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Everything posted by slice

  1. slice

    Making Lists

    Yep retirement means I get to watch my neighbours scrape their cars on cold winter days while I get to roll over in bed and go back to sleep! Plus from what I hear the "JOB" isn't what it was. My days in the Ambulance service were fun but not now I'm told. As to your query about LISTS well I think you'll find we all use them, SWMBO leaves me lists of things she wants done, I usually find reasons not to do them, got a good list at the moment tho, the FJR needs a few things doing the coming winter so buying the parts I will need for when the cold comes and storing them away ready to get it stripped down.
  2. Hi Owen, welcome to the wonderful world of motorcycling, you need a good pair of gloves first off, choice is yours of wearing a pair of trousers all day long or over trousers and jeans underneath, jacket with a good armour (back and arms) and as you live in sunny Scotland you will also need them to be waterproof. As to cost well as you have already said the price is really "what are you prepared to pay"? Buy the best you can afford is the simple answer. Leather is good but leather trousers are heavy and sweaty, boots are one thing you should buy that you spare no expense on £30 pair might be ok for one year but make sure they are long not ankle boots, other than that just get what you can for now, you can always buy something else next year. One thing tho, you have no fairing on your bike so EVERYTHING is going to hit you right in the face which means your going to be sitting in a puddle of water every time it rains so make sure the trousers are waterproof at the crutch, nothing worse than turning up for a night out with trousers that look like you've pissed yourself. Just one other thing mate, might be good to pop over to the New members section and say "Hi" folks are wary of one hit wonders.
  3. Right your nicked !! No parking on the yellow line mate.
  4. slice

    Making Lists

    Hi Ian, good to hear from you again.
  5. Hi William, usually best if you say "Hi" in new members section before you ask a "how do I fix my bike" question, just so everyone knows your not a one hit wonder. Just sayin.
  6. Yep as above MANUAL will save you thousands in wasted money, most bike and scoots are easy(ish) to work on but it's a steep learning curve if you have no experience with them. As to your original question about a service, from your list that about covers it I'm afraid, same as anything else it's the basic stuff that keeps it running. That by the way is a pretty good price as they normally charge about £45 to £50 per hour.
  7. Ok I have to ask "how fast did it go?"
  8. Seems that's a "NO" them Martyn, sorry mate most of us use either ebay or scour the local breakers till we find what we want. as for 3D printing I have no idea what that sort of thing costs. Back in the day when I was just a kid we did used to make copies by fiberglasssing over the original, makes them heavy tho and they don't have the fixings like the originals.
  9. Just beautiful mate, but back to the problem, have you in fact asked Yamaha what it would cost to supply a new gear? Know it sounds daft but every now and then they surprise me with a price that is better than a used one!
  10. Seen those ads Tommy, but really mate are you that desperate to keep them? plus they have to be replated when your done, that's £100 plus so anything you save goes on the rechroming. My advice for what it's worth buy a used pair that have good solid chrome and bin those old ones.
  11. Just had another think about this Alan, take the head stock apart and see if it might just need re-greasing, might save you time and money if it's only dried out and come loose.
  12. One other thing, where are you in the world? someone nearby might be able to come and have a look to see if they can help.
  13. Oh they are pretty, you really are one lucky begger. As Drewpy said use the old ones as patterns and find a good engineering shop to get them remade. Shouldn't cost much and then you'll have 2!!!
  14. Sorry to see that mate, bugger me you were lucky there, I have a set of forks for an XJ 750 sitting in the garage, your more then welcome to them if they will fit.
  15. In that case go for it then, hope to see you out there. Ride safe.
  16. Not hard at all if you have the manual, and if it feels notchy then your best taking it to bit's and finding out if you have duff bearings rather than just tightening it up.
  17. Hi, First things first, it's usual to say "Hi" in the new members section before you ask a "how to fix my bike" question, perhaps you will do that in a bit yeah! Next you say you have "OIL" coming out of the top of the carb !!! that's really not right mate, have you checked the oil level and seen if it's to high or in fact to low? A picture say's it all so if you can take a photo so we can see what's going on it's always easier than relying on a description. How long have you had the bike, you say "just purchased" but how long ago? come back when you have a bit more info so someone can have a go at helping out.
  18. Hi and welcome to the YOC, to be honest never rode one but if it has a good service record (either owner or dealer) then it's probably a good one if not then go on condition, if your still unsure look else where.
  19. Why do we not have any politicians like this in the UK?
  20. slice

    Summer wear

    That's ok mate just let me know when your wearing them that I have to see Bet it would even beat Foamies Mankini !
  21. It's only there for the camera Dutch, it's actually stuck to the wall of my workshop at the moment, if you want it mate I'll post it.
  22. slice

    Yeah Baby

    Just tell them your "Rocket man!" sweet little bike.
  23. Made a donation mate, take care and remember your supposed to have fun as well!
  24. No you need carb cleaner, read the instructions BEFORE you use it as well.
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