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Everything posted by slice

  1. slice

    My 1986 FZ750

    Not me...! FFS. Oh hang on, my brother gave me my Fanny Barnett when he turned 17, so yeah you and Drewpy are the only ones NSD.
  2. As you said check it's charging across the terminals when it's running, you might have a short or loose connection tho, best to start with the battery terminals and work back to the ignition. Don't forget the main earth wire see if it's corroded or broken.
  3. Oh my that sucks..! Note to self carry spare chain link in toolkit.
  4. Probably not, two radically different bikes.
  5. slice

    new member

    Does it move when you put it in gear or does it stall the engine? On my XJ the light would come on if the side stand was down or the switch was fucked..! Do you have the manual? That should have all the details you need to find out what wires go where.
  6. All the above are great ideas Grouch but have you just tried riding to work with the lights off? maybe just side lights, see if that makes a difference.
  7. You have obviously fitted it wrong..! Take it off, make sure it's still working ok, then try again. It's a micro switch with a very sensitive plunger if it's not straight or to far into the hole it will light off all the time.
  8. Barturuas, this post was started in 2007 and the last post was in 2011, it's AN OLD THREAD, start a new thread instead of resurrecting old ones mate.
  9. Have to agree with most of your sentiments mate, tho I do like the idea of ABS on bikes. Sorry to hear about your daughters partner, that really sucks.
  10. Welcome to the YOC. Might help if you said what the problem was..!
  11. Hi Meat, you ok mate? You've not been here for a while. As to cover, there's all sorts out there and it's a bit of lottery really, if it was me and I was taking one of my kids then I would stick to the well know brands and forget the cheap shit..! AA or RAC and damn the cost. Just Googled it and this is what it came up with Compare our European Breakdown Cover RAC Comprehensive Plus AA Has a Defaqto 5 Star rating Yes Yes Garage labour costs included** £1,000 £0 Emergency roadside repair or towing costs to the nearest garage Unlimited Unlimited UK hire car whilst awaiting repatriation 7 consecutive days Up to 2 days .
  12. Yeah as above Bill, they aren't standard so you have to have them made, usually a couple of months lead time on stuff like this and payment up front. You can buy anything for your car and even parts for lawn mowers are available but bikes NAH..!
  13. NO DON'T DO THAT..! It's always worth another go, where are you in the world, someone on here might be nearby and able to help. If all else fails THEN think about binning it but give it one more go.
  14. Sweet little bike Paul, bit of sun and a free hour you can sneak off for a ride.
  15. To be honest if it looks right and it don't catch anywhere then do the minimum, seen folks spend hundreds and hours of time just to get it looking like it did before, your after that " oooh look at that" moment really. Did the guy who you got the drawings from not include this info then? Email him and ask if he can suggest something if it's bothering you.
  16. This is a 2008 post Jenny, try starting a new thread instead, you might have more luck.
  17. You want to "grow into a DUKE"..! Good luck with that. Test ride one, then sit your missus on it for more than 10 minutes she will tell you that it's like sitting on a fire breathing dragon right up till it starts to rain and it breaks down.
  18. I remember those bloody things, never wore out but had the grip of a slippery haddock..! My2nd or 3rd bike had some cheap Japanese things on it when I got it, they were as hard as iron and actually rumbled when you rode on them, I'm one of Cynics riders, I have never gotten over the thought that this time (raining) I am going into that bush..!
  19. That's ok mate just that we get A LOT of one hit wonders and folks just can't be bothered to answer if someone just want's info then buggers off without so much as a "thank you", really not saying that's you just it's nice if peeps say Hello. Ride safe.
  20. Hi Bill, First it's nice if you say "HI" in the new members section you get more feedback if folks think your here for a while rather than info and gone..! You haven't filled in your profile so if I suggest somewhere in Scunthorpe and you live in America it's not a lot of use is it? If you just want opinions then go on Google. Just sayin..! PS you can use any flag for your profile, some have.
  21. As above really, everyone want's BIG brakes but forget that if you slam them on your impression of Superman is Not marked out of 10..! Go for it by all means but just remember the weight of the bike and the size of the tyre patch, to much brake is way worse than to little, to little you stop slooowly to much Superman.
  22. Hi Kane welcome to the YOC mate, might be an idea to fill in your profile details. Just sayin..!
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