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Everything posted by slice

  1. slice


    Just noticed Lassy in photo number 3 Where's the frigging oil? It should be halfway up the sight glass is it on the side stand perhaps?
  2. They usually have an insert, like a wire pot scrubber thing ! inside that takes up any slack,
  3. slice

    New bike

    That looks better mate, take the baffles out at midnight and go for a run, bet your local bobbies will just LOVE you.
  4. Hi and Welcome to the YOC, always nice to have new folks join in.
  5. slice


    There you go and only £15 a year, well worth it. http://www.fjclub.co.uk/ It's about 10 miles from me so if you go down there your welcome to pop in for a cuppa
  6. Captf, I like "B" first then followed by "D" at which point I would use A"" Fuck "C"
  7. One of our members works for OPIE oils, here's the site address http://www.opieoils.co.uk/default.aspx
  8. slice

    Project Jennifer

    You DON'T mean PLONKING it back in really do you, you mean hitting it with your biggest hammer till the f**ker fits!!!
  9. Hi Luke, first thing is GO TO New members section and say Hi, it's normal to say hello before you ask "how do I fix my bike " question. Second thing DON'T plaster your problem all over the site, folks get stroppy about repeat postings. Then do you have a manual for the bike? That is where you should start, if the wirings a mess then if you can repair it as best you can then look out for a spare one from EBAY or some such, until you've done that there's not much anyone can tell you about what's wrong as the fault might not even be the wiring but a mechanical fault masked by the wiring issue.
  10. slice


    Nice find Lassy, as Drewpy says just run it for the summer, the only real problem that I had with mine was the lower frame rails rotting out where they bolt to the engine through a rubber mounting, pain in the arse to get the bolts out. had to grind the bolt heads off and buy new ones. I have loads of bits left over from mine so if you want a part give me a shout.
  11. If you need a set of friction plates for it Lassy then I have some in the garage that your welcome to, I measured them when I got them (used) and they are well within tolerance. Nice find mate, you will grow to love it, take the tank off and the seat and there's practically nothing you can't get at for a service.
  12. Hi Rachel, Welcome to the YOC.
  13. slice


    Lassy I was crying as it drove away
  14. Hi Kasimir, Welcome to the YOC. If you have a problem with your bike then write it up in the "WORKSHOP" section and someone will try to help out.
  15. slice

    Old biker chick

  16. slice


    Lassy, the FJ was one of the best bikes I have ever owned, reliable cheap and rip your head off fun to ride. The FJR is BEAUTIFUL but f**k me it's a cow to work on! As above it's been 8 days of swearing and general fiddling with little stupid bolts and more clips than a jet fighter holding things in place, if your really interested then buy one you will not regret it mate.
  17. slice


    Yes should have kept the FJ BUGGER!!!!!
  18. slice


    Ok as some of you know I went and bought myself a nice shiny FJR as a present to myself, it's the 2001 model so does not have all the electrical crap that the new ones do, anyway I knew that it needed a new radiator when I bought it, not leaking but really had a hard life sitting at the front of the bike right behind the front wheel which spits gravel and road crap up at it all day long, long story short went to the Owners club for a new rad and they do a genuine one at £615 + VAT or a Chinese one for £120 + VAT, so EBAY is my next stop and got one for £75 brand new next day delivery from China ( bloody hell!) then the not to small task of fitting it, been 8 days now, you know how when you think "I will just replace this part" well it never really goes like that does it? So far I am into a complete set of hoses (AMERICA) a Rad guard (FRANCE) all new set of jubilee clips Oh and for some reason a new IGNITION COIL! which when you take off the faring you had better NOT whack with the fairing cos that breaks them at £40 odd quid. SWMBO thinks I should stop as I'm at £200+ now but I'm determined to get it finished, really lucky that it's been shit weather so can't go out on it anyway but next time I will look properly before I start taking stuff off. Sorry just wanted to have a moan as swearing when your on your own in the garage gets you looked at funny by your neighbours.
  19. No to OXY that will just make your local Fire brigade happy, try a propane gun, about £20 from your local DIY shop, hot air gun won't even get it hot enough. You want to get it almost red but not to the point of glowing, give the outer section the heat then cool the inner with water, that way,as Drewpy said, it gets a thermal shock and the outer stays hot while the inner pipe cools rapidly, then give it a tweek but NOT a full blooded heave, you want to separate it not distort it.
  20. Yeah that would do it but you will only loose about 500mil of oil, is that enough do you think? Why won't the drain plug come out? Is it just tight or is it rounded off? Don't run the engine thinking that you can fire some more oil out that way, it will go everywhere. Is there no external oil pipe you could undo? How about a length of rubber hose that you can shove down the filler hole and suck it out if all else fails, your gunna get a gob full of oil but it might work.
  21. They got on there that tight with heat so they need heat to get them off, can be right bastards to get off, you just have to be patient and wiggle them till they give in. DON'T hit them as your sure to f**k them up if you do. Clamp one end in a vice , get it hot, then turn it back and forward till it gives, wrap the pipe in a cloth to prevent a dent or scratches. Use PLUS GAS or something similar to give you penetration deep into the joint, you can squirt it while it's still hot but make sure you have a bucket of water handy and the garage door open, DON'T breath in the smoke as it will make your eyes water something fierce, been there done that.
  22. If it's really over full ie past the point where you can see through the sight class then yes drain it all off and pour it back in, if it's just over the full mark ie where the dot is on the casing and you can still see metal at the back of the class then no your probably ok just to run it till you burn off the excess.
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