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Everything posted by slice

  1. Bloody hell Grouch WTF? I do not believe your luck mate, Talk to Foamy about his little bike it looked great in the photos and then you can fix your old bike while still being able to ride, makes sense when you think about it £300 for an engine and you can buy another bike for that! (sorry foamy don't know what your asking for your latest rattler) if I can help just call. We all feel for you mate.
  2. Oh dear, what a shame, really you can't cure a numb nuts from being a numb nuts, just keep trying the SENSIBLE route and see if he can be talked into being a bit less of a know it all. My sons are the same, talk to them and it's like I'm speaking Martian, shame they don't come complete with a manual.
  3. slice

    XS 750 dip stick

    Hi Danboy, It might be a good idea if you did an INTRO (new members section) first before you dive in with a question, just nice if you say Hi before you start asking questions, no offence intended just how it works on here, most folks ignore a question until you have said Hi. Talking about your question, did it actually have a dipstick? I have the XJ and that only has a sight glass on the side of the engine, just curious you understand. By the way Welcome to the YOC.
  4. This is a site for motorcycles and those that love them, I find the things these people (in the film) say sad, but be aware that they believe this stuff, so tread carefully in what you say this is NOT your country anymore. Sometimes it's best to let things burn out rather than add fuel to the fire. Just as an aside tho how come none of this was ever reported on our politically impartial BBC? Seems odd that this can go on and the only people who know about it are those that were actually there, perhaps some of our Professional political classes had a wink & a nod over at BBC TV centre Reminds me of the motorcycle protests last year I think it was, never reported anywhere even tho most of the main road in the UK were blocked by bikers, odd that!
  5. Matthew, Take it as a "LIFE LESSON" don't deal with them again and spread the word, then call them and let them know where to look for your comments on the net so they know that to piss you off there is a price to pay. Will not make much difference to them but it will make you feel better to have a go. If you can facebook them and anything else you can think of all the better.
  6. Bloody hell did they drive it to the Channel Islands? Looks like it was run underwater. That Yamabits crank looks ok and seemed to have all the parts that you need, give it a try the worst that can happen is you have to do it again! P.S might be an idea to do a PROPER INTRO rickster in the "new members" section, welcome to the YOC.
  7. Time to break out the MIND BLEACH again, that's a picture I can do without thank you!!!
  8. Welcome to the YOC Pinky, really NICE bike, glad to have you join in.
  9. Grouch, this is getting well past funny and you should really start thinking about getting shot of this bike, there comes a time to admit defeat and run away, no matter how trivial this problem might be this bike has fucked you over once to often, trade it in against something else.
  10. If your looking to get the aluminium parts spotless then there is no alternative but elbow grease I'm afraid you will have to clean them as best you can with paraffin and then use various grades of wet and dry to complete the job, you can send them out for cleaning by an expert in linishing (ali polishing) but that is usually quite expensive as it's labour intensive, not sure you want to do this your self as the aluminium dust is supposed to be toxic. Have a look round where you live and see if anyone does this sort of thing locally.
  11. I have the 12V cigarette lighter one on mine and it works really well but did not know you could get a USB one, that looks really neat, I have mine connected directly to the battery and it has a 3 amp fuse so no worries about the thing burning out, if you want to actually switch it off while not using it why not just put a switch in the line, maybe up by the connector itself that way you can see that it is on and even turn it on only when you need to while riding, just my thought on it.
  12. slice

    Run Foamy run.

    Thanks both I will sort it out and get back to you.
  13. slice

    Run Foamy run.

    Nice one Foamy, I'm in for a donation just let me know where to send the money, good luck to you.
  14. Welcome Chamallow, always nice to meet new folks and your English is MUCH better than most of our French, hope you enjoy your time with us.
  15. Hi Ciper, Welcome to the YOC.
  16. Welcome to the YOC Dougie, another old fart, I don't feel so lonely now!
  17. Hi Norcot, I'm just down the road from you (gloucestershire) Welcome aboard and hope you enjoy yourself.
  18. Sorry but I disagree with all of this, it's his MOTHERS problem not yours, I know that's not helpful but at the end of the day it's her son not yours, your heart is in the right place but if he's a dick it's not your fault or problem. Tell the PARENT that it's up to her to deal with it you can give support but he can tell you to F**K off and there's nothing you can do about it. try telling him you will help him to get his licence but if that don't work your stuffed, anything else is vandalism for what ever reason and you will be the one in court. P.S sorry that should be "CRIMINAL DAMAGE" not vandalism, regardless of your motives if he is hurt or the bike is damaged you are liable to ALL repairs or compensation. PPS every good deed has a price!
  19. Bye Matthew, don't forget to come back! Ride safe
  20. It's a fuel delivery and ignition timing module that allows you to adjust precisely what happens when your engine is running, supposed to good for racing and such but not sure why you would need it on a road bike!
  21. Loved the photos Fakhir, your getting on really well, most of the stuff you call FUNGUS is just the aluminium reacting to moisture and neglect, just clean it with soap and water and then brush it off with a wire brush, make sure you don't breath this crap in as it is nasty stuff and your lungs will not thank you for it, most of the GREEN GUNK is just old oil that has separated during the years so again just wash it off and make sure you get right inside the part to remove it the BROWN GUNK is a bit more worrying as it is a mixture of oil and rust from inside the engine/pump that probably means that the seals are gone and any metal washers are also knackered just take it apart and replace anything that looks suspect. Airhead is the man when it comes to 2 strokes so if you have any advice from him I would just do it! The marks on the pistons are as he says just from when it was made so no real problem there but the coke (carbon) on the piston top looks a bit heavy so you might look at getting a new piston and rings as a part of the project plus measure the head/bore to see if it might need a re-bore and then you will have to replace all of that anyway. Nice work there mate should keep you busy for a while.
  22. DT has some good ideas on this but have you thought of taking the wheels off and actually bolting it down? When you think about it that's how new bikes are transported in a crate so perhaps they know a thing or two about it, plus it takes up less room so you can make your crate smaller and that should cost less as long as it's not "by weight" costed. Just my thoughts on it.
  23. Can't help you with this as I don't use them but I thought that these were for protection of the fairing and suspension parts for when you dropped the bike, they are "usually" attached to the frame and as such they spread the load over the frame and not on to one single point so reducing the amount of damage that can occur when dropped, but if the ones you have bought are connected directly to the engine then they will surely damage the casing they are attached to and any time they "catch" on the ground when they slide along will add even more stress to the casing, I would have another look around if I were you to make sure that these are the correct thing you need rather than some after market "bling", just my thoughts on your problem might be wrong (has been known to happen!).
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