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Everything posted by slice

  1. Hi Andrew, welcome to the YOC, it all depends if you want to go resto ie back to original or just something that works. One suggestion tho, buy something that they made a lot of, that way the parts are out there, not like trying to find the axle for a 1926 Scott Squirrel for example! Don't be fooled into buying 2 of something thinking you can rob parts from one to make a good one either, if they are the same year and model then it's a fair bet that the worn (fucked) parts on one will be worn (fucked) on the other as well. Decide if you want 2 stroke or not, a lot less work getting a little 2T going than a 4T with all the gubbins they come with.
  2. Hi Pete, welcome to the YOC.
  3. Ok as KP says wire BOTH 5 and 10 watt wires together then connect to the input (power) side as normal, that should give you what you want. Life lesson number one "cos it's cheap don't mean it's rubbish" but you do usually get what you pay for!
  4. Fuck me your first bike is an R6! your going to have a nightmare of a time taming that thing. You will bin it, we all do, try not to ride like this drongo Oh yeah and T shirt and shorts are NOT what you need when your doing warp factor 9. Good luck and stay upright.
  5. Check your bulbs, are they the right voltage and wattage? Should read something like 12V 10W. Better still look in your manual and see what type is correct.
  6. Mate, take your bent stand to your local blacksmith!!! they will heat it and bend it back to shape then quench it so it will not break. Even hollow stands can be fixed if you get the heat right. Just sayin. Should cost no more than a tenner. PS did the stand on the AJS in 1960s just like this was perfect afterwards.
  7. HI TC welcome to the YOC.
  8. Say that quietly! the drag queens will come get you!
  9. Good for you mate, we all have different needs on our bikes if it feels right then fill yer boots!
  10. Well done mate, did she get her hands dirty? and did you try really hard not to do it all?
  11. Thank you Sniff, made me laugh out loud, just what I needed mate.
  12. That looks ok mate, she will be made up when you get it sorted. On the XJ I chopped the outer bearing race with a short length of hacksaw blade, took ages but came out clean with a 90 degree cut and a modified screwdriver blade.
  13. Good lord 58 plate old! My 2 70s Suzuki's are positively grandfatherly then! Welcome to the YOC Shambles.
  14. Thank you all for your kind words. We all only get one Dad, if yours is still with you DON'T forget to tell him how much he means to you.
  15. Well I have some sad news on my DAD, he died on Monday of this week, before I had a chance to tell him about the film of him on the TV. At 91 he had a good long life and passed peacefully in his sleep. I shall miss his wicked sense of humour and his timely advice. Rest easy Dad.
  16. You can paint the forks in situ but it's never going to be as good a job as taking the wheel out and doing it that way. I mean by the time you have masked everything up and got it so you get no over spray you could have taken the wheel out mudguard off and finished it! Best advice, remove wheel, mask top of stanchion, sand it down and spray it, job done.
  17. Hi Aubrey, welcome to the YOC.
  18. May he rest easy now Jason his war's done, a warrior to the end.
  19. That's shiny mate well done.
  20. This post started in 2008 and the last message was in 2010, your chance of a reply are pretty small. Try saying hello in the new members section, then ask about anyone else who might have a SRX. Ravenhawk hasn't been on the site since 2010 so guess he's either moved on to other things or just fed up and walked away.
  21. I run my bike and car on super, I get better mileage from the car and smoother running from the bike + better mileage, costs more of course but I think it comes out pretty even over a year.
  22. Ok Charlotte I filled it in, hope that helps, good luck with your studies.
  23. Just thought you might like to share in a moment from my history? I was watching a film about Ramree island in Burma during the second world war, my dad was there with the royal air force as a radio operator for the air force while they took the island and eventually Burma back from the Japanese, he saw CHANGI where the Japanese had held prisoners of war during the final years of the war and has no sympathy for the Japanese at all. Anyway the TV program was about the mass killing of Japanese soldiers by crocodiles as they tried to escape from the allied forces and get back to their home. Was not really expecting to see anything of real interest but just to get an over view of what it was like for my Dad when he was there 70+ years ago. I decided to watch the thing right to the end even including the final few reels of film that were shot as the troops entered onto the island, and guess what! there was MY DAD riding on the front of a tank (SEE PHOTO) you could have knocked me down with a feather, how often have you seen your father from 70 odd years ago younger now than both my son's, I was astonished and to tell the truth moved much more than I can say here ( being a big hard biker!) I confess to shedding a tear when I saw this, I couldn't stop thinking "THAT'S MY DAD! Just thought you might find this interesting in one of those life can kick you in the nut's moments
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