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Everything posted by slice

  1. When I was a lot younger and doing my car test the instructor moved the interior mirror a fraction out of line so that I had to turn my head to see behind me, it worked, so if you can remember to just turn your mirrors out a bit so you have to move your head to see in them the guy behind testing you will know your looking, whereas normally you just flick your eyes over the mirrors to spot the dumbarse coming up behind, you get the benefit of not only knowing what's behind you but can be seen doing it. Just a thought as I did my test in 1968 and things have got a tad more complicated, I don't expect I would pass now and would be told to hang up my leathers and stay indoors
  2. Some were like this and some were like this. They were all bloody uncomfortable and your arse WILL go numb
  3. No you can't, least never seen one, the best you could do is what was done back in the day which was to glue a pad onto the rear mudguard and tell your passenger to grow a pair and stop moaning.
  4. As above Dutch, sounds like your right hand carb or carbs are emptying and taking time to refill when you set off. Just did mine, new valves and seats plus new set of gaskets, still the pump whines away when I start it from being on the side stand and like yours it's fine when it's on the centre stand. Do your overflow pipes weep when it's running? cos if they do you need to replace the float valves and seats same as I did. They are known for this problem and also the clutch is known to crap out quite quickly, mine is in bit's as we speak with a dead clutch.
  5. slice

    Oh FFS!

    Well that didn't last long did it? Just said the bike was all up together and how nice it would be not to have to worry about anything cos I had fixed it all, yeah right, went to Portsmouth yesterday about 300 miles and all going swimmingly when I decided to give it the beans just to blow the dust off you understand, and I have the worst clutch slip imaginable !!! So it's now in bit's in the garage while I try to figure out if I need a complete new set of plates or can just make do with a set of cork plates. Plus it's pissing oil out of the bottom of the barrels so a new set of base gaskets as well. Next time I even think about saying how fixed it is I'm going to bite my tongue.
  6. Let me see. Dragged around a hotel room while dressed in leather !! OKAAAAAY, now what were you saying !!!! Oh yeah, no sorry I have this picture in my head now. Katie your going to live to regret that little confession.
  7. Yes as above, I have a set of Britool AF spanners that have been in my tool kit for years might never use them BUT, one day, you never know. Someone will just love to have what you don't need any more.
  8. slice

    One hit wonders

    I still have the original "In the year 25 25" single, it's under the stairs in a box with loads of other old records and I don't have a record player any more, was going to bin them but it was bought for me by someone I remember fondly.
  9. Try watching this. https://youtu.be/vrmYJgcGX30 Made easy when you know how and what tools you can use that you have in your shed.
  10. Ha Ha Ha !!! Been there done that your not alone in that place called dumbarseville.
  11. Have you tried Wemoto?
  12. Believe it or not Katie I have in fact worn tights while on the bike but it was about 40 years ago and it was mid-winter & they were really warm, one thing tho do "one size fits all" still not bloody fit anybody?
  13. PLEASE don't show Foamy this he will want one, right after he has had a moment with his "special sock" :biglaugha:
  14. You have no idea Mc, watch a program called "Can't pay we'll take it away" if you can get that in SA. It just about says it all. When they say the bailiffs are coming they mean the BAILIFFS are coming, a high court writ means they can take your house your goods and your car RIGHT NOW !!!
  15. Would it be from just in front of the engine on the lower barrels? cos if that's the case then I think it's called a "cylinder head side cover" see attached piccy numbers 29 and 30 if I have the right thing and to make your life complete if I am right they say "part obsolete" on the order form, sorry but that's what it says.
  16. I bought her a ring to celebrate our anniversary but what did I get !! Bike lift, that's my girl, Ha Ha. Plus she has NOT had to put up with me she's been lucky to have me stick around, bit like those stains in your underwear, no matter how many times you wash them they still won't go away.
  17. Sorry but you need to get out more, and cuddling is only if you forgot to leave your boots on
  18. Told the wife that I wanted one of those she said "yeah right in your dreams" Think she thought I wanted the armour !!!
  19. slice

    YAS1C 1968

    Lovely bikes you must be well pleased. Lots of work and many hours involved there I bet.
  20. This under armour might keep you warm mate !!!
  21. Been there as well, late at night and a country road and the next thing I'm surrounded by hat racks passing me at 50mph, puts a whole new meaning to the phrase " All revved up and no place to go"
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