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Everything posted by slice

  1. As Kev said, oil light can come on and off when your on a hill or braking hard if it's a bit low.
  2. Yeah as Finnerz said we have a group of folks do this and it seems to work really well.
  3. Good for you mate, nothing teaches you faster than having to do it yourself. Just remember one job at a time,leave the multi tasking to the women, and do one job properly.
  4. slice

    Loose earth

    Ha ha ha ha ha !!!!!!
  5. Yep, sometime you have to bite the bullet and send it into the shop. THEN you buy the manual read it till your eyes bleed and buy the best tool kit you can afford get a mate who knows about bikes to come visit (tea and biscuits optional) and start from there, about 10 years later you'll be pretty good.
  6. Yeah Spike there comes a time you should just get rid mate.
  7. slice

    First proper ride.

    Nice one mate, how did she get on? And was she on the "new" bike?
  8. Here you go mate, only thing is seems to make you sing REALLY badly!!
  9. slice

    Loose earth

    Would this help? Oh I see sorry!!!
  10. Found these on the net, seem to be a good price 4 into 1 and $400 bit of a bargain really as the originals (if you could find them) from Yamaha would be twice that price. http://www.ebay.com/itm/4-into-1-Complete-Header-Exhaust-Downpipe-Manifold-Yamaha-XJ600-SECAII-92-98-/191269611228
  11. I'm a dry biker (sue me!) saw a guy yesterday on the M4 and it was pissing down with rain and there was fog from the water being chucked up he looked like a wet rag, I would have traded places with him in an instant rather than sit in traffic but had to take my Mum shopping so needed the car
  12. Hi there, well I had the XJ pre 750 and the Maxim midnight 750, they were a right bastard to get a cheap exhaust for, same beast as yours but slight differences. So all I have to say is that there are NO cheap exhausts anywhere but there are some good priced exhausts out there and they can be well worth the price. You don't say if it's the headers or the exhaust can you are after? If your after the headers then your out of luck as they are as rare as rocking horse shit. Your best bet for "cheap" is ebay or some such and patience. Just as an aside it helps if you say hello in the new members section before you ask for help cos it's nice if you say Hi before asking for help, just sayin!
  13. Ok as it stopped working then sort of started working again I would go down the road of a bad connection somewhere. Check the earth first, this can come loose or get corroded, then go through each wire and make sure none of them are broken, this is where a multimeter comes in handy, if you don't have one then borrow one or get one from ebay or some such for a few quid, you'll use it anyway for other things on the bike. Not much else I can think of it being to be honest, someone else might have an idea so keep checking back to see what they come up with. Just a suggestion, it helps if you say "hello" in the new members section, folks then know your not a one hit wonder. Just sayin!
  14. Oh I'm sorry I thought that you had just left it to the boy's in blue to get it sorted. It's sometimes best to walk away from this sort of thing and let the professionals deal with it just so you don't get to emotionally involved, but I bet he will notice when he has to go to court for the compensation claim your putting up against him, they usually sting a LOT worse than the pathetic fines and points that the courts dish out. Stick with it mate you'll have your day in court and see the look of shock on his face when the final total is dished out. Plus of course the more the compensation awarded against him the higher his premiums will be from the insurance companies and that isn't something that just goes away either any company he approaches for insurance will now load him premium for insurance. You'll have your day and this shithead will get his comeuppance.
  15. Do you have the owners manual for your bike? In there it should list all the fault codes that tell you what's not working, usually they are freely available on the net somewhere. We can't give you the details from copyrighted literature as it is an offence and we will get kicked from the site. On my FJR the code for a bad connection or broken coil pack is 33 + slow flash I think so yours might be something similar.
  16. Mate just hold on a minute, have you contacted a solicitor? If not then you need to as soon as you can, lay out your claim against this guy and see if you have a chance of getting the thing through court, legal advice is out there you just have to do it yourself. I have had great service from the C A B (citizens advice bureau) they will give you free legal advice (for an hour) as you say your pain and injury plus the loss of time at work are important so you need to act quickly to get things in motion. Just my ten pence worth but if it was me I would have done this ages ago.
  17. Hi Andrew nice to hear from you mate.
  18. It's always possible that the brushes inside the motor have worn down so that your not getting a good contact, it's easy to replace them with a bit of knowledge and the right manual. Just cos your from the Colonies don't mean your the only one that get's ripped off mate. Seriously it is easy. take the starter motor off then undo the 2 through bolts (they will be tight) then pull the back off, pull the spring back take out the old brush put in a new one, here's where the swearing goes in this situation, do the other side and put it back together. Simple.
  19. Jimmy is spot on about the CPS, we all moan that the "POLICE" don't fine or punish offenders but most folks forget that it's their job to catch them not prosecute offenders. I have always thought that the police officer who has spent ages making a case against someone to find they have been let off with a slapped wrist must think "why bother?"
  20. slice

    1978 yz80

    Where have you been looking? I find all sorts of things down the back of the sofa!!
  21. Yes as above if you need to use your bike every day then your going to have to jump in and get it sorted ASAP. Best advice is buy one that fits, use it till your old one is sorted, if it can be, some can't, then flog on the replacement. Hagon will refurb their own shocks but not anyone else's so just look for a general refurb service and see what you can find out there. These guys seem to do all sorts of shocks for Yams, http://www.brooksuspension.co.uk/motorcycle-shock-absorbers.html?color=208 Not recommending them just pointing out you can find someone to do the job for you.
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