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Everything posted by slice

  1. Hi Taff, welcome to the YOC mate, good luck with your new toy.
  2. Are the new indicators bulb or LED? It makes a difference. But if they are just the same as before but nicer looking then you have a short to the earth.
  3. I do like the 6 million pound 125 Lassy https://www.facebook.com/groups/122278651265853/permalink/680731522087227/?sale_post_id=680731522087227
  4. Nice one mate, she should be well chuffed with that. Don't fall off when you "test" it tho remember to take LOT'S of photos tho, something to look back at, I have none of any of my old bikes at all.
  5. As above 2 is just the START of a collection!
  6. Cynic is spot on, if it goes in gear but does not move it's almost certainly adjusted incorrectly. Or it might have broken the wood ruff key so it spins free.
  7. Just clear this up for me Dan was that the wife or the bike your talking about?
  8. They look like the Y.I.C.S system balance pipes off of my old XJ?
  9. Happy new year Tommy, see you at Squires.
  10. Not saying you can't do it but is that not a mudguard mounting bolt? I would think that it's going to put a lot of strain on the casting, it might be ok but will it break in time would be my worry, lot's of bracing might fend off any problems or just buy a pair of shorter shocks! Got to be a pair out there that fill your needs.
  11. Please Sniff tell me someone didn't really say this !!!
  12. Ok 1st of all "TURN YOUR CAPS LOCK OFF" Next welcome to the YOC.
  13. Your right STONE guards are ok but they must not occlude more than 10% of the available light.
  14. The only time this will ever become legal is if the Luftwaffe come back
  15. Hi Frank, welcome to the YOC. We have at least one other member on the site from SA maybe he will pop in and say Hi. Ride safe.
  16. Right where this guy is pointing is the headstock number. Engine number should look like this.
  17. When I was a teen I used to go shooting with some mates, star shot and skeet, anyway I had a petrol hand warmer like a giant lighter that stayed lit all the time, they still make them and it will run for hours in your pocket, plus when you stop you can get your hands warm in moments with it. Cheaper than heated gloves and you can move it to different pockets to warm the bits that get cold and wet. Just a thought.
  18. Good for him Drewpy, crowd seemed to like it as well, didn't get shouted at nor have bottles thrown at them that's a win mate.
  19. Hi welcome to the YOC. Ok what to expect (I assume you mean from this site,Yes?) Like all net sites this one is made up of folks who like bikes, we help out if there is a problem and try not to laugh if it's not funny to you, someone once said "there are no stupid question just stupid answers" not true really but if you don't know then ask. A lot of guys and girls on here have been riding for lots of years, we picked stuff up and like to pass it on to help out others and save them some wasted time and effort, but we are NOT experts and can get it wrong as well. So make sure you put your questions in the right place and all should be golden, stay safe. Oh and buy the manual for your bike (if you haven't already) that on it's own will save you time and money.
  20. Yep I feel bloody old to! Did this when I was 14 on my Fanny Barnett, then the only chain you could get was open end.
  21. Ok first I have never worked on your type of bike but I have also never seen a bike that you have to take the engine out to replace the clutch rod and spring! Usually the engine is out in these manuals to make it easier to show how to do the job but as I said it's just for ease of viewing. If the battery bracket? is in the way then can you get that off? if not then an engine out isn't that big a deal on a small bike, remember also there is usually a small ball bearing at the clutch end of the rod for it to ride on when spun up so DON'T lose it across the floor, ask your local bike shop if they can tell you what, if anything, they know about doing this, surprising really how helpful some of them can be with advice on a particular job and all you want to know really is does the engine have to come out or can it be done in situ? Best of luck mate.
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