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Everything posted by slice

  1. Just read your post Stevie, if it were me I would take it in for a once over just to be sure, explain the problem to your local mechanic and he/she will have it sorted in no time, the last thing you want is for something to fail at 50mph, gravel rash is a bitch and broken bones are horrid. Some bikes have a "TIP" sensor as well, if the bike falls over it needs to be reset.
  2. Hi, Welcome to the YOC. Never to sick to ride a bike.
  3. Thanks Drew, nice to know he's ok.
  4. slice

    Grim Up North

    It's pissing down here, but nothing like the poor souls in Lancs and Yorks.
  5. Merry Christmas. Found this if it's of any use? http://www.bikechatforums.com/viewtopic.php? Just remember if you fuck with your bike to much it will bite you in the arse when you go to far. this should give you some idea of how fast it should go, tho for how long is anyone's guess !! https://youtu.be/cmL7CcsSGCE
  6. slice

    sneeking in

    Congratulations on the new addition Beef. Your nights are taken over then mate but the upside is you get to buy toys for Christmas.
  7. As above really, it is what it is as they say. You could go naked to work you might not go faster but I bet the traffic would part like the Red sea !
  8. Hi Bruiser, welcome to the YOC.
  9. slice

    Made me laugh !

    AH, haven't seen you for a while Katie, thought I would get away with it !!!
  10. Well welcome in mate, looks like you need all the friends you can get !!! Hope the wrist get's sorted soon 6 weeks and physio should see you up and riding.
  11. slice


    Heat is your friend with stuck bolts I've always found, THEN out with the big hammers. Enjoyed the write up, made me laugh Marc !!
  12. Did this to my Honda (yes I know!) back in the day, melted the piston and fucked the mains, even if you think it's a good idea and think "why not" we're all entitled to learn form our own mistakes. As above buy a COMPLETE new exhaust that has the sound you want.
  13. At 6 foot 3 your going to have to look for a BIG bike or you'll look like this ! Mind you it could be worse !
  14. slice

    merry christmas

    He's wearing your mankini Foams !!!
  15. I would say that premix is for old bikes but due to the tolerances for new bikes it makes no sense to use it, just my opinion you understand. If your injector isn't using oil then I suppose it could become blocked by having nothing run through it.
  16. Personally I use genuine items but others swear that after market stuff is just as good, never use cheap oil that is a false economy.
  17. Ok so I'm supposed to be surprised that the BBC is biased PLEASE, run by the Govt for the Govt of the Govt. Nice find tho Sniff.
  18. Don't know much about the DT but if your clutch is rattling then you have to take the cover off and have a look otherwise your just guessing. If it rattles when free but stops when you pull it in then it is either the cage has worn or you forgot to tighten something up properly, did you put the ball bearing in at the end of the shaft? some folks forget that and it can mean your clutch works but will rattle cos there's no tension, just a guess mind. Well done on the rebuild tho, always nice to feel a bike start and run when you've had it in bit's.
  19. We've had this discussion before on here, some think the pour it in method is best and some say that "you have a perfectly good pump" so why not use it, messing about with your bike just cos you can usually ends in a broken bike, plus if you use the just pour it in method you get high oil use when running slow and low oil use when thrashing the shit out of it, and your plug is usually the colour of a lump of coal after a week.
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