shop and get them to have a look for you then they can tell you straight away what the problem is and how to fix it, just had a thought, if your putting out to much voltage then that would have cooked your indicator relay, it would also make your wiring get hot and can cause all your lights to blow before it sets fire to the bike. Get it checked out asap cos you DO NOT want to have that happen.
  3. Have you got an old battery? It's just that if your battery is shit then you will not get enough power to run the lights, or it might just be a blown indicator relay, check your wiring as well to see if you have any rusty joints. What amperage does your bike put out when it's running (to the battery)?
  4. Me to !!! People coming from all over to watch you put your foot in your mouth, this time see if you can get them both in
  5. HI Steve, welcome to the YOC, PM Foamy he might have a spare disc amongst all his other bits and bobs, If you haven't already then might I suggest that you go to the FJ owners club website http://www.fjclub.co.uk/you might find what your looking for there, they do a small amount of used spares and are always a help if you get stuck. In fact I'm off there today to buy a new seat for my FJ.
  6. These things are usually there for a reason, not saying you can't modify it but why are you wanting to do this? has someone told you this can be done and if so what did they say it would achieve by removing all these bits? By the way it don't matter what bike you ride !
  7. Hi Michael, Just to get this straight, are you saying your going to CHANGE the forks on your bike cos they are leaking at the seals? If so then you don't need to change the forks just the seals will do, unless of course they are damaged or rusted. Please explain what you mean a bit more clearly if you would. Thanks.
  8. Are you certain that you have all the number from the frame? Might be an idea to have another look just incase there is more there, not saying there is just double check before you start to jump on their case. Has the bike been resprayed at all? cos sometimes the numbers can be buried under layers of paint and a bitch to find. Good luck in getting it sorted, come back and let us know if it sorts it self out as others might like to know how you got on.
  9. You can't give them a 17 digit number if you DON'T have a 17 digit number can you? they have to accept that old bikes have shorter number and they are equipped to deal with it, provided that is the correct number on the frame then you can't go wrong, just tell them the age of the bike and that 17 digit numbers didn't come in till 1981 before that it was a free for all and they could do as they pleased, so they know this and are f**ing you about ! Read this http://www.google.co.uk/url?sa=t&rct=j&q=&esrc=s&source=web&cd=1&ved=0CCIQFjAA&url=http%3A%2F%2Fen.wikipedia.org%2Fwiki%2FVehicle_identification_number&ei=xqYiVYcOoZHsBprEgJAI&usg=AFQjCNHaRDDOXWnBzaVvgiOffjn0TJGpPQ&bvm=bv.89947451,d.ZGU
  10. Sorry but what is your question? If your the registered owner then you will get a copy from the DVLA without a problem I should think as for VIN checkers they are only as good as the people who maintain them, some are shit hot others are crap, if you really need to know all about your bike you could try Yamaha UK and ask them to send you their info, that should cover most of what you want to know build date and where it was first registered and such. Try here and follow the online links http://www.google.co.uk/url?sa=t&rct=j&q=&esrc=s&source=web&cd=1&ved=0CCIQFjAA&url=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.yamaha-motor.eu%2Fuk%2Fproducts%2Fmotorcycles%2F&ei=C6UiVeenM8qu7AbxkYCgCg&usg=AFQjCNFH83wRMncbgJ8TeqQbF0FAQrKIfA&bvm=bv.89947451,d.ZGU or this one perhaps http://www.google.co.uk/url?sa=t&rct=j&q=&esrc=s&source=web&cd=1&ved=0CCEQFjAA&url=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.yamaha-motor.eu%2Fuk%2Fservices%2Fcontact%2F&ei=taUiVe_rPMWM7AaWl4G4Dg&usg=AFQjCNEjn-cJT2auCPd1KCCtZmR_gTKqdQ&bvm=bv.89947451,d.ZGU Hope that helps?
  11. Nope couldn't go out yesterday as it was my 40th wedding anniversary and SWMBO would be annoyed if I trooped off for the day, but TODAY oh yes the suns shining and I'm out for the first time since the MOT, then Thursday off to Portsmouth to see the parents, looking forward to a long ride out.
  12. Welcome to the YOC Steve, no more rat runs for you then!
  13. Well done mate, bet you breathed a sigh of relief, now all you need to do is NOT fall off
  14. Welcome to the YOC Andy, no such thing as a mid life crisis, there's those that ride and those that don't.
  15. No Andrew it's still current.
  16. Yeah tis useful but this post is 2 years old ! Might be better to look at the date header before you post up a reply, try a new thread after you have done your intro (hint)
  17. Ah Ok sorry you didn't say that in your question so how was I supposed to know? So if you have already decided then good luck, you might be better to ask on a specifically USA site about the price for these bikes as most of the folks on here are from the UK - Australia - Canada and various other nations there aren't many from your side of the pond, it's not that we're not interested it's just that we can't tell you what a good price in the US might be. Hope you find the info your looking for and as an aside in your personal info you have only listed an XT225 NOT the other 3 bikes you already have so no one will know what your skill level is nor will they be able to say what bike suits you if you don't give the info about yourself, that is not a criticism just an observation people can only act on what they know or what you tell them, again good luck on your trip.
  18. slice

    a good idea

    Sorry mate but it does say, "only white lights may be displayed on the front of the vehicle" so technically the PO was right but was your boy being a bit --? Just sayin!
  19. Hi Steve, can I say it's pretty brave of you to ask total strangers what bike to buy, not to put to fine a point on it we know nothing about you nor you us. Your best bet is to look up the bikes your looking at and read the test data that's available, usually these include any faults and good/bad points that the tester has found with the bike. Then it's down to aesthetics and what you like, colour and so on, take it out for a test ride and see if it suits you, other than that no one can say what bike suits you or your situation, with the best will in the world you might be 30 stone or 10 stone 6 feet tall or 4ft 6inches and all these things matter when it comes to buying a bike, the salesman/woman should if they have any sense at all tell you what might suit your budget and needs, one thing tho don't buy the biggest bike just cos it's big buy a bike that fit's on the back of your bus not one that lifts the front wheels off of the road. Other than that enjoy your trip and ride safe. One other thing, if you have never owned a bike before buy from a dealer not some guy you met in a bar or from an advert in Craigs list, that way you have the backing of a guarantee that the bike will not chuck oil or fluid out over the road 10 miles down the track.
  20. Most you don't but you could always drop the front fork legs through the clamps till it's level, shouldn't hurt.
  21. slice

    crap horn

    I have one of these on mine, gets the wax out of peoples ears !!! ebay £2.75
  22. slice

    Project Jennifer

    Jimmy is right you know, anodising is almost as good and you can get a colour as well so not only shiny but sparkly colours. Well thought out Jimmy funny how you forget about things like that. Just found this, might try it myself!! http://www.google.co.uk/url?sa=t&rct=j&q=&esrc=s&source=web&cd=1&ved=0CC8QFjAA&url=http%3A%2F%2Fgaterosplating.co.uk%2FAnodising-Kit.php&ei=e7IaVajwN8f8UKD1gfAE&usg=AFQjCNHOi_Ptepz5e6cCKeYqdbzan9kKMg&bvm=bv.89381419,d.ZWU
  23. slice

    Project Jennifer

    Well you had best be sitting down when the chroming bill arrives, still it will look the dogs bollocks when it's finished mate. Still think it's a smashing little bike tho.
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