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Everything posted by slice

  1. Hi Mark, Welcome to the YOC.
  2. slice

    2 years later

    Christmas is coming mate, just think of all the things you can get from Santa !
  3. Well not to get off to a bad start "the finger" is my logo on this site so don't be so precious about it, if your not interested in the site and how it runs then fine suit yourself, just trying to point out that it's easier to say HELLO in the new members section than rock up without one and ask for help, we like to help, it's what the sites about but we're not here for a free source of advice when you feel like it. If you don't like how it works then there's loads of other sites out there for you to talk to. But we hope you stick around cos it's better with more people to offer advice. But the net's a big place and there's room for everyone.
  4. Yeah I'll chip in looks like they need a hand up. FFS!!!!
  5. Oh OK that should work, good luck.
  6. No prob mate if you don't know it's up to us to say, welcome aboard.
  7. Would suggest you don't use Brick acid (Hydrochloric acid) to clean your tank, have you tried this? http://www.doityourself.com/stry/5-tips-for-cleaning-motorcycle-fuel-tanks It takes a bit longer to do but is better than chucking the stuff your thinking of in. Just a suggestion mind it's your bike after all.
  8. Just remember, when you chain it to a lamp post that dog's piss up lamp posts, not nice to find your shiny lock feels warm on a cold night
  9. As Lassy is saying if they want it they will get it, GPS tracker just tells you where the tracker is not the bike, they strip it down in about 2 hours and the parts are gone before you get home from work. If you can find one of those things that sends you a text message when your bike is being fucked with that might be the answer, the YBR seems to be THE bike to steal unfortunately.
  10. Hi Broadway, can I make a suggestion? It helps if you say Hello in the new members section BEFORE you ask a "how do I fix my bike" question' We get loads of one hit wonders on here who ask for help then vanish never to be seen again and they rarely if ever say "thank you" when advice is offered, makes folks wary of first time visitors, obvious really, it's not that we're unwelcoming it's more a "why bother if they won't even say hello", so if you would be so kind to pop over to the above section you might get more help. Just sayin. But before you do that watch this it might help https://youtu.be/vrmYJgcGX30
  11. Hi, can I make a suggestion? It helps if you say Hello in the new members section BEFORE you ask a "how do I fix my bike" question' We get loads of one hit wonders on here who ask for help then vanish never to be seen again and they rarely if ever say "thank you" when advice is offered, makes folks wary of first time visitors, obvious really, it's not that we're unwelcoming it's more a "why bother if they won't even say hello", so if you would be so kind to pop over to the above section you might get more help. Just sayin.
  12. Have you tried it with the tank fuel filler open? Sometimes it can be blocked especially as it's been sitting around for a while. Otherwise have you got an external fuel bottle to try to start it without the tank attached, you can then see what's happening at the carbs. Just a couple of thoughts on your problem, your right if it starts or fires with Bradex then it has to be fuel related.
  13. Hi Wiki can I make a suggestion? It helps if you say Hello in the new members section BEFORE you ask a "how do I fix my bike" question' We get loads of one hit wonders on here who ask for help then vanish never to be seen again and they rarely if ever say "thank you" when advice is offered, makes folks wary of first time visitors, obvious really, it's not that we're unwelcoming it's more a "why bother if they won't even say hello", so if you would be so kind to pop over to the above section you might get more help. Just sayin.
  14. Hi Hobbit, welcome to the YOC
  15. slice

    Attempted scam

    Nice when you can make these tosspots sweat a bit but even better if you say you'll keep the money
  16. slice

    1978 yz125e

    Hi RES can I make a suggestion? It helps if you say Hello in the new members section BEFORE you ask a "how do I fix my bike" question' We get loads of one hit wonders on here who ask for help then vanish never to be seen again and they rarely if ever say "thank you" when advice is offered, makes folks wary of first time visitors, obvious really, it's not that we're unwelcoming it's more a "why bother if they won't even say hello", so if you would be so kind to pop over to the above section you might get more help. Just sayin.
  17. Yeah as above really you need a Haynes of the right year to really understand how it works, most online manuals are ok but some miss bit's out. We're not allowed on this site to recommend or point you to sources of copyrighted material, Alex "the owner" of this site will get pissy if we do and the owners of the material will sue us as well.
  18. OK WTF was that? You've been drinking and surfing again haven't you! Time to go to your safe place Foamy !!!
  19. For that you really do need the manual mate.
  20. It might be that your ECU is damaged mate, can you find someone close who can test it for you or people like this guy can do it for you http://www.the-ecu-doctor.co.uk/ Otherwise do you know anyone who you can borrow one from for a few hours? Where abouts are you in the UK? Someone on here might know someone near to you.
  21. Hi Mac, been a while, yeah that looks pretty horrid mate but still if it works and don't set the bike on fire. 9K, bet your neighbours just LOVE you.
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