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Everything posted by slice

  1. Still a "charge" on your c/card and that article said that "any" charge could be considered "excessive"? Don't know till you try do you, what's the worst they can say NO, so F**K THEM.
  2. The oil should be the same amount no matter the weight of the oil or you run the risk of having the valves pumping air instead of oil. 15W oil is only 5 over the recommended standard so not putting as much in will make no difference at all.
  3. Sounds like a fuel/air mixture problem to me, if it won't max out then your getting to little or to much air or fuel into the system and that will bog down the revs, check your fuel flow from the tank and make sure your fuel filter is clean, that might be restricting it. But just before you do any of that it would be nice if you did an intro in the "new members" section if you would be so kind. thanks.
  4. Hey Clarke, that is a really good article, thanks for that. Noise you want to have a go at this you might get your fee back.
  5. As above, get it looked at first then decide what you need.
  6. Had a look on the net about this, seems that if someone has tried to de-restrict the bike then this can be a problem with the speedo, you have to (apparently) cut some wires at the back of the unit and if your not much good at electrics you can short the unit out, don't know if that's your problem but most who have done this end up buying a new after market unit and then move on from there. Not what you want to hear I suppose but if that's your difficulty then that might be your only choice.
  7. Well the first thing they do is make you stop better, obvious really, but if you think about it the stainless steel braiding around the rubber pipe will stop the rubber from expanding, which is probably what's happening to you at the moment and this will increase the pressure at the brake itself, whereas if you have rubber lines only they expand and give you a spongy feel to the brakes ie you have to pull like a bastard to get them to stop you. Just going to say that if you get it done don't be cheap about it, some ebay stuff is ok but you do not want a hose to give out at 60+ and leave you with only your soles to stop you. Just to add, get a few quotes for prices before you decide on what to buy. I always try to buy local to me so you have someone to walk up to and punch if it all goes tit's up.
  8. That will be the damp in the air Kev, well known fact that if you ride through fog your bike will go faster, well till you hit something you can't see of course. In the 1930s ( and no I was not there then) they tried all sorts of things to make the cars go faster, one of which was blowing steam into the airbox to increase the compression worked fine flat out but slowed down it blew the top of the cylinders off cos water don't compress.
  9. Hell's teeth mate those bloody 2 stokes are expensive !!! All that for a ring ding-a-ding noise & a teeth rattling ride.
  10. Nothing wrong with that mate, I still do it to the FJ and the FJR, I can't believe it sometimes, these shiny 2 wheeled lumps just waiting to go. Even after all these years I still get a buzz out of just admiring them and as for riding that is a whole other grin factor all together.
  11. So if you rev the nuts off of your bike and give it handfulls of throttle wherever you go I'm supposed to be surprised that it gives up the ghost at 200KPH, just count himself lucky he had no traffic around him, plus if he had pulled the clutch in he would not have dropped it, guys a dick !
  12. If you have the manual for the bike then look to see what the minimum thickness of the brake disc should be, for instance if the "new" disc is 4mm and the minimum is 2.5mm (not saying it is!) then with a micrometer you can check how worn your disc is, if your within tolerance then you don't need to change it but it is an MOT fail if they check it. Plus some brakes work better with a new disc and pads, you don't have to wear in the new pads over the old ripples and such, but it can be an expensive option especially as most steel discs out last pads by about 4or5 to 1. So there you go, check to see what your disc is and make a decision as to whether to replace the lot or just those bit's you need, remember if you only change the pads you will need to run about 50 miles to bed them in to the old disc. Hope that helps a bit.
  13. It's easy to do if you know how but if your a complete amateur then get it done in a workshop, not saying you can't do it but the brakes are the one thing you do not want to fail, so better to pay a professional than mess about and f**k it up. You could order the lines yourself and then just offer them to who ever you get to do it, that way you can save a bit of cash by only paying the normal price instead if the "workshop" price.
  14. Hi Colin welcome in. Nice bike the 600 should be lot's of fun when you fix it up.
  15. Have you got stainless steel brake lines? It might be that if you have the original rubber lines that are fitted as standard then your getting a "bounce" inside the old brake lines due to wear.
  16. Hi and welcome to the YOC, always nice for new folks to join in and offer help and advice.
  17. What a nice gesture mate, at least he will get a new brake cable out of it, you should also ask that the bus driver gets a hearing aid, he didn't even flinch when the guy hit the bus!
  18. Hi and Welcome to the YOC, it's usually polite to say Hi before you ask a "how do I fix my bike" question, if you would be so kind as to pop over to the New members section and say a bit about yourself you might get a few more answers to your problem as folks are a bit wary of one hit (I want) wonders, not saying that's you but we do get our fair share of folks who demand info then never come back even to say "thank you". My personal opinion of your problem is that it's an electrical fault but if you have had Yamaha look at it and say it's a loose connection then I would be under the bike with a screwdriver or spanner checking all the connectors and cleaning them with switch cleaner before I did anything else.
  19. slice

    Tdm 900

    Ok first things first as they say, it's polite to say Hi on most forums so if you would be so kind and pop over to the "New members" section and say a bit about your self that would be great, now as to your problem, have you changed the fuel in it? Cos if your are using 2 year old fuel that will be the problem right off the bat, then you say it was running then stopped so how new is the battery? If it's 2 years old as well and has not been regularly charged then it's dead as a dodo, your will need a new one asap, also take the plugs out and clean them, other than that you need to be VERY clear as to what your level of expertise is regarding motorcycles cos it's no use us telling you stuff that you already know (ref New members) you say "You are purchasing" does that mean you have it or are you taking delivery soon cos if it's still in the hands of the previous owner ask him to look at it for you BEFORE you take it home cos it might be terminal and that would be a shame. Welcome to the YOC by the way and hope you enjoy being on here, if you have any questions that are not about how to fix your bike then put them in the general section.
  20. HI Andrew welcome to the YOC.
  21. Hi welcome to the YOC mate, glad you could join us, good luck with your DAS.
  22. Ok no probs, there is an area of the site, front page, that says "Welcome new members area" if you click on that you will see that it's full of folks saying Hi and who they are and where they live plus what bike they have and how long they have been riding, if your really new then say so cos folks on here can be a bit harsh if they think your an experienced rider and you ask a daft question but if your new and want to know something they will fall over backwards to help out, plus we get "A LOT" of one hit wonders who want advice then piss off never to be heard from again ( without so much as a "thank you") till their bike goes wrong and they come back demanding information on how to fix it, these folks usually get a polite but firm ragging and if it turns out they have no sense of humour then it can get a bit fierce ie fuck off cos why should we care? type thing. If your having a problem with your bike for instance then you are right to put it on this part of the forum but you really need to help us out by describing what the fault is in as much detail as possible cos we're not clairvoyant and can't guess how to fix it if you don't say clearly what the problem is. Hope that helps clear up the details of the site for you and if not then DON'T be afraid to ask, someone will help out if your stuck and guide you on how the site works OK.
  23. Er not really as it's usual to do an intro in the new members section and then say what if any problem you have in this section, but that aside asking those on here if they have "any advice" is likely to get you all sorts of answers some of which you best read after dark. First let me say Welcome to the YOC and we all hope you stick around, second you have a nice little bike there and you sound pleased with it (I think) third and finally PLEASE do an intro it really does help.
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