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Everything posted by slice

  1. Good news mate, bet you didn't even feel the cold!
  2. Ok thanks lad's, that sounds like something I could try. I like the idea of making my own. Finnerz idea of a ball mount might work to, I will have a mooch through evil bay and see what comes up, otherwise it's in the garage and out with the big hammers to see what I can knock up!
  3. Ok folks I wonder if you have any ideas about this, I want to mount my phone/GPS to the bike but it has no obvious mounting points on it, the bars on the FJR are not round as such so a "normal" clamp won't fit, been racking my brain to come up with an idea on how to mount the thing to the bike but can't think of a way round it, what do you all use? I want it to be waterproof obviously and not rattle around in one of those cheap grip things, a suction cup won't work either (don't trust them to stay on) I could just bung it in the clear part of the tank bag but then I won't be able to adjust it so any obvious or even obscure ideas would be welcome. Oh and there are no "spare" holes in the head stock to use either just to make it that much more difficult. Thanks all.
  4. slice


    On the KJS site they are $550 to $600, that's a lot of money to spend on a tidy up? is this the thing you mean? does look smart tho
  5. Hi Stevie, welcome to the YOC
  6. Hi and welcome to the YOC.
  7. slice


    Don't have one but thought these were made in Canada? Expensive mate! What's wrong with yours?
  8. slice


    Hi Kid, ok first things first, you say you have put on a new carb cylinder head and barrel is that right? So what is it doing that it shouldn't? The more info you give the more we can help but without all the info we're just guessing. So start at the beginning, why did you put this stuff on? and go from there.
  9. slice

    Attempted scam

    You have a wicked sense of humour Malleus, now how far are they willing to go to relieve you of more of your pension fund?
  10. slice

    Attempted scam

    Oh come on he's not well ! Is that any way to treat a sick man?
  11. Nice job mate, you must be well chuffed. These old bikes deserve to be looked after and they are fun to ride.
  12. Always nice to find a cheap fix, nice job.
  13. slice

    XS250 fuel tap

    Have you checked the fuel cap vents on top of the tank? if they get blocked you have a vacuum in the tank, mine (XJ750) never gave me a moments bother and they are pretty robust, a tap kit only costs a few quid. I like the fact you can't turn it off and it's always ready to go. Have you checked the rubber tubes as well? they perish and let air in and then your fuel flow just stops.
  14. Unread content has changed as well, you used to be able to filter it but now you get it ALL!!
  15. You have to ask! She/he was looking RIGHT AT the other driver and still didn't brake or swerve, some people shouldn't drive a milk float let alone a car?
  16. Well I have to admit that it does look like something out of a bad movie but your never going to have to worry about dropping it are you?
  17. NO don't use glue, find a paint match then using a small fine brush fill in the chip with paint till it's just over level, then cutting compound till it's back to flush. Oh and find the person that told you to use glue and kick them in the ankle !!!
  18. I retired in 2000 NSD, I now don't have time to go to work plus my bike takes a lot of fettling during the winter. Do those things you always wanted to do but couldn't find the time to do before.
  19. I understand your bitterness Jimmy, looking at the weather forecast you need snow shoes that float?
  20. Yeah as above, bit of T-CUT and a soft cloth should come off easy.
  21. This one is in Swindon, took me a minute to figure out they were NOT taking the piss when I first saw it !! The locals call it "The magic roundabout"
  22. Hi Les, a photo would make it much easier to answer your question. And a Hello in the new members section would be really appreciated if you would, thanks mate.
  23. Ohhhh Mc's neighbours are just going to LOVE him at 7o/clock in the morning
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