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Everything posted by slice

  1. Hi Macey, can I make a suggestion? It helps if you say Hello in the new members section BEFORE you ask a "how do I fix my bike" question' We get loads of one hit wonders on here who ask for help then vanish never to be seen again and they rarely if ever say "thank you" when advice is offered, makes folks wary of first time visitors, obvious really, it's not that we're unwelcoming it's more a "why bother if they won't even say hello", so if you would be so kind to pop over to the above section you might get more help. Just sayin.
  2. Yeah I think the GREEN LOBBY have a "hit" out on the builder !
  3. Shades of Deliverance? https://youtu.be/e4Ao-iNPPUc
  4. Is this still a problem? have you talked to Alex? Or been onto the site admin peeps? As Jimmy says once I got over the new look it all seemed to work ok.
  5. You could always make one with a helicopter engine Foamy !!!
  6. Nice to meet you and as above Yamaha do make more than pianos, the only other thing they have in common is that they are BLACK! Oh and both can make a heart breaking sound and make you cry with delight.
  7. Just read this Noise seems the money men are already trying to kill the electric car before it even starts to take off, seems some folks can't resist being money grabbing bastards even when it comes to killing the golden goose. "Andrew Fenwick-Green, marketing secretary of the Electric Vehicle Drivers Association, drives a Nissan Leaf. He said: "A gallon of diesel for most eco-diesels will cost you £6.30 and get you around 60 miles. "A 30-minute rapid charge in my Nissan Leaf would give you a range of 64 miles. So we're paying an extra £1.20 more to get the same mileage. It's madness... if the rapid chargers go up to £7.50 we're going to kill the market at a stroke". Copied from BBC News Tech web site. Tesla have invented this by the way, now this is just freaky ! You just know someone is going to want one of these that vibrates !!!!
  8. I've seen steam trains make less smoke than that plus your not going to want to wear a white suit riding that are you?
  9. All very pretty Noise but I want to ROAR down the road not whine, I can get whining at home mate I don't want to take it with me.
  10. slice

    Winter wear

    You old romantic you !!!
  11. Yeah it could be mate, but you can only say it's not when you've had it apart and had a look. Petrol usually leaves an oily white residue behind, can be mistaken for Ali feathering like you get when Ali is left out in all weathers and get's a sort of rust for want of a better word, sure there's a word for it but can't remember it ! Good hunting mate.
  12. Well that's just an insane amount of money, still if you want it and can afford it good luck!
  13. Well Noise, if they could get the batteries to be easier to recharge, that is spend less time charging than riding, plus the distance covered per Watt of power compared to petrol, most electric vehicles are limited to short i.e. 150 mile journeys whereas I can do 250 plus on a tank full if I don't ride like a loon. And they tear great lumps out of the planet to make these batteries with the rare earths they use and the Chinese seem to be the only ones with the rare earths that are needed, unfortunately it seems we're going to be stuck with fossil fuels till someone invents a battery that can recharge quickly and give better mileage, power from these vehicles is not a problem, some are racing these things but they use power quickly and are just to limited to appeal to the majority of people I think. Hybrid is a good way to go but clumsy when you think about how they work. Just my thoughts on it you understand but most people I have talked to want petrol performance combined with Hydrogen fuel cell reliability.
  14. Injectors might have a small leak, have you checked the seals that they rest in? Quite high pressures on injectors so even a little hole can let fuel out, look to see if you have marks from below the injectors where the fuel (if any) is running down, just a case of checking everything till you spot the problem really. Good luck Captf.
  15. Oh ok didn't know that looks like a stone had punched a lump out of it, thanks for letting me know, next time this comes up we will all know not to think it's a major problem.
  16. Yeah TTB is right I'm afraid you can't keep that you need to repair it or replace it. it's not a choice by the way that will affect how the bike runs the grit getting in is just another of a long list of reasons why that has to be sorted.
  17. Blackhat, remember the one I sold for my neighbour last year? that fetched stupid money as well, over a grand I think and it was in boxes.
  18. Read this if your not sure about the "restrictions" on a bike, bit long winded but tells you all you need to know. http://mattbearman.com/2009/07/21/uk-motorcycle-licence-law-33-bhp-25-kw-restriction/
  19. Probably in the exhaust mate, have a sniff when you next get back from a run on the bike, don't forget to turn the engine off
  20. Hi Vern, welcome to the YOC, don't matter when you start it's fun.
  21. Over charging, check the regulator rectifier.
  22. 19 Ft Lbs is NOT tight it's just about wrist pressure with a good long spanner, DON'T be tempted to over tighten them either as to tight is just as bad as to loose.
  23. As you have no doubt heard from others it's what suits you that really matters, I would suggest tho that you try these bikes out before you buy one, nothing worse than finding that your sparkly new bike is a bitch in the wet or you can't afford to get it serviced (BMW/DUKE/MOTO GUZZI for instance) plus do you need it for getting to work or is it only for fun at the weekend, all these things make one bike better or worse depending what you intend doing with it, some bikes are perfect for rattling around to the shop and back but no use whatever when you want to let the hoon out, plus a dirty great 1300 with all the trimmings is no good at all for short journeys and equally a 250 is never going to get you to the south of France without your bollocks feeling like you have hit them with a hammer. Decide what you want it to do, then try them ALL, don't just think it's got to be a Yam try Hondas Kwakas Suzukis or even some of the horrible things from China they are cheap and the parts are peanuts to buy. Beware of chrome on a bike, looks good in the showroom but is a bastard when you ride through the winter and can't be arsed to wash you bike when the salt comes out.
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