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Everything posted by slice

  1. Sorry to ask but how do we know it's your bike? for all we know you stole it and want to know how to hot wire it, go to a YAMAHA dealer and ask him. Sorry mate but this has happened before.
  2. Ok just had my insurance quote through and guess what it's gone up , even with my NCD so looked around and had another quote from an online thingy and get this £100 cheaper than my quote from my present insurer, so did the play them off thing and suddenly I have a "NEW" quote from them at the same price "PLUS" all the bells and whistles that were "EXTRA" before, so what are they playing at I ask? why not just offer this in the first place and stop pissing about. No wonder people get ticked off with insurance companies and the prices they charge. Just to illustrate the point original quote £155 + some odd pence to £60 exactly for fully comp on my 750. Also thinking of changing to an FJR1300 so got another quote which was (get this) £88 FC ! where do they get their prices from? it's twice the CC and worth 10 times as much, just bloody incredible. Had my moan, going to have a lay down now.
  3. I watched the video above Grouch and that is all you need to know, it.s easy and should take no more than a couple of hours per leg for your first time so get on with it! Lots of money to be saved.
  4. Well done on the guess, you get to be " THE SMART ARSE OF THE WEEK " if you play the lottery next week let me know and I'm in for a dollar.
  5. Well done Grouch, about bloody time to, glad to hear that NEXT time you will DIY it, now I have to go and find someone else to take the piss out of.
  6. I don't know but is there a valve in the vent? if so that might be your problem, can you get it off and have a poke around inside to see if it is just bunged up? What about unusual movement or noises from the diff it's possible that some thing has come adrift inside the diff and is causing the oil to splash higher than normal. What oil are you using is it SAE 80 gear oil or something else?
  7. Hi John and Welcome to the YOC, Have you checked the level? if you have to much oil in it then that might be your problem, try draining the oil out and then start again by filling to the proper level. P.S if you can might be an idea to do an INTRO (new members section) that way folks get to know about you and will respond better.
  8. Good for you Conna, good to know that there are nice peolpe out there willing to help.
  9. Martin-- Stroud-- Gloucestershire, If you can think it I can probably fit it, got a garage and LOTS of tools. Always willing to help out if I can and always nice to meet new folks. Retired so lots of time to and before you all say it YES that makes me a lucky git. Electrics or mechanical.
  10. Ok Grouch enough taking the piss, we will all now behave!! Oh and where do you want me to send the TURNIPS Sprouts Carrots and Lucozade bottles?
  11. Hi Davie, Like the idea of CASTROL decals they always look cool, your GPz diaphrams at £70 seems a bit steep have you tried finding out what other bike used them? might be possible to rob some off of something else, if you can't fix your 350 yourself and can get someone to do it for you then that has to be the best way, as for your original problem take the head off and get it drilled and tapped, I won't say it can't be done but trying to retap a thread in situ is nie on impossible unless you have more luck than most of us plus you really do have to be able to see what your doing, good luck either way mate.
  12. Bloody hell Grouch, they are waiting to chop off an arm and a leg and you FORGOT!! I would be sitting outside the shop waiting for the parcel of disks to arrive. Got to up your game mate. Don't let this get away from you, the more you let others decide what needs doing the more it will cost. YOU TELL THEM not the other way round. I'm thinking of upping my estimate!! A whole bag of TURNIPS.
  13. DOH! I see it now, just put it down to old age and Alts Altz bugger, forgetfulness.
  14. If you show them the video of your near miss John they will double your premium anyway and demand that you only ride in daylight.
  15. John, The THINKING bit never entered their heads mate. Still at least you still have all your bit's I suppose. I do the same as you and keep your thumb on the horn button, it makes them at least know they nearly run you down, they will then give YOU the finger like it's your fault. If you have access to YOUTUBE put it up on there and call it like it is "SPOT THE ARSEHOLE!!" Just a thought.
  16. F"CK ME!! John that was close, one more layer of paint and they would have had you. Still you were only 300 yards from the junction and they really wanted to get off and you after all are only on a motorbike and their car cost more than some peoples houses so they have the right to behave like total PRICKS. See if you can make out the reg number and have a chat with your local plod, I would have followed the dick to the next junction and had myself a mirror moment.
  17. Come on Grouch WHAT'S HAPPENING? We are all waiting to find out what this is going to cost, I think we should have a pool and the nearest will get a round of applause as a know it all bastard, so I will go first and say it's going to be £657.24 1/2p PLUS VAT oh and a turnip. I really really hope I am wrong!! and your original estimate of £300 is right, anyone else like to guess what this will cost, I'm sure Grouch will appreciate our caring nature. I should go and have a lie down Grouch this is going to get ugly.
  18. Hi Davie, I suppose if it works then put it back to how it was before, no need to get all het up about it, just seems a shame to have a nice new exhaust and then to do a Frankenstein on it, still really only you will know that it's not perfect and to be honest as long as the gases stay in the pipe and not up your trouser leg that might be enough. If it was me I would sort it out but if your strapped for time then it's a no brainer to just get it up and running after all the riding season is rapidly approching ie not pissing down or 4 foot of snow and ice. Just do what you have to and enjoy the bike.
  19. slice

    Exhaust Help

    As Cynic says "it is what it is" so enjoy it, might sound like a wasp in a bottle but the fact that it annoys everyone around you is a good thing!
  20. slice


    Welcome to the YOC Nox.
  21. Having more or less the same bike as you I know where your at, i was not suggesting that you fit a heicoil but that it looked like there was one in the hole? Might be wrong of course but if there is one in there it might be possible to recut the thread in it to accept another stud, that seems the only way your going to get around this without taking the head off. That isn't a hard thing to do but best not done if you want just a quick fix, if you want to remove the head then it should take about an hour to get the ancillaries off and another hour to get the head off then you can take it to your local engineering work to get them to cut you an nice new hole. Look at my vehicles and you will see what's involved as I have just done this to the Maxim (same engine) cost about £90 including a nice new head gasket and a set of new head nuts, plus you can change the timing chain if you want to at the same time. Hope some of this makes sense mate, good luck. Just as an aside the tap to recut your thread should fit easily in the gap between the frame and the head.
  22. Do it right Davie, no point in making the same mistake as the other numb nuts did, if you have a set of taps and dies then it should be easy to just straighten out the thread, although looking close it MIGHT have a helicoil in it which will be a bit harder than the normal head material so just take your time and see whats best. Good luck mate.
  23. Me to grouch, if it comes in at ONLY £300 then count yourself lucky, I would check before saying go ahead. Your CDI unit could cost £90+ Set of bearings £30 Starter £80 Then theres fitting and stuff plus brake shoes/pads horn fixing the rear light (electrics God knows what that will cost) Hope you have DEEP pockets mate.
  24. Thanks both, really helpful, I think it's going to be the FJR just got to be nice to the wife for the next 100 years (oh dear).
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