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Everything posted by slice

  1. slice

    Head removal.

    That's good news mate but just be careful when you whang the shit out of this bolt that the engine casing don't crack, if it's really welded in there your going to have to be patient. As above try plusgas and anything else you an think of to penetrate into the corrosion, heat it up but be aware that the casing can actually melt if you hold the torch on to long, I bet the problem is inside the casing and not the frame mounts, worst case you could cut the frame mounts off and then weld them back on after you get it free, bit extreme but might be your only shot if all else fails, if your not that good at welding your local engineers will do it for you for a few quid. Remember the bigger the hammer the more you need to repair afterwards. Keep going your so close mate.
  2. slice


    Yep part numbers are your friend for something like this, try to find a site that supplies the parts you want and type the numbers in and see what comes up, on my XJ750 for example the headers were identical to the 650 but the numbers were different by 2 digits and they would not fit, close mind but no way they would seal. Somewhere like this might help? http://www.yamaha-motor.eu/uk/services/online-parts-catalogue-uk/index.aspx
  3. Yes as above really, look up the spare parts on ebay and such and see what's available then decide what your best action is. But if it was me I would take the full test and then your choice is unlimited, look here for prices https://www.gov.uk/motorcycle-practical-test/motorcycle-practical-test-fees- then for less than a £100 your off and running. Your choice of course.
  4. slice

    Head removal.

    That's the way, on my FJ the engine bolts were welded to the engine and the frame with corrosion, the only way is to heat them till they glow and wind the fuckers off as best you can. I did try heat and cold shock on them, didn't seem to make much of a difference really, I ended up chopping the ends off and drilling them in stages till I got them loose enough to move. The only time I was really careful was when I drilled the engine casing parts as they can break off if your to rough. Good luck and have at it.
  5. Nice one Drewpy, all that effort recognised
  6. No name, no please and I bet no thankyou. Seems as you say "a rather pointless exercise". And if that upsets you "deal with it" By the way, I know the answer to your question and bet at least half a dozen folks on here do to.
  7. slice


    Watch this, tells you all you need to know! https://youtu.be/vrmYJgcGX30 Good luck.
  8. Inline relay/resistor I should think, either to step down or step up the voltage. My best guess anyway. Not allowed to send anything copyrighted over this site, owner will rip your balls off and feed them to you. Just Google what you want, it's out there just a bugger to find I bet.
  9. slice

    Price to fix bike

    You can use a "generic" ignition switch, don't have to be YAMAHA, but your going to need a bod that knows how to bolt stuff on and off, these are all easy jobs but not for the novice, you can do them but needs lots of patience from the folks on line trying to describe what they need you to do without everyone getting their knickers in a twist. It might help if you said where you were in the UK, assume you are in the UK? Anywho we are all over the map on this site some in London lots up north and a few like me west country,, Wales is well represented as is Scotland and Ireland, so if you don't mind a complete stranger turning up and banging away at the needed repairs to your bike ! We like to help out noobs cos we were noobs once to. So if you have no objection to adding where you are in the world to your profile some kind soul will help out if he or she can. Oh make it known that axe murderers and assorted nere do wells will not be offered a cup of tea and a cake for helping out !!
  10. slice

    Price to fix bike

    Sorry saw this and could not resist getting involved, as Cynic say's £150 for a service and battery is a bit OTT, new set of clocks, yeah right I can see him doing that for £600, used set off ebay or such would cost about £50and you only need the Taco and surround as the speedo looks ok. Set of keys will be expensive so buy a set from a broken bike for half the price! As above again broken YBRs are fetching good money so say politely "no thank you" and watch the price he offers go up!
  11. I do understand that Drewpy and sympathise with the Support people but truth be told this is not the YOC that it used to be, nothing works. It might help if someone actually said what's going on !! Sorry mate this is a straw to much, going to us the FJR forum from now on, this site is to much trouble to bother with anymore. I might drop back in again some time but for now stay lucky.
  12. Been trying to post to the site and read the posts for the last couple of days, I keep getting "ERROR CODE EX2" almost every time I do anything, is this happening to you? My profile - crashes the page - Activity - crashes the page Unread post - crashes the page. Seriously thinking it's time to move on. Sent details to "SUPPORT" and heard nothing back, this is since the last upgrade mind not the one before that changed everything! Going to miss you guys and girls but it's not worth all this hassle anymore, take care and ride safe, catch you on the flip side.
  13. With most problems like this there are a few things to check, but if after checking the obvious stuff it still has this problem then you have to take it apart, sounds to me like a bearing or gear has stripped but you will never know till you dismantle it. The obvious things are clutch cable or line, clutch master cylinder (if it has one) gear shifter loose or broken (outside) same thing (inside) not much else I can think of but you might have to have the clutch out as well. Just to make sure we're on the same page here, you say you "just bought it" what did the advert say and the bloke who you bought it from didn't mention anything about a problem with the gears? Some folks are right bastards about moving on their broken kit, hope you haven't bought someone else's basket case !! If all else fails then take it to a dealer service centre and get them to look at it. Good luck.
  14. I have a spare Scott oiler and a bottle of red oil if anyone's interested? The FJR don't need it like the FJ. PM me if you want it anyone! It does need a couple of pipes, one from the carb and the transfer pipe, both available from ebay for a few quid.
  15. If you don't mind using an aftermarket part then ebay can set you up for about £15 or £80 for a genuine one ! I know which one I would buy.
  16. Happy new year boys and girls, hope to see you some time this year, take care.
  17. As long as you wash it after every run out you should be fine, ACF50 is supposed to work fine tho. Don't forget to grease EVERYTHING you can reach especially the rear shock joints.
  18. HI Mc, welcome to the YOC.
  19. Christ Meat do folks still go there? I used to go there when I was a kid, that would be 1967/8, I bet they still have the SAME bacon fat to cook in !!!
  20. Same as above really, I don't know your specific bike but try putting the bike on charge over night that might help. When it's running check the output to the battery, use a multi meter across the battery terminals and check how well it's charging, should be around 14.5 volts with the engine running, try watching this to give you an idea on how to do it https://youtu.be/dB7CFqVlhtI Hope that helps, if not come back and we will see what else we can suggest. Good luck.
  21. Hi Phil, welcome to the YOC, very nice bike, all you need now is some sunshine.
  22. slice

    RIP Granby Motors

    Shame these places are closing their doors, my local off road specialist closed last year, just not enough folks learning to ride anymore. We appear to be a dying breed, people are too afraid they might get hurt. The local youff seem to be into hot hatch and tiny sports cars FFS!
  23. I have 6 damaged vertebrae in my back and use a walking stick, for which I get some odd looks when I get off the bike, I also have a blue badge for parking cos I can't walk very far, but nothing will ever keep me off my bike, I joined the N.A.B.D (National association of bikers with disabilities) they can help if you have a problem using your bike, all sorts of devices available for anyone who refuses to give up biking, some of the guys are ex forces and have adaptions for hand and feet, levers and such, if you find your struggling, join and see what they can do for you. They are a charity so I try to give a donation every year. Good luck with you bike.
  24. Lot of hard work but very satisfying when it actually runs, well done you.
  25. Actually I think not, have a look at this http://www.yamaha-motor.com.ph/club/ Seems that the Philippines Yamaha motor club offers a "discount card" if you join their mailing list? All these folks have come to the wrong place thinking YOC was what they were looking for.
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