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Everything posted by slice

  1. That's what I would do if your able to find the part, anything can be welded but it does look like it's had a bit of a hammering. Work out the cost of welding against buying and shipping then make your decision. Don't go off half cocked and buy something then find out 3 weeks later that a repair is going to cost a third of the price. No engine is beyond repair it's just the cost that decides whether it's worth it or not. Don't forget with a new part your going to have to buy all new bearings seals and gaskets as well, it all adds up.
  2. First thing I would like to know is why did it crack in the first place? Your going to have to fix that then I would look at getting the thing welded rather than replacing the whole engine. Yeah it looks horrible but are you positive it can't be repaired? Unlikely to be a stress crack it looks like something external hit it and that's what broke it in the first place, probably dropped on it's side so if that is the only damage it would be cheaper to repair it than hunt round for an engine that might be a dog as well. Look for an exploded diagram of your motor and see if the part that's broken is removable then decide where you want to go with it! PS DON'T even think about starting it till you have replaced the damaged part, you have no idea what else is stressed out till you get it apart.
  3. I'm with Jimmy on this, your bikes going to rattle itself to pieces with the state of our roads. Not saying you shouldn't do it, it's your bike after all. Each to their own.
  4. I suppose it might be the chain getting worn or as Drewpy said a warped disk. To many things it could be, head stock bearing swing arm bearing worn pads loose bolts etc. Have you any idea at all as to where the noise judder is coming from? Front or rear of the bike?
  5. Sorry to hear that mate, is there no way you can delay it till the weather warms up? I mean the riding part of course the theory I thought was done indoors! Not sure what the test entails any more I did mine 40 odd years ago.
  6. slice


    Sorry Drewpy but have to agree with Anyoldiron on this, powder coat is a pain in the arse when it comes to torque settings, I did my XJ with a gun and it came up really nice, but your right about the cost of paint, My paint was £90 a half litre and then there was the cost of under coat and clear coat to consider, total was about £190 but had the satisfaction of doing it myself. Mind you tho it did have a total of about 20 light coats of paint when I finished it.
  7. Grouch, put up some posters with a reward mate, you'll be knee deep in cat's before you know it. Just so you know NOT being funny here it's a genuine concern for your moggy.
  8. Yep as Cynic said what's to worry about, I do take the fuel our tho cos it's shite and makes the bike run funny next year for the first 50 miles or so.
  9. Thank you all, I still feel like a total twat but if I had it on film it would make a good comedy sketch. I now have the front fork seals to do, sooo looking forward to that!
  10. If your trying to pull along in 4th or (God forbid) 5th gear at 2k then there's no wonder the bloody thing rattles, As above open it's throat a bit 3500 to 4000k minimum in high gears 1st and 2nd you will get away with but any higher gear will protest.
  11. Hi folks, well this is just me VENTING you understand plus you can learn for my mistake? Ok so been meaning to remove and repaint the centre stand, easy right? So first thing remove the bolts, only one of the bolts is the wrong way in, it should face out not inwards, this way you have to remove the entire exhaust to get one bolt out FFS! No prob just cut the head off and punch it through, out with the grinder and happily whip the head off and you guessed it, wrong frigging end, really must pay more attention when laying on your back in the dark under the bike. Cut the other end off and still wont come out so I have to remove the sodding central suspension linkage and drop the suspension out BEFORE the bloody bolt will pass through, success Yippee it falls out like grass through a goose. I now have the bike propped up with a jack under the middle of the bike cos I was only going to remove a bolt! Need to move the jack to get the linkage out so I can grease it while it's off, a job I was going to do later in the dark of winter, so lower the bike not thinking about what I have just done but thinking about how I was going to remove a BOLT! I'm on the side stand side of the bike so is the jack slowly lower bike and it falls away from me like a slow motion film LOUD CRASH lot's of BANG'S a WALLPOP noise and I now have a broken rear wheel hugger and a bent brake lever plus a fair few chunks missing from the edge of the fairing. Pause here to add your own sound track which can if you wish have every swear word you have ever heard plus make up a few new ones!!!! I now have 700 pounds of bike on it's side and a damaged back, I walk with a stick by the way. Wife wanders in at this moment to ask "Is everything OK?" I rarely if ever swear in front of my wife, I'm of a generation that treats the female side of the population with deference and some large amount of courtesy due to our mistaken belief that they need our protection from the world around us. "No everything is fine Dear nothing going on here that would interest you" this while trying to lift the bike into something like an upright position while my back is telling me that your going to pay for this later mate! Finally get it upright, but of course it wont stay upright without the suspension in it will it? Scrabble around for something to bung under it to keep it upright while I try to figure out how to stop it falling over again. Rubber mallet it nearby so shove that under the footrest and slowly lower it onto that and bingo it is upright and holding it's own, finally figure out that the new step ladder is just right with 2 ratchet straps hanging from it will stop it falling and that I should have done this BEFORE I took the sodding suspension off. So the lesson I have learned here is before you tackle a SIMPLE job make sure you have everything to hand to prevent your bike falling over when your being a tit and not concentrating on the thing you started out to do. This little excursion has cost me 3 days of time and probably £200 in repairs for a 50 pence bolt but I now have a shiny painted centre stand. Oh and the suspension has been greased.
  12. Best bet, READ the warranty and see what it say's. Should tell you in the small print what constitutes a "competent" fitter. As an aside I do my own, I sign the book and list the jobs done. If you don't trust that the seller has done the job when you come to buy/sell the bike don't buy it, there are plenty of others both sellers and buyers out there.
  13. Yeah they are only there apparently to round the corners off not to actually use, seems it costs extra if you use them!
  14. slice

    oil window

    Centre stand and a bright torch is all you need.
  15. Sorry to hear that mate but probably stolen to order, some scrote wants some spares for his project. Check ebay and such for the spares you never know these idiots are not at the top of the tree when it comes to brains.
  16. I'm 64 and getting older by the minute mate but still like to ride the bike all over so really still 16 till I look in the mirror
  17. Hi Fergus, welcome to the YOC. Passed my test in 1968, if yours was like mine I never even saw the tester just went round the block and found him drinking tea in the café! Happy day's.
  18. Jimmy has the right idea, CHECK before you do anything, no point in spending loads of money if it's a simple fix. As to the gaiters making the stanchions sweat!, unless you NEVER remove them then yes it's a possibility I suppose and a Tenere is more an adventure bike than yours so unless you ride off road a lot it's not going to be a problem.
  19. Check the sensor with a multimeter and test to see if it's knackered. This is for a code 12 fault but thought it might be of some use?
  20. Yeah it's just a standard key so should be available from any good locksmith, there's a chain of key cutters called "TIMPSON" they cut all my keys and costs around £4 a key.
  21. Rubber gaiters are still available just type it into ebay and you will get loads.
  22. Nice one Airhead always good when your solution helps someone else. It's the smallest things that make the most problems.
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