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Everything posted by slice

  1. Hi Rich, welcome to the YOC , thank you for your service. Ride safe.
  2. My FJR1300 is no good then? Oh well I would like to ride the new Triumph, compare it to my old 1968 T120.
  3. They are usually marked in some way TOP and FRONT or "T" "F" which gives you a pointer to were they should go, do you have the old one? That might point you in the right direction.
  4. Are these standard bulbs or LED?
  5. Yep what Drewpy said, use the flanges on the nut as a bearing point and tap it till it moves DON'T WANG THE SHIT OUT OF IT !!!! Remember RIGHTY TIGHTY LEFTY LOOSEY.
  6. Well first off sorry to hear about your problem! Second if you go to Yam UK and camp out in their front reception you still won't get an answer cos they sold the bike now it's your problem, just how it is I'm afraid, it's not like a car recall for instance cos unless you can prove it's down to their mis-manufacture they will not pay you for a replacement and even if you do prove it they will blame everyone but themselves in a merry-go-round of "not us". Don't know your particular bike but can you not just bypass the current pump and fit another one outside the tank? Say under the seat or behind the battery box, just saying mind not telling you this will work, but it is after all JUST a fuel pump and not rocket science. Hope you get it sorted what ever you decide to do.
  7. Well George I did the XJ with a spray gun and "proper" paint, it took me 3 weeks what with primer - base coat and then several top coats, (see my XJ in vehicles) can you do it in a week? don't know but would guess not as each coat has to dry be flatted then do it all over again, my XJ had 18 coats of various paint over it and that took ages. Best bet for me next time stove enamel or dipping. If you spray your own bike 1/2 the paint misses the frame anyway. My advice, find a good painter who has a shop near you then prep the parts yourself to save some money and pass the work off to those that can.
  8. Anyone that thinks there's no life out there is an idiot, but would you come billions of miles then shove a probe up someone's arse! Perhaps that's why they are hiding?
  9. Always nice to see a project from end to end, well done you, a master class in skill and patience.
  10. All the above are good ideas Grouch and well done on tackling the job yourself mate. If you can grip the oil drain nut and it's had it anyway then try a good pair of mole grips and just take your time. Good luck.
  11. That's a hell of a fix mind you! But could you not just shorten the bolt so that it doesn't actually interfere in the head? If it was me I would have the head off and drill the bolts out, recut the thread and redo it. Better still helicoil it and use the existing holes. Just as an aside, when you do come to get that bolt out it's going to be a right bastard to move if you've glued it in!
  12. Sweet little bike, sorry to hear about the wiring tho, on my XJ I just took the whole loom off and worked my way around till I found the fault, not for the faint of heart, if I might suggest something tho, do one small section at a time don't try to look at all the connections as this get's confusing, follow one connector at a time end to end then mark it off and go on to the next one,. boring and time consuming but worth it in the end. Good luck.
  13. Also helps if you sign in to the New members section, most folks like you to say Hi in a first post, Thanks.
  14. Have you tried here? http://www.tenere.co.uk/forum/index.php They seem to have loads of info on your model. Don't know if any of it will help mind! And WTF have they done to that poor bloody bit of metal? looks like it was removed with a sledge hammer!!!!
  15. slice

    MT-125 stolen :(

    Oh bad luck Andrew, what a pisser mate. insurance will take an age to pay out, as usual. Was it on the street or inside when they got it? Your next bike needs a tracker fitted and every sticker you can find to say it's got one, won't put off the "steal to order" mob but will discourage the random scum fucker. Don't bother looking for it just move on and hope the thief dies badly.
  16. Hi and welcome to the YOC. Just glad someone from Europe still want's to talk to us!
  17. Ok so you have found a loose wire, but where does it come from? Best to find BOTH ends before you start attaching it, on some of the bikes I've had the PO has either chopped or moved wires, one even had the wrong loom on it FFS! Always follow wires to both ends, makes it easier. All else fails, coil it up and tidy it away with a cable tie and forget about it. Also, it helps if you say HELLO in the new members section, just sayin!
  18. slice


    Made me laugh anyway, what a 100 million a year between them and they can't win f**k all.
  19. Hi Sarah, Welcome to the YOC.
  20. Sweet result mate, well done you. All you need now is to be 16 again !!!
  21. Hi WB, welcome to the YOC, always nice to have new folks join in.
  22. slice


    Hi Mcleod, you can't offend this lot, they are insane. Folks from all over the world and we get on cos we help out if we can, no snide remarks no making folks feel stupid cos we all had to learn how to do it and like the fact that we can get youngsters interested in bikes by showing them "how to". Join in mate, your most welcome.
  23. Sounds more like a charging fault, have you checked the output from your bike?
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