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Everything posted by slice

  1. Good for her Meat, hope you told her how chuffed you were?
  2. If you have a fluid leak then new seals are not going to cure the problem if you have already done it, the bore wears on the cylinder and the only way to cure it is to replace eh clutch slave cylinder, FJ club does them, for about £30 I think, they also do an uprated seal kit which I used but if it's gone to far then replacement is the only option. READ THIS>http://www.fjcatalogue.com/catalog/item/7221205/7432061.htm Then this>http://www.fjcatalogue.com/catalog/item/7309025/10277777.htmb a used bike they are breaking with a spare clutch slave cylinder for £40. A new one is £140 so bit of a bargain!
  3. HI there, welcome to the YOC.
  4. You don't have to take the faring off to get at the cable, take the tank off and it's right there? In fact everything is right there, best part about this bike is that most of the time you just need to rotate the tank 90 degrees and you can reach most everything you need to service it. Buy a new fuel filter if you can and replace that (bottom of tank) then check the slow running screw in the middle of the carbs, give it a shot of WD40 or some such, especially right up to the end of the thread, don't forget to also lube the spring and actuator as they get crusty and make the engine slow to drop the revs.
  5. slice

    79 400 xs cafe

    Doug, this post is from 2009 mate, please don't drag up old posts. Try saying hello in the NEW Members section and someone will help you out. Just sayin!
  6. I'm a bit further South than that I'm afraid but still did the West Yorkshire survey they have on their web site, you never know if enough folks from all over fill in a few forms they might take notice!
  7. At least they are asking people not just doing it and "just put up with it" attitude. Good idea to get folk involved, I belong to MAG and they do this type of thing all the time, just a suggestion, you might want to nip over to their web site and see if they are already involved http://www.mag-uk.org/en/news Seems they already are involved in fact. Second one down.
  8. Hi Jamie, welcome to the YOC.
  9. It will get hot and you will sweat your balls off BUT as soon as you open it's throat you'll forget all about hot cold or even if your breathing ! As Dutch say's they are a sweet ride and probably the most torquey bike I have ever ridden, your going to enjoy the next month or so and going home will make you feel sad. It's never going to handle like a 125 or 600 but it's surprisingly easy to filter with, narrow and flickable, I miss my old bus.
  10. Going to use the M/Way, I know it's boring but as I have no idea where I'm going it's best to get the worst out of the way so I can spend a couple of hours finding my hotel! Would like to meet up tho but have no idea when I'm going to get there. Planning to leave home about 10 o/clock so 3-4 hours to get there?
  11. Ok folks, booked my hotel ! See you all there.
  12. He's in Beverly Hills Sacha that should say it all.
  13. slice

    TDM 850 /900

    Don't worry mate I'll carry you in one of my panniers !!!!!
  14. Dutch, just found this, it's an easy fix for your problem. Looks more complicated than it really is, helicoil's nowadays are not what they used to be and they last longer than the part they are in to, stainless steel will never rot nor will it need redoing. Read this part about how to remove the sump with minimal effort and cost. http://www.fj1200.info/tipsfixes.html Just a thought mate.
  15. slice

    sunday drivers

    We've all been there mate, Sunday is supposed to be the most dangerous day to drive anywhere in the UK. Use your HORN as well if they get a bit close don't wave and shout just blast your horn till they see you, when in doubt make a noise.
  16. slice

    TDM 850 /900

    Tommy there's guys out there who have done this with a 50cc step thru, as long as you don't have to pedal it you'll be fine mate.
  17. Sorry to hear that Dutch, what about one of these things fitted later in the year http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/272113279957?_trksid=p2060353.m1438.l2649&ssPageName=STRK%3AMEBIDX%3AIT was going to fit one to the FJR in the winter, with all the other things that need doing!!! Helicoil the hole and then fit this.
  18. sweet mate well done you! No where near the end but a good start.
  19. Loose connection Noise, starter relay click is what you can hear and it's either not enough charge or a buggered relay, check your connections especially the ones under the tank. Just had a thought of something you could try, bridge across the terminal on the starter motor to the engine (dead short) and that should wind the motor over, just so you can see if the motor is working properly.
  20. Only sure way to tell is measure it but on my XJ I found 4 from other bikes in the range that would fit! Typical Yam method is "is it in the bin?" use that then! So most probably the one your looking at will fit.
  21. It is possible for the bike to "run" with a 180 degree out but it will back fire and fart instead of running properly, but as Kev say's more likely an electrical fault.
  22. slice

    How Many Left

    Yep me to THANKS MATE!!!!
  23. Hi Trance, welcome to the YOC, Pretty bike mate.
  24. HI Muz welcome to the YOC, sorry mate but we're not allowed to give out copyrighted info, the site owner (in Aus) will have a fit if we do, but just a question, do you have the manual for the bike Clymer or Haynes? If you don't then get one it will have all you need to get the bike sorted. But you could just search Google and see if there's one on there.
  25. Hi Bryn, welcome to the YOC. You need to load your photos into something like photobucket then copy them across otherwise you just get the "GIF" and no photo.
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