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Everything posted by slice

  1. Well "WHY DIDN'T YOU SAY THAT" in the beginning? If you want members (YOC) to attend your event then it might be an idea to say that up front instead of saying it was Japanese CARS? Some of us do own cars but we LOVE bikes more, so if you would be kind enough to INTRODUCE yourself in the NEW MEMBERS section you might get more than sarcasm and some interest from the people here. We are ,believe it or not, a friendly bunch but we like to use a sort of netiquette where new people say Hi before they start asking questions or inviting us to their show, it shows that they are serious about what they are doing and helps us identify with them on a personal level. Also we are quite smart, for a bunch of bikers, and know when someone is trying to get free advertising for their event on our site, so take it as read that we know where your coming from and do what we do on here.
  2. Hi Replay, welcome to the YOC.
  3. "KILLED BY A SEAGULL" on your tomb stone, have the other corpses rolling around laughing at you for eternity.
  4. Foamy you are so "NOT" pc aren't you? Better watch out they will come and get you!!!!!!
  5. Hi Steve, Welcome to the YOC, You sound just like me!!!! Had a Bonnie and used to race, mostly Brands Hatch (Sunday league) fell off at Druids and had to get a lift home in the back of a mates old van, happy days. Your CBF is a nice bike bit difficult to follow that when you think about it, my favourite at the moment is the FJR 1300 or the XJR both nice bikes but maybe to much like what you already have? Wish you luck with finding your new toy.
  6. Ahh I see they are "TOSSERS" then, quite right to name and shame, Twitter is supposed to be quite good for this sort of thing though you have to be careful about what you actually say of course, sorry you had to get bitten twice by these rogues, never a nice thing to be crapped on twice, glad your out of it now though, feel sorry for the next owner but what can you do?
  7. Just a thought but did you actually go talk to them about the problem? It might be that they don't know and that they will be mortified that they let a bike out that was not safe, most folks are reasonable when it comes to a face to face and they usually take onboard that they have f**ked up, just saying it MIGHT be a one off, if you know for sure that they are tossers then quite right that you NAME & SHAME but if it's a genuine mistake? Just my opinion you understand, they can't get better or know about your problem unless you tell them can they. But as you said it's not good enough to let a bike out with a dangerous fault.
  8. Your not old your just a boy!!! But your right that it is a pleasant surprise when your insurance premium is less than the tax on your bike, just think next year it will be LESS!!!
  9. Hi Steve, it might be an idea to do an "INTRO" before you launch into asking questions, just polite to say Hi first as we get a LOT of one hit wonders, please go to "new members" section and just say a few things about yourself so folks can relate. Other than that a big WELCOME to the YOC. Wish you luck with finding the right bike, Fazer is a nice ride.
  10. I went to school with the "QUO" Rick Parfitt was a dick!!! Sorry didn't mean to hijack your thread Tasky!
  11. Ok I can say with some conviction that I clean it dry it and put it away, but what I should do is all that and CHECK FOR MISSING NUTS AND BOLTS (see my last post!!) Usual routine is to service it once it's in winter storage so it's ready for next year when the sun comes out, yes you've guessed it I am a softy and only now ride when it's warm out, to bloody old for riding around in the frost and rain, I leave that for those who have lot's younger outlooks and bodies.
  12. slice

    What a MUPPET!!!

    If you do Mike the kettle is always on.
  13. Signed it, pointless really but it's only when you stop that they know they have won.
  14. You are such a cynic Jimmy!!!
  15. Handsome little bike you have there, so glad your on the mend sounds like a plan and at that price got to be worth doing, good luck with your rebuild.
  16. Looks ok to me, although you sound like a man waiting for the executioner to arrive, just remember to "SMILE" when the new owner arrives as crying on a strangers shoulder will get you talked about.
  17. slice

    money no object

    I would buy and restore an old friend, my late lamented Francis Barnett 200cc, I think it was called a "FALCON" can't remember much about it really but I just want the chance to treat one right after the way I abused the first one. I was 15 at the time!!!!
  18. slice

    What a MUPPET!!!

    Ok I admit it, it was me, I noticed a strange clunk when out the other day and it only happened when I leaned into a corner, didn't think to much about it but I was getting worse all the time and giving some odd handling, sort of rolled into the corner and then flopped over a couple of inches half way through, bit scary actually, so was checking the oil and happened to look up under the handle bars and would you believe it NO BOLTS IN THE TOP of the head stock!!!!!! Both bolts gone AWOL and of course the forks were wobbling about all over the place, a lot of swearing later about useless bloody Japanese crap when it occurred to me that I had not checked the bike out over the winter and it's not the bikes fault but the dumb arse sat on it!!!! So out with the spanners and socket set and I found about 15 bolts that had been slowly working them selves loose over time, so if you want to avoid feeling a right twonk then have a look at your own bikes and I bet that you find some loose on yours to. I have now used thread lock on anything that moves and will be checking every 500 miles or so. PS 2 allen bolts on the clutch casing (lower) were missing as well DOH!
  19. Ok thanks all, some good points there, had not thought about it being roasting hot and that affecting the engine, makes sense when you think about it, your right will not take me all weekend to do the service and was just having a moan!!! But with air filter oil filter oil plugs (might as well) and no doubt some unexpected things cropping up I bet it's still all Saturday morning (see moaning again!!!) Plus I filled up on the motorway services so was BP not your cheapo stuff but that said I suspect that the hot journey never crossed my mind that the temp was a factor in fuel consumption.
  20. Thanks Tasky, I was thinking air filter myself but just fitted a new one so thought it should be ok but will whip it out and have a look at it, the tank takes about 4 gallons and I get about 65/75 to the gallon so thinking was about average of 70 to the gallon so around 280 odd miles to a tank full. But your idea of oil rings my bell not changed it for the last 5K so that's were I'm off to now + new filter, there goes my weekend!!.
  21. Always handy to have someone who can turn out a one of a kind item or that elusive nut or bolt that you can't get anymore, sure you will find lots of folks on here to keep you busy and soon the word will get around you might end up with more than you bargained for!!!!
  22. Ok I have just got back from a trip down to Portsmouth, about 230 miles, and it normally takes about 3/4 of a tank there and back it's mostly motorway and dual carriageway so average speed is around 75/85, the bike is 30+ years old so not thrashing it, anyway yesterday it used 1 1/2 tanks of fuel which is way over the normal amount I have checked for leaks and split hoses (nothing) even looked in the engine oil to see if it might have drained down into the engine sump but no extra fluid in there or smell of petrol, so my question is were did it all go? I have cleaned the carbs in the winter and balanced them checked all the jets were ok & flushed the tank filter, ignition is electronic so if it runs it's working. I'm a bit stumped, does ethanol in the fuel make for LESS mileage? Any thoughts you might have would be appreciated.
  23. True so true but you notice that he has not replied!!!! I bet he is in Hospital having his blood pressure taken and advice to not listen to strangers
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