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Everything posted by slice

  1. Seems to be around 67 to 82mpg, depends on where & how you ride it really, lots of hills and gear changing will bring your mpg down where as if you live in Norfolk then you will get more mpg.
  2. slice

    Theory Test

    Well done Bippo, soon get there just keep plugging away.
  3. Grouch, Does this count towards your "what will break next" thread? Cos if so you need to award the PRIZE!!!
  4. Welcome to the YOC Paul, always nice to meet new folks. Stay safe.
  5. slice

    Mod 1

    Well done welshwan, good news time for a celebration!!
  6. Hi Steve welcome to the YOC, lots of nutters on here you should fit right in!!
  7. Hi Willie, Welcome to the YOC, always nice to meet new folks. Jump in and enjoy yourself.
  8. slice

    rear wheel

    Some do some don't, might even be the type of oil your using or the temperature, mine spins slowly when it's cold but stops as the oil warms up, but if the revs are just below 1000 then it don't spin?
  9. If the motor spins but nothing happens then take it off (starter motor) and make sure there is a gear on the end of the shaft, or that it's not just gummed up might be something simple like lub needed. But it equally might mean that the gear is worn so the only way to find out is look at it. Best anyone can do without a picture!!
  10. FFS then I really am in trouble!!
  11. No Offence meant Grouch, just pulling your leg, you will get better at it once you start to fix your own bike just have to learn as you go mate. All the guys and girls on here have had a laugh at your expence but we all want you to succeed, so ask your questions cos we will all help out if we can.
  12. I did, agree with all you say, really glad they are back, just breath taking, anyone who can stay on one of those things is a hero, can't wait for the next one. Bradley Smith deserves a mention as well, didn't finish but shows lots of promise for the future. Marquez is going to be the next Lorenzo/Rossi if he doesn't get to daft, a stunning ride from a noob on a GP bike.
  13. slice

    Best Guess?

    Tommy if you think I want to do this again your very much mistaken more phone calls from would be buyers than you could shake a stick at, never again. Mervin I have no idea what they were thinking buying this at that price bloody mental. Preload it seems that ebay brings out the worst in people, some kind of bidding frenzy I suspect. Anyway thanks for your advice earlier and YES I GOT A CRATE OF BEER!!
  14. Otherwise heated gloves can work ok, same as the heated grips and connect to your battery plus you can use them with a battery pack off of the bike!
  15. slice

    Best Guess?

    Just to keep those who kindly answered my question up to date I sold my neighbours bike on EBAY, I DO NOT believe the price he got for it!! some suggestions on here were for £1 K for a reasonable one well believe it or not it went for more than that in it's present state , it's time to revise your estimates on old bikes I think, seems that they are a premium product to some people, this raggedy arsed thing went for more than I would have dreamed of. It seems some people will pay anything to own a piece of 70s nostalgia. Time to look in your shed and out the back behind the coal shed you could be holding onto a fortune without knowing it. Oh well thanks again for your opinions.
  16. Welcome Bluesman, lots of guys on here who will help out, good luck with your new bike, ride safe.
  17. Cynic's right it's all about FEEL and knowing the bike, being gentle is the only way, you can whack it up and down the box but you better have a good idea of how to rebuild your gearbox in a short time cos it WILL come round and bite you on the arse if you abuse it.
  18. Nothing to stop you giving the bike a wiggle to see how much fuel you have, but I usually reckon on about 20 odd miles when on reserve, but mine is a very old 750 and I get around 60+ to the gallon whereas you get 39/40 cos it's a revvy bike, someone will no doubt prove me wrong but when in doubt fill it up! As to sophisticated my first Honda had an electric start Yippee!! and was straight out of star trek so when my bike goes wrong now (electrics/ignition) I know when I'm beat and ask someone else to sort it, to old to be arsed to fix it and if I can't hit it with a hammer then it's to technical.
  19. Sounds to me like your dropping the clutch, the best way to think of it is if your and off roader then you need power as quick as you can, so you can keep pulling thru rough ground, whereas on the road you need smooth progression ie let the clutch out quickly but NOT a snap drop of the lever, sort of feed it out slowly but with control, only practice will get it better I'm afraid.
  20. Bike failed it's MOT (bugger!!) so been replacing the front wheel bearings and might as well change out the brake pads while I'm at it and a new front tyre, old one was barely legal so out of one job made 3, it's a GROUCH moment!
  21. slice


    OK I'll go first, carb/fuel problem next, just you wait and see!!
  22. slice

    MOD1 bummer1

    Sorry to hear that mate, better luck next time, Welshwan hope you pass, fingers crossed. When I did my test (1968!!) turned up on my old AJS 250 went round the block, waved at the nice man as he watched me go by and picked up my pass ticket 10 minutes later, all this faffing about with part1 this and mod that would make me buy a car, I have to admire all your patience and dedication.
  23. It's alright mate, sometimes you have to give up and say HELP!
  24. Bloody hell Grouch!!! What are you like? told you "SEE NICE MAN AT GARAGE" We have a new word now for anything that's broken or f***ed it's called "GROUCHED" PS just so you don't feel to bad mine failed the MOT yesterday, front wheel bearings were "GROUCHED"
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