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Everything posted by slice

  1. Get to the lights FIRST then sit in the middle of the lane so no twonk can try to squeeze me out and wait for the lights to change, I don't look at the girls anymore (not what your thinking) I've been married for 38 years and SWMBO will know!!!!
  2. Hi Andy welcome to the YOC, good luck with your theory test and ride safe.
  3. Nice fix Stuart, always best to fix it yourself first even if you f**k it up. The insurance from the YOC is supposed to be competitive so give them a try. Good luck on the MOT.
  4. It must be cheaper and more sense to just change the gearbox components, after all it just means removing the old gearbox internals and replace with the same from another bike? not sure what the procedure is but if cost is an issue (which it is for most of us) then do the cheaper thing. Plus if you go to a newer engine then as above injection versus carb conversion can be a nightmare just getting the wiring right, not for me to say really but this is a case of LESS IS MORE.
  5. I would say clutch as well, scraping sounds are usually a sign of worn plates an easy fix for most folks.
  6. Hi Welcome to the YOC, YOUR DAD ROCKS!! 86 and still getting his hands oily can't help with the fault but this deserved an answer, he gave you a BMW?? I hope you gave him something for Fathers day. Get your dad to join in he will be welcome where ever he rocks up.
  7. Ok Foamy is there something you should be telling us "IN HEELS" is that in a dress as well?
  8. Nice bike Bippo, happy trails, all topboxes are ugly just seems to be how it is, still as it's behind you who cares!
  9. Me to Jimmy WTF is that then? "Patch in" I bet it's some sort of techie thing!
  10. slice

    Settling in to it

    Believe it or not it get's better, I envy you as I can still remember my first ride out alone with no plates and that was a LOOOOONG time ago, stay safe.
  11. Now that is a pretty pretty bike, well done, that's how you make an old bike look good. I particularly like the tail end, very neat. I hope your proud of it cos it's quite beautifully done.
  12. slice


    Er okayyyyy, sure this is something? Can I have my 2 minutes 2 seconds back please?
  13. The one time you "WANT" you bike to vibrate!!!
  14. slice


    GOOP in the back tyre and my wallet + AA recovery, Oh and a drink snack and a packet of fags cos the AA take forever to get to you and they know sod all about bikes.
  15. I have SPORT-CAM HDpro, it is a bullet camera with attached box thingy that takes micro SDHD cards, a really good camera and excellent video resolution, it did cost more than your £200 but they do other cameras that might suit your needs. Go to [email protected] and have a look, seem to be nice people although they are hard to get hold of they NEVER answer the phone but do answer emails!! Mine was £299.99 so might be more than you want but they also do smaller bullet cams that are all in one. I am not saying you should buy their stuff just that it might be worth a look.
  16. I hesitate to say this but, I fix computers and have done for some years now and there are lots of laptops out there that have a known problem with overheating, now under the sale of goods act (see EU regs) the item, what ever it might be, should be fit for purpose, if there is a known fault with the shocks on the dragstar then this "SHOULD" be one of those times when a refund or replacement is in order. The sale of goods act is meant to cover just this type of fault, that is when an item is used in the correct way and has no modifications or abnormal use but fails due to poor design or abnormal wear. I'm not saying that you will get your money back but Yamaha must know that there is a problem if it is as prevalent as you say and everybody knows this happens. There is "NOT" a one year warranty on such items but under the regulations at present it is in fact a MINIMUM of 2 years and up to 7 years depending on the type of item and where you are in the UK, in fact in SCOTLAND the minimum time for such repair or replacement is 7 years. This at the moment is used using white goods ie fridge freezer or washing machine/ dryer but covers any and all mechanical parts that are fitted as normal to any mechanical device. If you don't believe me then got to the EU website and check it out, I have had at the very least 12 laptops replaced by the manufacturer (Dell/Toshiba/Samsung) using this very same argument, just print out the form that is available from the EU website present it to your dealer with a covering letter that states your problem and they HAVE to respond to your problem under the latest statutes regarding the sale of goods. PS if they refuse to consider your claim then you are entitled to start a small claims case against them (at no cost to you) in which they must respond within 4 weeks of their intention to replace said faulty item or respond to your claim in court, I have never had any of the big 5 computer companies refuse to replace a faulty item and only once have had the need to go to the bother of a small claims court where they lost!! Re: EU Directive 1999/44/EC -V- Sale of Goods Act Your interested in the EU directive 1999/44/EC NOT the SOGA, these are different things and in some cases can confuse the issue when not taken in the correct context.
  17. slice

    paint come off?

    Take it back, what's the worst that can happen? as it's brand new you should be able to get them to at least touch it up, just a thought though if you take it back and they say they will sort it out how long will they have it for? might be better to buy yourself a touchup stick and do it yourself. Maybe they will give you a free pot of paint if you offer to do it your self.
  18. slice

    Damp start!

    What's a bit of rain when your on your own and enjoying every minute you can always get dry and the shivering helps with the circulation
  19. Have you thought of having one of these mobile electrical motor engineers have a look at your bike? I know it's not the done thing to admit defeat but my son's car had an intermitant fault on one of the ign modules and I finally threw in the towel and called one of these guys out, cost me £30 and he fixed it in about 25 minutes, had my head under the bonnet for a day and a half!! It might save you money in the long run as just changing stuff till you get it right is time consuming and expensive. Just an idea you understand but these guys come with state of the art kit and you get to learn stuff from them that comes in handy later.
  20. slice

    Ha ha

    Say's it all then!!!!!!!
  21. Go Pro every time at least you can take it back if your arse goes numb!!
  22. Just a thought, a mate of mine is into modelling (not what your thinking either!!!) radio control things, anyway he says that there are people using carbon fibre for spokes on road bikes, things change so fast it's difficult to keep up but the gist is that you can get them any colour and size, thought it might save you having to worry about painting yours or using stainless steel, not saying they actually do these things just what I heard a net search might turn something up?
  23. Thank you both, laughted till I cried, now where do I get a C90?
  24. Ok so as some of you know I have "acquired" a couple of Suzuki bikes from my local bike shop, will not go into the whole story but they both needed the fork seals doing, not an inconsiderable job on one bike let alone two, so as usual looked on YOUTUBE to see if there was anything special about Suzuki seals that might bite me on the arse when I got them apart. Found a vid about a thing called "seal mate" bit of plastic you shove down inside the seal and it hooks the crap out "WITHOUT" taking the forks apart (this only works if the seals are ok but weeping slightly which most are) long story short I made my own out of a piece of plastic that came from the top of a take out Chinese meal thingy, one of those plastic things the rice comes in, the wife NEVER throws free stuff away (if your married you know what I mean if not then you will find out) anyway now BOTH sets of seals are fine, incredible really saved me hours of work and lots of swearing!! Have a look yourself "sealmate the tool that fixes leaking fork seals" I couldn't be happier with the result. Just thought you might give it a try and save yourself a boat load of grief or cash. PS if you f**k it up it's NOT my fault ok. PPS Grouch just DON'T ok.
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