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Everything posted by slice

  1. Hi Alex, welcome to the YOC, clean out the carb!
  2. If you look close Dutch you will see it's not a duff speedo it's an old one over the top of the original, had a spare and some bluetac so thought "if you can't see it you ain't doing it"
  3. slice

    Summer wear

    Here you go Tasky these will do !!!!
  4. slice

    Summer wear

    Normal bike jacket plus summer gloves and boots, never wear trainers on the bike.
  5. slice

    DT400b 1976

    From the look on his face Blackhat he's thinking "I HAVE TO GET ONE OF THESE!!"
  6. Just remembered this thing I did a couple of years ago, give you some idea on what to expect!
  7. slice


    Yeah it's in the manual at the back under "wiring diagrams" but if your asking can someone give you a copy then NO it's copyrighted and the site owner will cut our balls off if we give out copyrighted information. Sorry about that.
  8. Well done Robbo your a star mate.
  9. Hi Martin, Welcome to the YOC.
  10. 98 ROM is fine for these bikes, they will run on most anything but believe it or not I get better mileage with the FJR if I use a higher octane fuel. Simply put the better the fuel the better it will run. Those few extra pence per litre are nothing to worry about and the bike will thank you for it. FJ didn't like sitting in traffic so learn to filter, didn't get real hot but it's uncomfortable.
  11. Sold mine last year, a beautiful bike and easy to ride, just watch out if you give it a hand full. Nothing major wrong with them and it's a joy to ride, front fork seals need looking at once a year as it's a heavy bike, brakes are good engine will go on and on as long as you service it regular. Join the FJ owners club (http://www.fjclub.co.uk/) they know all about these bikes and have all the spares you will ever need and they only work on FJs and FJRs, other than that enjoy your new ride.
  12. Hi Kevin, welcome to the YOC.
  13. Looks to me like a blanking plate of some sort. What's inside the hole on the barrel? Do you have the manual?
  14. slice

    Bike no 3

    Yep have to agree with your Dad DON'T sell it; is that the original paint colour? Looks like it just stepped out of an army video !!
  15. slice

    Yamaha R125 YZF

    Yeah almost any bike can do 100MPH but it's the cost of getting there that decides if it's worth it or not. Plus the more you fettle it the more delicate it becomes. Do your test and buy a bigger bike.
  16. slice

    Bike no 3

    Yeah as above Cynic, YOU DON'T OWN IT TILL WE SEE THE PHOTOS !!!
  17. Yeah Cynic I've seen them before but how and where do I check to see if it's nicked or not, there has to be a place that tells you who owned the bike and has it been nicked, Datatag site just want's to sell you shit but has nothing on it to say "CHECK NUMBERS HERE" !!! Thanks anyway mate.
  18. Thanks mate but afraid that's not it either, the letters and numbers are in blue DOTS on the outside of the panel if that helps anyone.
  19. Ok folks just a quickie. Just bought a front mudguard from tinternet, it has a series of numbers preceded by DAT letters, now I assume they are for the purpose of identifying a part of your bike if it's nicked but I'm buggered if I can find any info on the net that tells me how to check if it's legit or not. Actual thing is "DAT0408588" Tried Datatag and anything else I could think of but do any of you know how I find out if this is nicked or not? The reason I ask is that a "NEW" one is about £150 and I paid £15 ! It's not perfect but just wondering if some poor sod is out there damming me to hell for buying bit's of his bike.
  20. I think the only thing you get by shortening the forks is to alter the turn in on corners! It's a bit like making the bike twitchier as you turn the bars, can get exciting if your really going for it and give it a hand full will make the tyre scrub out faster. As I say not certain. It's a bit like the difference between a long forked bike and a scooter, the scooter will slide out faster than the bike. Just a thought, the ground clearance can be compromised as well if you go too far as the belly of the bike will be closer to the ground but the fork movement will be the same.
  21. Suggest you try YouTube to see if anyone has a similar problem. Seems the rollers are a known fault with these things. Just a suggestion.
  22. So eating till your sick now makes you famous !!!! FFS.
  23. First, welcome to the YOC, then does it have a service history?, don't matter who did it just does it have one, then does it rattle? they all make noise but are there any deep rumbles from the engine? Finally do you like it? all very well being cheap and your looking for a bike but do you like it. No point what ever you buying a bike that you think is a dog, if your not sure take a mate with you to look it over and give you impartial advice, if he/she thinks it's ok then dicker till you get it for the price your willing to pay. Next if you buy it BUY THE MANUAL for it BEFORE you even think about taking a spanner to it, last but not least do you have any mechanical experience at all? Cos if you buy a bike your going to need it unless you have bottomless pockets. Other than that they are good solid bikes you'll never win any prizes for originality but you will have fun.
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