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Everything posted by slice

  1. Took the XJ in for it's MOT (passed) got on it to leave and fell off in the car park , felt a right twat, went back a few days later to pick up some parts I had ordered and fell off in the same place , tried to blame slippery concrete - bird flying by - pretty girl in office widow - sharp gust of wind, Was just me being a DICK!!!
  2. Welcome to the YOC Sean, always lots of advice on "HOW TO" on here as Tommy says just start a project thread and post some photos, someone will have a fix for most of your problems, look forward to hearing more from you. Ride safe (OH! your on the BUS!!!!!)
  3. slice

    S H E D S

    Whatever Ian, That's a real talent should you be on here with the rest of us ejits?
  4. Well done Garth, can only get better now.
  5. Grouch, you have to give us daily or weekly updates on the progress (or lack of it) on your money pit. You have half the forum waiting for what the next instalment is on your progress, we are all rooting for you and will help out if we can but the tension is starting to get to some of us,. Further to your question about draining the oil, if you lean the bike right over away from the clutch you might be able to work on the clutch without loosing to much oil but your best bet would to be drain oil out before you take the clutch cover off, you can save it if it's new oil by dropping it into a clean container and reusing it later but make sure you don't drop any crap in it from the bottom of the engine and filter it through a cloth when you put it back, a stocking or tights will work so yank them of your missus as you go out to work on the bike but be prepared for a slapping from her indoors if she thinks it's going elsewhere when you pull her kit off!!!!
  6. Alright mate, never to late to do an intro, we like new folks here and anybody that has a sense of humour and is ex forces is always welcome here.
  7. Hi Matty, always nice to have new people on here, other ex forces types on here as well so you should feel right at home (OH you already are!!) Welcome to the YOC.
  8. slice

    S H E D S

    I like a man that has more than one shed, shows he has character and a sense of humour plus it gives you somewhere to go when SWMBO has a tantrum!!
  9. Welcome to the YOC Neil, now that's an INTRO!!!! PS I now have 2 Suzuki Bandit 400Ks so if I get stuck hope you can point me in the right direction? They are in need of a major rebuild.
  10. No problem Neil, you not the first and surely wont be the last, thanks for understanding.
  11. slice

    Run Foamy run.

    NO!! Then it was politicians fucking EACH OTHER and VW campers were NEVER COOL Foams. As for free LOVE the ONLY thing that was free about it was the itching scratching sensation afterwards and the visit to your local friendly CLAP CLINIC. OH yeah fuel was cheaper 1 gal for 5 bob but I only earned £7.10&6p a week!!!!!
  12. HI Neil, Welcome to the YOC, it's usual to do an INTRO before you launch into a question on how to fix your bike. We get "A LOT" of one hit wonders who want answers and then sod off never to be heard from again, without even a "THANK YOU" so most will not answer you till you say Hi in the "new members" section at the top of the front forum page. Not saying you are one of these! So please do an INTRO, just say who you are where your from and anything you can think of that might be interesting about your self, fill in your profile a bit more otherwise no one will know anything about you. Someone will have an answer for your query but not till you say Hi. It's the same as if you were down the pub, you wouldn't just walk up to strangers and start asking questions would you? It's nice to meet new folks but they do need to introduce them selves first. PS if your stuck for what to say look at the previous posts in the new members section to get an idea of what's required.
  13. Hi Jeff, if you go to the WORKSHOP section you will find a VIN decoder on the top left of the page, it MIGHT have what your looking for otherwise just do a Google search for VIN decoders online and see what comes up, I have an 1983 bike and managed to find the details some years ago but sorry to say cant for the life of me remember where it was only remember that it was on a Google search engine site, remember to type 9 digit vin decoder otherwise you will get them all and be retired before you find the one your looking for. otherwise try your local Yam dealer he/she should have access to the whole range of info just remember to say "PLEASE or send the wife!!!!! Good luck with your search.
  14. Well done Bob, you will have fun with that and you now have lot's of spare cash, top box and panniers are a real bonus plus when winter gets here you can tidy it up for next year, stay safe. PS a picture would be nice???
  15. Ian this guy is a "DICK" just a shame he gives the rest of the bikers a bad name, he's an accident waiting to happen, the "GHOST RIDER" videos are much better and he at least can ride and really never puts himself or other at risk, there are the odd one or two moments when motorists get caught up in the police chases but at least he tries to stay alive this moron has a death wish.
  16. Mervin your a star mate, just what I needed, I can now buy the right nut bolt washer without having to chop the end off or drill bigger holes. TKS
  17. Ian, see my post "Suzuki 400" I have the perfect new forum name for you in the last part especially if your covered in dead fly guts.
  18. Tommy the black one was the spare and had the forks removed on to the red one, I thought about leaving them on and calling it a low-rider/stretch but think that might be taking the COOL look a bit far anyway they are the dirtiest pair of bikes I have ever seen absolutely covered in oil dust and general workshop crud, so it's out with the jet-washer and see what's under the grime. I know this is not a SUZUKI forum but thought you all might like to know what a "JAMMY BASTARD" I have been. Actually that would make a good forum name for someone.
  19. As above HEAT LOTS OF HEAT and then spray them with anything that will penetrate the rusty nuts and threads without catching fire, best to do it outside (not in the garage) and DO NOT force them or you will break them off, try gentle rocking motion, believe it or not it sometimes helps to tighten them slightly before you undo them, good luck.
  20. Jeff, Not sure but pulling the engine OUT to remove the starter seems a bit extreme pretty sure you just undo a couple of bolts take off the battery cable and out it comes, might be in a fiddly place but you really need a manual, we have HAYNES in the UK I think your version is called CLYMER? Not sure about that but others will know, anyway most bikes just need the basics done to get them up and running not like a car in any respect really. Just make sure you have good oil and a descent set of plugs and it should be no problem, regular service and it will last you for years. Good luck getting the starter sorted.
  21. slice


    I got mine due to the fact that I had just SLICED my palm open on a stubborn bolt and was trying to type with one hand at the time.
  22. Further to post above they both have stainless exhausts one with a carbon can which must have been expensive, the red one was last on the road (according to tax disk) 31/05/01. so 12 years by my count since they were last used on the road and 4 sets of carbs in a box plus ALL the parts removed by the garage when they swapped the parts over. should be an easyish rebuild and the really good news for me is that the red one RUNS just needs the brakes bleeding and various odds and sods reattaching. I am one happy bunny!!!
  23. Bloody hell Ian how many flies are we talking about here? A box of 50 cleaning cloths would do me about 5 years!!! I think mike just wants to make you FLUFF free.
  24. Sorry my bad just thought they would be the same price as mine, but come to think about it I DID see somewhere saying £50 while I looked up your problem, can I suggest that you go to Google and type in FZR600R front brake disc wear, which is more or less the same as I did. Then on one of the forums, sorry I really can't remember which one, you will have to have a gander down the list, I saw something which said £50 for discs. I really can't remember more than that as I was looking for your specific problem and just shot past it as it was not what I was looking for but the price stuck in my head!
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